Eden of the East: 05 – PURPLE ♥!!!
Hiya! Kanzeon here and I’ll be the one in charge of Eden of the East from now on!!! Wooot!~ Yeaaah, starting now on to the following weeks, I’ll be handling this show now whether you’ll like it or not ^^. (Well, obviously you’ll like it because I’m just so great, right?! XD *implied arrogance is implied*).
Valkyria Chronicles: 06 – This show is dangerous (part 2)
This show is really getting more Swine Flu-tastic… Really, everytime I watch it, I get reminded of Swine Flu and how disgusting pork is -_-.
HIMEKA – Asu e no Kizuna [PV]
[UPDATE: With DL link for the Radio Rip]
Here’s the PV of HIMEKA’s Asu e no Kizuna, which is the OP for Valkyria Chronicles:
I absolutely adore the song. It’s a perfect choice of a OP song for Valkyria, if you’d ask me. It’s The full version of the song turns out to be absolutely better of course. It’s so lovely and uplifting ^^. The PV is nothing special though… and the kid creeps me out O__o. But anyway, I really love the song ^^.
HIMEKA is from a French-Canadian/Québécoise descent, but it’s so cool that she can really sing well in Japanese ^^. It’s good for a debut single, and I wish her all the best ^^. Full single comes out on 05/27 but for now, enjoy the PV~
Download the radio rip of the song below ^^. It’s just the radio rip (but the quality is still alright) but I will update it as soon as I got the official one.
Hetalia Axis Powers: 15 – Cultural Shock
KIKU IS LOVE <3 But the best part of this episode again goes to the preview 😛
Music Digest – Everyone ready for the MANLIEST MUSICAL EVER???
In the digest:
– Sengoku Basara Musical details
– Abingdon Boys School
– Hetalia Axis Powers’ 3rd Character Single Preview
– Billboard Top 50
– Pink