Winter Anime Catalogue 2012

Welcome to METANORN’s Winter Anime Catalogue of 2012!

Time to snowball into the new season~

Another year almost ending and another Winter line up. There are times that I think, where the hell time flies when you are having fun?! Season wise, I never get snowfall so I haven’t really enjoyed this weather but still it’s my favourite and a few weeks of reprieve after living in perpetual summer is all my tired body needs! From previous seasons, it’s evident that Winter’s not really great for a barrage of ‘good shows’ but there are always some titles that stand out like Nisemonogatari, Natsume Yuujinchou and Another. For me, this is the season to reduce my plan-to-watch list with some much needed marathoning. This is our early Christmas present to our readers or you can say ‘In-Time’. Hope you enjoy your holidays with some animu love~ :3
Winter: the season where sluts still find ways to reveal as much skin as possible. In Canada, the rest of the ladies here have it down to a fine art. BUT, we are not here to discuss the weather, we are here to read a super long list about anime! Take your time and don’t read it all at once, alright? It’s a hefty amount of words and you wouldn’t want to miss anything. After all, there are only a few series that look really good, so keep an eye open.
Be wary future visitors to Southern California: it’s not warm! Well, at least where I’m located at, where it’s been a constant 50-60 degrees every day. At least I have a good excuse to grab some yummy peppermint mocha, hurrhurr. Anyway, my sweeeeeeeeeet five week vacation is starting (praise college vacation times!) and I can’t wait to get back into the anime groove with some new, hopeful Winter titles. Yet, I’m still getting that sinking feeling that I’ll be as unimpressed with this year’s Winter season as I was with last year’s. If I am, well, at least I have my Bakuman S2…!
Whoa! Where the hell did my fall season go!? It sure ended fast! Guess it’s time to break out the hot chocolate and warm blankets and curl up to some brand new anime. This list looks a bit smaller to me usually we have so many shows to look through, but I have found a few hidden “gems” in this winter season. I noticed we finally got some more giant robot anime with this season like Aquarion EVOL and Rinne no Lagrange. And of course the series I am already drooling over Mouretsu Pirates, I can not wait to see what that show offers for me and it premiers on my birthday? Wonderful news! I hope you enjoy our amazing winter previews.
I have good memories of the winter season; listening to late night radio, roasting marshmallows over scented candles, watching my cat try to figure out what snow is…Yeah, good times. IF ONLY I COULD SAY THE SAME ABOUT THE ANIME SEASON. With the exception of maybe last year when we had little beauties like Wandering Son and Supernatural, winter is pants for anime. It just is. The shows all sound the same. My guess is that the writers are all too busy having fun in the sun during Spring and Summer when they are supposed to be writing the winter season that by the time they drag their drunken carcasses into the studio all they know how to right about is the beer-goggled instances of when they struck out with girls, or were so high on drugs they suddenly thought “Hey, this doesn’t need logic! It’s pretty!”…Prove me wrong, winter season! Prove me wrong!
Winter, I hate you because it’s just so damn cold and all I want to do is hibernate like a bear. BUT! I do like the holidays that you bring… somewhat. I’m so poor though, WHY!?! And I end up working lots! Plus, too much good food and you know what that means? DIET after the holidays! Man, I already wish it was summer… So yeah! Anime. Looking forward to a few this winter. Mainly I want to see the New Prince of Tennis and the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs. So exciting~! Unfortunately, I doubt that I’ll be covering any shows solo this season (not surprising huh?) but I’ll probably revive the Nesshizzel Tag Team with aniki. Other than that, I’ll be working on behind the scenes stuff as usual and my digest posts. So look forward to that~
It’s winter, meaning daily use of the crew socks, turning the thermostat up and watching some god awful anime. Everything this season either looks like garbage or is overrated and will highly likely fail to meet expectations. I’m kidding… I’m not that negative a guy. Nisemonogatari should be a-ok, Another is a really interesting property for P.A. Works to adapt, and Aquarion Evol kind of came out of nowhere as a surprise sequel; I guess those OVA’s did good a few years ago. So get some cocoa (preferably in one of those mugs that has a battery-operated spinny wheel in it), flip thru the preview pages, and look for the Roy Mustang avatar as I express my opines on those series.
Ah, winter. I have a love hate relationship with it. Love the snow, hate the cold. …Oh, right the anime. You know, despite everyone saying that summer and winter anime generally aren’t as good, I disagree. I ALWAYS find something I like in every season of anime. Plus, if I don’t like anything, I can always spend winter marathoning Rurouni Kenshin (like I’ve been planning to for 6 months now…).
WINTER! MY SECOND FAVORITE SEASON! This is the season where I get to curl up in a ball and not do ANYTHING. Well, for the most part. Until school starts up again. BUT STILL. It’s glorious. It’s all cold outside and you get to bust out your winter gear and it’s so great! The cherry on top of this delightfully cold sundae (Hah. See what I did there?) is that there’s a whole new season of anime! WOOH! Though I haven’t seen many shows that have interested me, I’m hoping, like Hime, that I’ll be proven wrong. So let’s see what’s poppin’!
Jeez it’s winter already? Why is the sun still shining so effin hot? *fist at sun* I’m so sad because I’ve never tasted snow in my seventeen years of life, and probably won’t in the future because I always ended up stuck in tropical countries. Oh well, at least I got my air conditioner. And some anime I know I will like this season. Not all, but maybe some.


Oh man, I’m so glad we are finally done with this. With it on brewing for one and a half month, we sure took out time setting dibs and finding information. Though like every season preview, we had a ball and hope you get an in-depth look at what to watch and skip via Metanorn’s 2012 Winter Anime Catalogue!

>>> Seizon Senryaku ke masho ka?!



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We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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123 Responses to “Winter Anime Catalogue 2012”

  1. […] Cart Driver | Metanorn | Star Crossed | Daydream Sanctuary | Daifuuku | Random […]

  2. […] Bokutachi no Blog – Kita ze Inbou – METANORN – Random Curiosity – Sea Slugs! – Tenka Seiha – T.H.A.T. From the feed of A Product of Wasted […]

  3. […] courtesy (though without their permission) of Random Curiosity, Emory Anime Club, METANORN, Sea Slugs! Anime Blog, Star Crossed Anime Blog, and UK Anime, by Hanners from Hanners’ Anime […]

  4. […] Disclaimer: Information stolen from Random Curiosity, Emory Anime Club, METANORN, Sea Slugs! Anime Blog, Star Crossed Anime Blog, and UK Anime, by Hanners from Hanners’ Anime […]

  5. […] I would’ve created a better distribution. Maybe something like METANORN’s, where each are put into separate categories. But nooo, of course, nobody wants me to categorize my […]

  6. […] from @COWBOYBIBIMBOP. Open it and keep it open in a new tab or something. Here's other posts from THE METANORN in all caps; THE UK ANIME in all caps (by Hanners of Hanners' Anime 'Blog, not all in caps); THE […]

  7. Mushyrulez says:

    The thing about your season previews is that it’s sometimes hard to guess which categories certain anime go into when you want to cross-research different anime for your own previews. Not that I’m complaining or anything, but maybe a list at the beginning outlining the anime going into each category would be a helpful guide.

    This is also to those people who only watch like one show a season, and don’t want to bother going through the other shows. Whereas on other blogs they could simply Ctrl + F, this post is multiple pages long, so…


    I mean I’m not complaining I swear

    • Jrow says:

      I really like the list idea. Something like a drop-down list and make anchor tags so it takes you directly to the show(s) you’d like to see our opinions on, or also move the page labels to the top with the shows underneath each category like Action, RomCom, etc.

      The pages thing seems to have been around (I’m somewhat guessing here) ever since before Kyokai became the site leader, so it’s probably just a format that she and Ness are comfortable with. And with the way this preview was prepared (with 3 thoughts per show and such), if we didn’t go the pages route, there’d probably be scrolling all the way to Timbuktu. Ctrl + F is something I’d certainly do, but at least calling our preview a catalogue is an appropriate term since you’re flipping/clicking pages to see the next set of animes. I think the list idea would alleviate the issue of having to click thru pages a bit.

      And thanks for neither complaining or swearing. XD There’s certainly things we can do to make following season previews easier to navigate and more interesting to read.

  8. […] 27, 2012 @ 1:46 am Thanks to Metanorn’s winter 2012 anime catalogue, I was able to figure out what to watch — Both to review and not. The following are the […]

  9. […] Winter Anime Catalogue 2012 – Metanorn – Pulling out all of the stops, Team Metanorn gives a blow-by-blow on the Winter season, breaking it down by genre, as well as breaking with blogger tradition and giving movies and OVAs some attention as well. Impressive layout and lots of commentary. […]

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