Winter Anime OP Digest – part 2


Tsui here again on another OP digest for the Winter Anime season! Note: The OPs listed below are only from the Winter anime early episodes I’ve watched so far. This post contains OPs for MARIA+HOLIC, RIDE BACK, Viper’s Creed, Birdy Decode: 02, Kemono no Souja Boy Erin,  Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, Munto, Minami-ke Okaeri, Tower of DRUAGA: Sword of URUK and Asu no Yoichi. So here we go…


“What’s Hot”: 2008


The supposed-to-be “year-end” post that never happened because I was gone lol XD… So here thy present the best, the worst, the OMG’s, the WTF’s and my (actually “our”, since Tsuiteru gave some ideas to me on this post as well) biased favorites of the year 2008 from manga, anime, seiyuu, music, randomness and more. In short: 2008 wrapped up in a post XD.

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Japan’s Top 50 Singles [01/11/09]

The best top 2 ever!!! Ayumi and Koda ftw!!!!!!!! Well, I can’t argue on which one’s better since they’re both really good and different on their own ways.

Credits to OriconGoddess for the video and keeping us all updated in the Oricon action ^_^.

Express More


Here in Metanorn, commenting is now made more fun!!! Why you ask? Because look below at the comment box, you see those cute little gif images? Yay I heard you, everyone can now use them in commenting! Just click on them and try! Now here’s each and everyone of them stands for, or means. Most of my icons are the infamously cute onions, and credits to for all of the icons and big thanks to whoever who made them.

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Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 05 – The Girls Pimp Your Ride!


As what the OP says, “It’s time to make it hot!”, and this is totally the time for the girls to make it hot and step it up! Get ready for the coolest photoshoot ever on the history of Anime-NTM since I’ve worked hard on editing the girls’ photos! Will the lucky seven girls maintain ferocity and coolness in this fast and furious photo shoot?

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Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 4th Elimination


8 girls are remaining, but it would soon be seven girls left after the deliberation! Who would be the next Girl of the Week? Which girl would be left frozen in the ice and get her dreams winning taken away by the snowstorm?

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New Castle!!!

Kan: Welcome to the brand new Metanorn! Now hosted by Kokidokom!!! I wanna thank 7 very much because he totally broke my chains off to widen my blogging experience. This would definitely be more fun and exciting! After 9 months of blogging at the free blog, 5 months after moving on to another blog, 379 posts in there, 687 tags, 2,617 comment and 97,412 hits and counting, it’s sad bidding farewell but happy for a new door opening. And now I’m glad and excited to work and learn here on a real WordPress blog!!! As like what 7 says: “WOOOT!”. I can work out more on my designs because there’s much more to do here!

Tsui: Well, I’m just dragged along as usual but I’m happy that Metanorn’s being hosted and Kanzie’s happy. I wanna express my utmost gratitude to 7, for providing a host for the blog. I’ll really work harder being Kanzie’s co-blogger here and a loyal servant (< I’m forced to say that line) 😛



First Banner: +GOTHIC COOL+ [Shiki and Rima of Vampire Knight]


What’s new?

As you can see, we now have a new and cooler theme! Yipee! It’s so much fun learning a little bit on CSS, with the huge help of 7. The backmost layer contains the black background with design. Next to it are lighter layers to match it. I also made the headers of the sidebars to add a touch of (starry) flava. The header of course is Shiki and Rima from Vampire Knight, and I’m proud to say that they’re my very first official header here 🙂 Another obvious change is that there are two sidebars now. Though they’re still under construction and testing on how would I put things in the proper places lol. There’s a cool Anime-NTM corner on the left side (btw, the photos you see would be their photos for the next photoshoot. Trust me, it’s beyond cool and I made everyone photos but still the elimination is for tomorrow 🙂 )

I’m also glad that I’m writing again in my own username of “Kanzeon” and not metan0rn anymore lol. Another thing to love is that I can fiddle around more with my blog design ^_^. And I chose Kokidokom because I know that it would be the next big thing and 7 is very nice to also cater fresh new bloggers. So anyone who wants to join the family, (I personally wanna recommend FuyuMaiden and Xiao Jie lol) feel free to contact him or go to the irc channel 🙂 .

Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 04 – The Girls in Freezing Point


And now it’s down to eight! The competition gets hotter and hotter! Oh wait! What if we change the word “hotter” to “cooler”? That’s how would this episode be as the girls will get under sub-zero as frigid damsels!

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Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 3rd Elimination

fadeout3It had been a long seasonal break for AnimeNTM this cycle, but I guess it’s all needed by the girls, because the competition gets more fierce, as we all get closer and closer on who would win Anime’s Next Top Model Cycle 2!

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I Love MEtanorn.


I officially made brand new set of banners 🙂 From now, it would be the “I Love ME-tanorn Metanorn” banner series for it would last after Valentines Day.

I sticked into one main color motif background for the banners and it’s not red, it is black. Why black? Because I love black. Black looks good. Clear shampoo XDDD~… And NO it’s not that I’m emo (EWW) and not also bitter (LOL), it’s just that black looks so cool and modern and trendy and sophisticated and elegant and seductive… so yeah… there’s no point XD I just like to paint Valentines Day with sophisticated black XD…

…So first banner up!

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