Halloween Film Review! Kyoukai no Kanata: I’ll be There – Mirai-hen
Mirai is ready for Trick or Treat!
R-18 Otome Game Review: Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi
“NO, scissors aren’t supposed to go anywhere near there! WHY?!” the otome game.
In between blogging, we’re out there to catch ’em all
Uh…we’re flying north, right? Or East? Err…
Beautiful Word, Beautiful World
The only game capable of making Overcooled cry
Mirai is ready for Trick or Treat!
Oboro knows how to get some serious tail
Obligatory “PUT YA GUNS ON” introduction!
“NO, scissors aren’t supposed to go anywhere near there! WHY?!” the otome game.
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