New Castle!!!

Kan: Welcome to the brand new Metanorn! Now hosted by Kokidokom!!! I wanna thank 7 very much because he totally broke my chains off to widen my blogging experience. This would definitely be more fun and exciting! After 9 months of blogging at the free blog, 5 months after moving on to another blog, 379 posts in there, 687 tags, 2,617 comment and 97,412 hits and counting, it’s sad bidding farewell but happy for a new door opening. And now I’m glad and excited to work and learn here on a real WordPress blog!!! As like what 7 says: “WOOOT!”. I can work out more on my designs because there’s much more to do here!

Tsui: Well, I’m just dragged along as usual but I’m happy that Metanorn’s being hosted and Kanzie’s happy. I wanna express my utmost gratitude to 7, for providing a host for the blog. I’ll really work harder being Kanzie’s co-blogger here and a loyal servant (< I’m forced to say that line) 😛



First Banner: +GOTHIC COOL+ [Shiki and Rima of Vampire Knight]


What’s new?

As you can see, we now have a new and cooler theme! Yipee! It’s so much fun learning a little bit on CSS, with the huge help of 7. The backmost layer contains the black background with design. Next to it are lighter layers to match it. I also made the headers of the sidebars to add a touch of (starry) flava. The header of course is Shiki and Rima from Vampire Knight, and I’m proud to say that they’re my very first official header here 🙂 Another obvious change is that there are two sidebars now. Though they’re still under construction and testing on how would I put things in the proper places lol. There’s a cool Anime-NTM corner on the left side (btw, the photos you see would be their photos for the next photoshoot. Trust me, it’s beyond cool and I made everyone photos but still the elimination is for tomorrow 🙂 )

I’m also glad that I’m writing again in my own username of “Kanzeon” and not metan0rn anymore lol. Another thing to love is that I can fiddle around more with my blog design ^_^. And I chose Kokidokom because I know that it would be the next big thing and 7 is very nice to also cater fresh new bloggers. So anyone who wants to join the family, (I personally wanna recommend FuyuMaiden and Xiao Jie lol) feel free to contact him or go to the irc channel 🙂 .


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18 Responses to “New Castle!!!”

  1. kanzeon says:

    @Captain Arepa: Thanks ^^. Wish you the best of luck too 🙂

    @Gargron: Thank you, and Kokidokom will be different from 🙂

    @Kitsune: Well, it’s still unannounced yet on my previous blog, but thanks ^^ If you want to get hosted by Kokidokom, feel free to contact me or 7 🙂

    @Kairu Ishimaru: Lol it’s not yet finished. I’m still setting things up and I haven’t announced it yet on my old blog 🙂

  2. Wow, congratulations on your new host/site! I wish I could move up to dedicated hosting, but my CSS skills suck (for now). Anyways, best of luck for you people ;-D!

  3. Gargron says:

    Hiho! is the new! I hope we’ll become the same good community as the dasaku-ers.

    P.S. I suggest a white (#fff) colour for the central column.

  4. Kitsune says:

    Congrats on your new blog Kanzeon and Tsui! 🙂 Have fun! 🙂

  5. Oh wow. Somethings missing in your blog, my blog on your blogroll. XD

  6. FuyuMaiden says:

    *gasp* look at you and your shiny new blog (well not really shiny since it’s all black and cool looking, but you know what I mean).

    Wow…so cool. I love the theme and the design of everything. And it’s all just so…cool. *in awe*

    …Now I’m jealous and you’re finally pushing me to want to take the plunge and leave ahead of schedule. Darn you. >_< Gah, I’m going to go pester 7 now. (I was managing to hold off so well, but now I want to be part of Kokidokom too!)

  7. biankita says:

    new blog looks great. makes me want to leave WP too but too lazy.

    again aims to be your 100th commentor XD

  8. foomafoo says:

    You’re going to transfer your posts right? Good luck with the new site.

    Uhm, what with the ads just below the title. XD

  9. foomafoo says:

    sorry for double posting- I think I overlooked the whole site. lol

  10. warriorhope says:


  11. 53RG10 says:

    Oh! Looks great! d(^_^)

    I would transfer too, but like biankita, I’m too lazy…>_> and I’m happy with the free WordPress account.

  12. kanzeon says:

    @FuyuMaiden: :aww: OMG I honestly can’t wait to see you here! It would be so much fun!!! And the Kokido-cation begins!!!

    @biankita and 53RG10: When you feel like it, feel free to go to the irc to contact 7 ^_^ It’s nice being “free” 🙂

    @foomafoo: I had problems importing before up until now so I can’t import some of my old posts. But my recent ones are here 🙂

    @warriorhope: Thanks ^^.

  13. mikaino says:

    My Gravatar’s still working! (out of the topic)
    Nice CSS you’ve got there (or is it the header?)
    Like what I’ve said in your old castle, good luck in your new blog!
    as for that, I have a present!
    I think it looks wider (and darker). Good choice, I see!

  14. hazy says:

    Congrats on the move! Your new place looks really nice. 🙂

    hazy’s last blog post..Anime Preview: Winter 2008/2009 First Impressions – Batch 1

  15. Hynavian says:

    Congratulations on the move! Everything is looking great; especially the new theme and the new banner.


    Hynavian’s last blog post..Your & My Secret – Body Switching Has Never Been So “Right”

  16. […] I want to tell everyone who isn’t already aware from perhaps the first post of the new Metanorn or from 7’s very own offer on his now old blog (I’m going to kind of miss the title […]

  17. Xiao says:

    AGH! It finally works! Stupid Internet Explorer wouldn’t show the site and I’m too slow to realize I had to use Firefox. *lame* D|

    But congrats on the successful move! Everything looks friggin’ awesome and so pretty~! ^^ And sorry for commenting so late again. I suck. *bonks self*

    Wow…I really, really like the new format. Hehe, the two sidebars make it easier to look through unlike in wordpress where I kept losing what I was looking for because it was all in one bar. :/
    Waah! And that’s so cool! You can update the latest ANTM shoots, as well! Waaahhhh~!!! *so excited* lol xDDDD

    Umg, I love the banner (then again, when do I not love your banners? Lol) but Shiki~! And Rima~! <3 Love the bright colors against the black. It’s beautiful. ;D

    Yep, hope you have a great time blogging here and I’m sure you will. ^^ As for me, I think I’ll stick to wordpress a little longer and then see where it takes me from there but thanks for recommending it to me. hehe I should learn how to use an irc channel, too. >.>;

    Xiao Jie’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 65

  18. Yamcha says:

    Congrats on the move. Nice to see everything’s all set up, but it’ll take a while for me to adjust to your new theme. My blogroll and RSS reader have to be updated now. Well cheers!

    Yamcha’s last blog post..Yes this is late, but here are some resolutions for the new year

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