Masamune-kun no Revenge – 12 [END]
♪♩♬ The curtains close on a kiss/God knows, you can tell the end is near….♪♩♬
Masamune-kun no Revenge – 04
At least tell me I have breath that smells like summer wine! ANYTHING YOU IDIOT!
♪♩♬ The curtains close on a kiss/God knows, you can tell the end is near….♪♩♬
A Tale of Two Apples?
The YoshiGoRound
…and in a way it was a farewell…
Playing Hangry Hangry Aki!
It’s coming up, It’s coming up, It’s coming up,…IT’S DARE!
Shrimp! What more can I say?
Things might get evil…
At least tell me I have breath that smells like summer wine! ANYTHING YOU IDIOT!
Did you hear that!? Grab a Snicker’s, girl!
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