“What’s Hot”: 2008


The supposed-to-be “year-end” post that never happened because I was gone lol XD… So here thy present the best, the worst, the OMG’s, the WTF’s and my (actually “our”, since Tsuiteru gave some ideas to me on this post as well) biased favorites of the year 2008 from manga, anime, seiyuu, music, randomness and more. In short: 2008 wrapped up in a post XD.

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Nagi Christmas Banner FTW!


Yeah… The title says it 😀 . 2nd Christmas banner features Nagi!!! I also apologize for the lack of posts lately because our college entrance exams is coming up tomorrow. Tsuiteru and I will be back on covering Kannagi 8 and 9 as soon as the exams are over 🙂 Wish us luck because our future is held on that sheet of paper! Plus I cannot cheat with him because we won’t be seatmates in that time, our seats will be shuffled T.T… XD LOL I don’t really cheat that much XDNevermind what I just said. Anyway, enjoy the new banner and tell me what you think of it!!!

Oh and before I forgot, watch out for the premiere of Anime’s Next Top Model Cycle 2 this weekend!!! Not 10, but 11 girls will duke it out to become the fiercest and most modeleqsue anime girl! [Ani-NTM Cycle 2 OP Here]

Special Mention: Welcome Back AMAYALEE!!!

*back to serious studying*

Kannagi: 05 – Join the Nagi-sama Fans Club!

Super big surprise at the end of the post.


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Haruka Tomatsu – motto hade ni ne! [PV]


It’s just too adorable for words! The video was fun, with Haruka Tomatsu herself just spending free time at her pad having fun with reading, laundry, eating and dressing up. There’s no Kannagi dance this time but I guess there would be as soon as she’ll have a live performance. One thing I noticed is that she looks reeaalllyyy tall! Or is it just her thunder thighs (which is an asset, btw). She’s very cute in this video especially when she’s making a fruit shake and she tastes it awful but she still continues to drink it ^_^. Also when she’s playing dress up! So adorable. Tell me you love it or else I’ll shove Haruka Tomatsu’s thighs into your throats!

Btw, you can download the full song HERE.

Kannagi: 01 – Is this anime about showbiz?


One of the shows that caught my attention this Fall season was Kannagi. At first, I thought that this show would very much not be my type but it totally proved me wrong, well, for the first episode at least. I love love love the OP sequence, from the same director of Hare Hare Yukai and Motteke!Serafuku Yamamoto Yutaka, comes another soon-to-be anime dance hit, motto笘・ade ni ne! [More笘・orgeously]. The sequence shows Nagi in showbusiness, added with a cool concert dance number and comedic scenes. It was very entertaining and it easily got stuck on my head. I must say that it gains a spot on my Absolute Anime Openings and it’s one of the better ones this year.

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