Mayo Chiki – 10
Subaru- “Ojou-sama, can I kill them now?” Kanade- “No, we still need our viewers.”
Mayo Chiki – 06
Moe sheep mascots are really into BL novels! Is that you Anaaga? Ness? OC? or Kyokai?!
Nakuru- “Muhahaha yes give me all your money! For another season please!”
Subaru- “It’s not easy being the hottest girl around.”
Subaru- “Ojou-sama, can I kill them now?” Kanade- “No, we still need our viewers.”
Kanade- “Hello, everyone! I am taking over this series please enjoy my show.”
Jirou- “So many girls so little drugs er I MEAN TIME DAMN IT!!”
Don’t worry, Jirou, I am sure you two had a lovely night.
Moe sheep mascots are really into BL novels! Is that you Anaaga? Ness? OC? or Kyokai?!
Perfectly normal day for Jirou!
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