Winter Anime Catalogue 2012

Welcome to METANORN’s Winter Anime Catalogue of 2012!

Time to snowball into the new season~

Another year almost ending and another Winter line up. There are times that I think, where the hell time flies when you are having fun?! Season wise, I never get snowfall so I haven’t really enjoyed this weather but still it’s my favourite and a few weeks of reprieve after living in perpetual summer is all my tired body needs! From previous seasons, it’s evident that Winter’s not really great for a barrage of ‘good shows’ but there are always some titles that stand out like Nisemonogatari, Natsume Yuujinchou and Another. For me, this is the season to reduce my plan-to-watch list with some much needed marathoning. This is our early Christmas present to our readers or you can say ‘In-Time’. Hope you enjoy your holidays with some animu love~ :3
Winter: the season where sluts still find ways to reveal as much skin as possible. In Canada, the rest of the ladies here have it down to a fine art. BUT, we are not here to discuss the weather, we are here to read a super long list about anime! Take your time and don’t read it all at once, alright? It’s a hefty amount of words and you wouldn’t want to miss anything. After all, there are only a few series that look really good, so keep an eye open.
Be wary future visitors to Southern California: it’s not warm! Well, at least where I’m located at, where it’s been a constant 50-60 degrees every day. At least I have a good excuse to grab some yummy peppermint mocha, hurrhurr. Anyway, my sweeeeeeeeeet five week vacation is starting (praise college vacation times!) and I can’t wait to get back into the anime groove with some new, hopeful Winter titles. Yet, I’m still getting that sinking feeling that I’ll be as unimpressed with this year’s Winter season as I was with last year’s. If I am, well, at least I have my Bakuman S2…!
Whoa! Where the hell did my fall season go!? It sure ended fast! Guess it’s time to break out the hot chocolate and warm blankets and curl up to some brand new anime. This list looks a bit smaller to me usually we have so many shows to look through, but I have found a few hidden “gems” in this winter season. I noticed we finally got some more giant robot anime with this season like Aquarion EVOL and Rinne no Lagrange. And of course the series I am already drooling over Mouretsu Pirates, I can not wait to see what that show offers for me and it premiers on my birthday? Wonderful news! I hope you enjoy our amazing winter previews.
I have good memories of the winter season; listening to late night radio, roasting marshmallows over scented candles, watching my cat try to figure out what snow is…Yeah, good times. IF ONLY I COULD SAY THE SAME ABOUT THE ANIME SEASON. With the exception of maybe last year when we had little beauties like Wandering Son and Supernatural, winter is pants for anime. It just is. The shows all sound the same. My guess is that the writers are all too busy having fun in the sun during Spring and Summer when they are supposed to be writing the winter season that by the time they drag their drunken carcasses into the studio all they know how to right about is the beer-goggled instances of when they struck out with girls, or were so high on drugs they suddenly thought “Hey, this doesn’t need logic! It’s pretty!”…Prove me wrong, winter season! Prove me wrong!
Winter, I hate you because it’s just so damn cold and all I want to do is hibernate like a bear. BUT! I do like the holidays that you bring… somewhat. I’m so poor though, WHY!?! And I end up working lots! Plus, too much good food and you know what that means? DIET after the holidays! Man, I already wish it was summer… So yeah! Anime. Looking forward to a few this winter. Mainly I want to see the New Prince of Tennis and the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs. So exciting~! Unfortunately, I doubt that I’ll be covering any shows solo this season (not surprising huh?) but I’ll probably revive the Nesshizzel Tag Team with aniki. Other than that, I’ll be working on behind the scenes stuff as usual and my digest posts. So look forward to that~
It’s winter, meaning daily use of the crew socks, turning the thermostat up and watching some god awful anime. Everything this season either looks like garbage or is overrated and will highly likely fail to meet expectations. I’m kidding… I’m not that negative a guy. Nisemonogatari should be a-ok, Another is a really interesting property for P.A. Works to adapt, and Aquarion Evol kind of came out of nowhere as a surprise sequel; I guess those OVA’s did good a few years ago. So get some cocoa (preferably in one of those mugs that has a battery-operated spinny wheel in it), flip thru the preview pages, and look for the Roy Mustang avatar as I express my opines on those series.
Ah, winter. I have a love hate relationship with it. Love the snow, hate the cold. …Oh, right the anime. You know, despite everyone saying that summer and winter anime generally aren’t as good, I disagree. I ALWAYS find something I like in every season of anime. Plus, if I don’t like anything, I can always spend winter marathoning Rurouni Kenshin (like I’ve been planning to for 6 months now…).
WINTER! MY SECOND FAVORITE SEASON! This is the season where I get to curl up in a ball and not do ANYTHING. Well, for the most part. Until school starts up again. BUT STILL. It’s glorious. It’s all cold outside and you get to bust out your winter gear and it’s so great! The cherry on top of this delightfully cold sundae (Hah. See what I did there?) is that there’s a whole new season of anime! WOOH! Though I haven’t seen many shows that have interested me, I’m hoping, like Hime, that I’ll be proven wrong. So let’s see what’s poppin’!
Jeez it’s winter already? Why is the sun still shining so effin hot? *fist at sun* I’m so sad because I’ve never tasted snow in my seventeen years of life, and probably won’t in the future because I always ended up stuck in tropical countries. Oh well, at least I got my air conditioner. And some anime I know I will like this season. Not all, but maybe some.


Oh man, I’m so glad we are finally done with this. With it on brewing for one and a half month, we sure took out time setting dibs and finding information. Though like every season preview, we had a ball and hope you get an in-depth look at what to watch and skip via Metanorn’s 2012 Winter Anime Catalogue!

>>> Seizon Senryaku ke masho ka?!



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next »


We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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123 Responses to “Winter Anime Catalogue 2012”

  1. Bass says:

    Man I’ve been so out of the loop lately, this will definitely come in handy. Once again, an amazing job by everyone, everything looks so sweeeettttt XD

    Now it’s time to read this monster. :3

  2. Karakuri says:

    I-it’s beautiful! *cries*

    Ness, you are my hero. Seriously.

    • Ness says:

      The designs it the easy part>< haha it's just finding info and getting around to put in my own comments/synopsis' that is time consuming for me :3 But yeah, thanks Kara XD

    • Foshizzel says:

      My niisan is awesome! GOOD JOB NESS

  3. Foshizzel says:

    Amazing job everyone! For comments and graphical work hooray team! 😀

  4. skylion says:

    I’m on board with all of the romance series. I may be unpopular here, but I am really interested in Listen to Me Girls..
    I think it might be a ‘pull the rug out from under you series’ Lotte actually did do that. It was a bit squicky until it got to be charming in it’s own way. Like Fosh, I’m going to be wary of bad tsundere jokes.

    Ano Natsu looks and kinda feels like the spiritual successor of both Toradora and Ano Hana…so I’m not only on board, I’m setting my deck chair up and ordering the bubbly.

    Kill Me Baby. Yes. Yes. And did I say, Yes?

    • Foshizzel says:

      LOLLOL Yeaaaahhhh Lottes toy was good and not as sexual themed as most people feared…sure there were tons of loli-pantsu every 10 minutes ok maybe not every 10 mins….But hey! Whatever people be scared.

      Toradora and Ana Hana and believe it or not…HoTD! I know shocking right?

      Yep! I can’t wait to watch Kill Me Baby <3 It looks like Nichijou!

      • skylion says:

        Gonna show my numb numb here, but HoTD? I’m not getting the abbreviation. Numb numb.

        • Jrow says:

          Highschool of the Dead.

          • skylion says:

            Ah,that show just never got on my radar, beyond a few clips from AMV Hell. Rlly? ::checks anidb:: Oh, got it. OK. Now on me radar.

            You know, Fosh, I wasn’t thinking Nichijou until you said it, now all I can see is Rock, Paper, Scissors, GUN!

  5. Zabobinator says:


    This looks awesome. 😀

  6. Blackholeheart says:

    As is becoming a tradition, the Metanorn season preview has inflated my watch list number(though not to the fall insanity level of 22 shows) to 15 from 9.

    Great job Gals & Guys, thank you for the work each of you put in to this. You’re all awesome!

    • Ness says:

      Thanks much. Glad we could help you with deciding on what you’ll be watching XD

    • Foshizzel says:

      MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! -thumbs up-

      I know right? I always go ok…lets limit our personal lists shall we? WRONG! I end up with 15+ shows always xD

      Thank you so much! We do it for our fans and fellow anime bloggers..

  7. Mitsuki says:

    BERSERK MOVIEEE~ Oh how I’ve been waiting for it!
    .hack has a theme song by KOKIA?! *w*
    and anyway once again thanks for this informative post~

    • Ness says:

      You’re welcome~! I still need to watch the series><; Then I'll be just as excited as you for the movie? :3

      • Mitsuki says:

        I didn’t watch the Tv series after watching the first episode. No Puck and not that good animation quality=NO.
        But I’ve read and reread the manga 3 times already and it’s still just as awesome as reading it the first time.
        The reason why I’ve been so exited about the movie is that it appears that they intent to stick closer to the manga than the TV series and generally the first episode really told me everything I needed to know not to keep on watching.
        AND THERE WILL BE PUCK *_________________*

    • Foshizzel says:

      .Hack for the win! That CGI movie actually looks amazing, can’t wait to check it out.

      Welcome! I hope you find lots of shows to watch in Winter.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Where did Fall go? That was incredibly quick to say the least. Well, let’s get started on Winter 2012.

    Black Rock Shooter: I can’t believe we have to wait so long for Black Rock Shooter and I’m bummed that it’s only 8 episodes (Saw that on Anime News Network). That’s an irregular number for any series. What threw me off are the differences between the OVA and the series, like the artwork of the characters is not the same. Like Dead Master’s veil and glasses.

    Senhime Zesshou Symphgear: This anime looks interesting. I always give a chance to anything that has supernatural in the genre. And since Aoi Yuki and Yuka Iguchi are part of the cast, it’s just another reason to check it out.

    Nisemonogatari: Yes, Nisemonogatari is near!!! I’ve been itching to see what happens after Bakemonogatari which was badass. And this time, Koyomi’s sisters are taking the lead. At least it’ll help keep me occupied until the prequel movie Kizumonogatari comes along. And if I feel like it, I might put them in order and marathon the entire thing. LOL.

    Another: The trailer alone had me creeped out even though there wasn’t much to show, not to mention the girl with the eye patch. Its genres are Mystery, Drama and Horror so I’m hoping that it will be exceptionally impressive though I’m not expecting it on Shiki’s level but would settle for Blood-C’s level.

    High School DxD: Not sure what to expect so I’ll just wing it and see whether it deserves to watched or not.

    Inu x Boku: Another supernatural anime, this time with a loli and a guy with two colored eyes? And he’s a fox demon? Maybe I’ll check it out. After all, first impressions are what counts.

    Holy Knight OVA: Hmm… a vampire based OVA?! YES!!! Whew, I needed that because I was getting a severe backlash from vampire withdrawal and it wasn’t pretty. I’ll be eagerly awaiting this one. And hopefully, Kara, we’ll get a Bloody Cross adaption in the near future and for me, adaptions of Blood Parade and Mondlicht. And Overcooled, if you were interested in the vampire part and then you got scared by it, I think that’s a good thing. LOL. I see I’m not alone; there are few other vampire lovers here as well.

    A pair of Rurouni Kenshin OVAs after so many years? What the hell took so long?! I was a little kid when it was playing on TV. I watched every episode I could.

    • Ness says:

      I’m excited for the Kenshin OVAs. But this is just a remake from Misao’s perspective. I could have lived without any additions because of not expecting any. But stuff happens XD I’d totally buy the BluR releases if they were international.><

      • BlackBriar says:

        A remake OVA? I hope they keep to the actual story and not screw it up or it defeats the purpose of having the OVA at all.

    • Foshizzel says:

      DAMN FALL! Why so short? Seriously….

      BRS- Yeah….I am really bummed out about that whole 8 episodes…I swear the first two better not be a damn recap! But I know we will have some sort of “what you forgot” episode. Worst case we can hope for some hr episodes? or 30+

      Symphgear- That series sounds interesting, right! I will watch cause <3 Index's VA Yuka Iguchi.

      Nisemonogatari- YES YES AND YES! I loved all of the characters from Bakemongatari they are all amazing, I bet people are drooling to hear Hanakazawa again.

      Another- PA works doing horror? Thank you! ALL MY MONEY, then again I have yet to see a horror anime do much. I guess if you said Mairai Nikki? Does that count as horror? Anyway looks great.

      DxD- I will watch anyway cause I am currently watching Maken Ki, yes censored to all hell but not as bad as some shows out there.

      Rurouni Kenshin OVAs yay!! I hope we get action xDD

      • BlackBriar says:

        I wonder if this season will go as fast as Fall did.

        BRS: I hope those 8 episodes will be worth it. With Hanazawa playing the lead, it might turn out good. I want to see BRS’s other enemies.

        Nisemonogatari: Let’s see how Araragi’s sister will pan out as main characters. The cast is pretty much the same except there will be no Araragi or Senjougahara. Why?!!

        Another: Since this is supposed to be horror, it better deliver because not all anime seem to do well in the horror category (Unless it’s Shiki or Hellsing). And yeah, Mirai Nikki is supposed to be horror as well and it’s doing a good job so far.

        Most of the shows I’ve seen on the list, I’ve seen Yoko Hikasa’s name. She’s even playing the lead for High School DxD. I guess she wants to create her own virus. But most of all, I’m extremely pissed that season 2 of Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka has been pushed to next season. *grinds teeth*. Hurry up, next season!!!

        • Kyokai says:

          For Nisemonogatari. There will be Araragi and Senjou in Nisemonogatari, even if they are not the main focus. We’ll be seeing them around.
          And you know, BB, time flies~ Spring will be coming before you know it. :3

    • Karakuri says:

      An adaption of Bloody Cross would make my life. Seriously.

      …I have a feeling that you’ll enjoy Holy Knight though XD.

      • BlackBriar says:

        Yeah, having an adaption of Bloody Cross would have me grinning from ear to ear. I love it when Tsukimiya and Hinata are together and constantly trying to backstab each other for the book. For the record, they’d make a good couple if they weren’t trying to get one another killed. I love it when Tsukimiya is sucking blood from her victims, especially the way she did it to Hinata: By a bloody kiss. LOL.

        For other good vampire manga out there, I strongly recommend the recent chapters of Dance in the Vampire Bund, Blood Parade, Mondlicht and Yougen no Chi.

        I really hope Holy Knight will be great and I hope the mixed blood vampire girl bites a lot of people. The key part I really love is when they get a grip on their prey and bites them. In my opinion, the female vamps I’ve seen who have bitten a large number of people (or demons) would be Tsukimiya, Sunako, Karin and Mina Tepes.

  9. Overcooled says:

    Oh man, I’m just getting a first look at the graphics Ness made for this list. AMAZINGGGGG. Is it bad taste to praise our own site’s season preview? Oh well….

    I hope the next season is good, even if I don’t pick up anything new to blog. :3

    • Ness says:

      Thanks OC~!

      I hope so too for the next season and that I have more time XD

    • Foshizzel says:

      OC FOR GRAPHICAL PRESIDENT! Make it happen.

      Tag teams for everyone! That tag team poster is going to get lots of shows complete…they are so cheating! xDD

  10. Reaper says:

    Argh, so much to watch!!! Well, there it goes, my summer holidays just disappeared…:D Good work to the Awesome team of Metanorn!

  11. Joojoobees says:

    Well done, guys. I definitely learned a few things.

  12. Samantha Zan says:

    Wow can’t believe this post is up already! Great job again Metanorn team ^_^. But anyway, wow lotta shows for Winter, my picks are…

    Black Rock Shooter: Ahhh the OVA was kind of mehhish in my opnion. Such beatuiful animation, but I expected more DX. Though I think its still gonna be interesting to watch though. So still on my watch list.

    Amagami SS: AMAGAMI SS AGAIN??? I remeber reading the blogs with Hato-Kun. Wow can’t believe it got a 2nd season. Though it was an interesting to watch throughout. It wasn’t really a bad show for its type of genre, just usually think shows like that don’t get 2nd seasons. Though I’m pretty sure I’m wrong lol.

    Nisemonogatari: Another Bakemonogatari stroy???? OMG SHAFT IS BACK IN ACTION. Though I don’t mind the focus on the Koyomi sisters, I hope we can see some of the other characters from before too. (I <3 Sejougahara)

    Another: Horror, Supernatural…YES, YES, YES!!!!!! 8D

    New Prince of Tennis: It was my first anime about sports. My god I miss this show….Bring back Seigaku 8D

    Gyo: Junji Ito? The author who wrote Tomie and Uzumaki? I. AM. JUMPING. ONTO. THE. BANDWAGON. NOW.

    I swear I thought I saw Kana Hanazawa like 3 times on the first page lol. Nice to know that she's still spreading her virus around xD

    • Foshizzel says:

      We are fast! Hooray!

      BRS- Yep yep and yep! 8 episodes is sadness and suffering thou….lame but I will watch anyway.

      More Amagami SS! Yep yep can we get more Nishishishi oh god yes I will make it my new ringtone.

      DAMN THAT HANAZAWA VIRUS! Hopefully we all got our shots..

  13. Avalon says:

    I could swear that the guys who created High School Dxd tried to copy S-Cry-ed powers. The hand that the main character got is a total rip off of Kazuma’s shell bullet lv2 arm.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Well there is a girl just like that in Maken-ki! Gloved weapon of awesome, it totally adds 20% to her boob-jiggle.

  14. Avalon says:

    hey did anyone take notice that Coppelion still hasn’t aired when it was supposed to air months ago. Whats with the hold up?

    • Kyokai says:

      When we reviewed it last season, there was no info on producers, crew or even seiyuu cast so I think it has been shelved. We’ll update you whenever we hear about it. :3

    • Foshizzel says:

      That series has flown under the radar, I haven’t seen a lot of DL links or any comments on it…seems like it failed before it got off the ground.

  15. amado says:

    *once again, reserving this spot for my comment sooner or later*

    • amado says:

      likely to watch:
      black rock shooter – needs more rockshooterXgoldsaw. seriously, those two scream more to me than pairing her with dead master.
      amagami SS+ – well I watched some arcs including the extra 2 girls. romance here is actually good, I just didnt have time for the other girls 🙁
      nisemonogatari – finally SHAFT is animating again next season. a sequel of bakemonogatari to boot. its one of their greatest hit, along with madoka magica.
      another – you guys convinced me. seems like it will be interesting.

      might check out:
      symphgear – *shrug* hoping for yuri and have a feeling on this…
      rinne no lagrange – as you said, this one seems to be simple yet it can become better. definitely better than GC at least. potential for yuri too.
      papa no lukoto wo kikinasai – dont judge me! anyway, the mom is called yuri so…
      milky holmes – maybe if I saw 1st season. even Arudoc says this one was good(or was it jinx?). plus yuri I guess…

      anyway, list will change depending on Divine’s preview(if he does make one this year).

      • amado says:

        oh and I just realized that most all of the ones I put in the tentative list have the reason of “yuri” as the interest…

        and I’ll post tomorrow about the OVAs and specials. maybe.

        • BlackBriar says:

          Thanks for the motivation. If there’s any hint of yuri in any of the anime you mentioned, I’m sticking to it. There definitely needs to more yuri shows around. Girls trading spit and the possibility of them shamelessly getting it on is a plus anytime.

      • Foshizzel says:

        BRS! Yes they better get to the other damn boss characters..I was bored with deadmaster…she was Zzzzzzz BORING!!

        More SS mmmm yes <3

        The might check out list looks good! I want to see Rinne no Lagrange, that series is going to show 12 episodes and then it will take a break and continue in another season.

  16. Tofu says:

    WHAT WAS THAT ANAAGA!??! D;< Do I see you HURLING over my precious K-On MOVIE!?!??!! lols oh yeah, great list Metanorn, keep up the good work ;D *totally just changed the sunbject and walks off like nothing happened*

    • Foshizzel says:

      Some people can not handle the pure moe overload of K-ON! I want more Yui and Azunyan and yes a bit of Mio! Thanks man just don’t stay away forever Tofu.

      • Tofu says:

        ahahaha of course Fosh ^^ I’m just playing around and as if I could ever leave Metanorn behind. This is where it all started for me :3

      • skylion says:

        You know Fosh, several years ago, when Firefly first came on, my group of friends were able to divide people into “That that love Firefly and are therefor cool, and decent, and honest, and caring, and just generally all around awesome” and “Those that hate Firefly, and are not cool, and have unkempt hair, and spinach in their teeth, and are keepers of other odious habits, and not at all awesome.”

        Same thing with K-On. You need no more a litmus test for people than the Moe Wonderful that is Yui. And Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

  17. Namika says:

    The only show I’m actually excited for is Another I think this will be the only show I’ll be following from the winter season, if I will have time for it. I love the art and music is also pretty interesting. We’ll see, we’ll see. Aside from that, Danshi koukousei no nichijou (can you imagine a bolder name? xD) looks really funny and positive. I don’t think this wil be another Kimi to Boku, but nice enough for the laughs. XD

    • Foshizzel says:

      Another for the freaking win! Can not wait to see how scary things will actually get..

      Danshi looks absolutely hilarious have you seen the preview specials? Those are to die for…like the dress one and the RPG scene. Yeah that will not be another Kimi to Boku! This is like the perv cousin of boku xD

      • Namika says:

        no, I haven’t seen any. xDD well, if it’ll be like a pervy cousin, maybe I’ll give it a try :3

  18. Toori-chan says:

    To get things summarised, the anime I’m listing for Winter is everything except Senhime (not my style of music), prince of tennis and area no kishi (no fan of sports), high school dxd (too much boobage for the year).

    The series I will be looking forward is definitely Black Rock Shooter. Other than that will be Nisemonogatari and Another. FYI I started immediately to marathon Aquarion to prepare for the next season.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Enjoy some DxD! I will check it out…

      Yeah BRS, Nisemonogatari and Another all look really good, have a fun time with Aquarion! I love the OP and music throughout that series.

  19. Masu says:

    i am so excite about berserk: it is possibly the first manga to make me realize my interest in manga and anime weren’t just a passing phase. its basically everything i look for in a manga.

    also, why y’all hatin’ on denpa onna? i thought that show was brilliant. :[ but thats just me.

    anyways, the site looks so polished now i want to lick it. good work guys. :3

    • Foshizzel says:

      I dunno Denpa as a great idea and theme, but ah well things are just failure after the 4th or 5th episode…I want to see the final episode just to see if they close any loose ends.

      Ahahaha clean your monitor afterwards 😛

  20. Yippy says:

    I read till the end! (Though not every single word, sorry!) Anyway, my picks for Winter are:

    1)The Daily Lives of High School Boys- DAT PREVIEW

    2)Another- DAT ART.

    3)Rinne no Lagrange- DAT CGI.

    4)Amagami SS Plus- DA…THEM GIRLS.

    5)Inu to Boku SS- DAT STORY

    6)Nisemonogatari- DAT BAKEMONOGATARI (which I still have yet to finish)

    I might check on Aquarion if I have some time left. Again, thanks for the summaries, comments and the handy chart guys!

    • Foshizzel says:

      Highschool boys! BEST PREVIEWS OF ALL TIME! I always laugh so hard..and they are just 5 mins long.

      Another- Yes please! PA WORKS good stuff right there.

      Lagrange- Good CGI and character designs.

      DO IT! Aquarion is good fun xD

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