Yoroshiku Anime Blog, handled by Kairu-kun, is holding the very first Otaku Awards! You can vote from several categories ranging from the Best Anime Guy and Girl, Best Anime Creature, Movie, Sequel, Best Fight of the Year, Best Buds, Loveteams, OP and ED themes and many more. Not only it focuses about anime, but also about manga, J-Doramas and J-Music plus also the BEST OTAKU BLOG OF THE YEAR!!! Let us support this event, spread it, and vote!!!
ef ~a tale of melodies 01: ever
It is an another season of jaw-dropping animation courtesy of SHAFT, amazing vector effects and a beautiful love story as ef ~a tale of melodies~ continues the rest of the latter tale.
Thanks to Code Geass R2’s finale…
The series is gone for like, more than 10 days ago now and my so is my post about that (09/27/08)… I’m surprised that day when I got those freaking number of views and comments. It had been my most viewed ever (and I think its reign will remain for a LONG time) and I got the 12th spot for the daily-counted, most popular blogs on WP… But two days after that, O_O… nosedive time XDDD!!!!! Now my blog is back on receiving its average views again… Back to reality~
Kuroshitsuji: 01 – That Butler, So Talented
One of my much-awaited shows this Fall season, Kuroshitsuji didn’t disappointed me at all. From the good animation, soundtrack and Sebastian!!!… ehem… This show is awesome. I’ll start to call this show Fabuloushitsuji if you don’t mind…
Vampire Knight Guilty: 01 – Sinners of Fate
OP Sequence – Rondo by ON/OFF
It’s still to early for Christmas for this song to play… Kidding aside, I actually like it better thanツ the first one song-wise only. I quite miss the action-packed OP of season I though and I’ll miss some specific scenes where uber-gothic cool Rima throwing her umbrella; Shiki unleahsing his blood-whip and many other scenes… This time it got replaced by Yuuki wandering into the forest (and spinning on birds’ eye view… WHAT THE HELL.), and basically character intros with a story book. An look at Rima together with that cute Rabbit thing! I kinda like the last past, where the camera is being lost on Yuuki at the moonlight, with her long hair and her Artemis scythe.
New Banner!!! Again.
Lol I’ve been chronically changing my banner like, almost everytime I wanted to… With Enma Ai winning Anime’s Next Top Model, she deserves to get a fabulous banner so here it is *drumrolls*…
Once upon a time, a few minutes ago at my house, I am downloading the raws of Vampire Knight Guilty and ef -a tale of melodies-. I had finished watching ef and it was spectacular. Another season of vectored-anime drama. The opening was original and unique as well. Vampire Knight was VERY SLOW so I got bored on by just staring at my laptop… ANYWAY, this post is neither about ef nor downloading VK… Moving on, now that I thought of vector, I became ispired of creating a new banner again. This time, I’ll be using Anime-NTM’s winner, Enma Ai. Actually, I also got the idea of making Enma Ai’s banner because of mikaino‘s comment on the Ani-NTM’s finale, so thanks for that.ツ I named this banner Froth, yeah, I’m weird for naming my banners XD… because of the blue-circles vector brushes I used which reminded me of bubbles. I masked it up with another layer this time it’s with black and voila, it ended up alright. Btw, my first attempt on this was instead of just using plain blue color for the backdrop, I used bright and fluorescent colors of different variads.
One thing amazed me, and that was the text. I thought about making my blog name in there aligned vertically so I experimented it but wth, when I uploaded and cropped it on the Custom Header feature here, it perfectly sank in on the header along with Blog, About, etc! I thought that was cool. And finally, I already finished downloading Vampire Knight Guilty by the time I put this one up so I didn’t waste electricity and time at all. And so the story ends about my new banner… toodles! Whaddya think?