Tsuritama – 11
“Yuki, stop headbanging while you fish!” “I CAN’T HELP IT MAN. I’M JUST TOO METAL.”
Tsuritama – 08
“Hey there, sweetheart. We don’t see you around here much. Why don’t you come with us and learn some…pole jerking ;D”
“Yuki, stop headbanging while you fish!” “I CAN’T HELP IT MAN. I’M JUST TOO METAL.”
Tired of fishing, Yuki decides to take up street fighting.
Her name is Koko, she is loco I said oh…wrong anime.
“Hey there, sweetheart. We don’t see you around here much. Why don’t you come with us and learn some…pole jerking ;D”
Fishing is so last week. It’s all about magic surfing now!
“Tuna are huge, without one of these, they’ll TAKE your rod!” …Sounds painful
Just a metre more away from the boat, and they’d be catching sharks instead
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