35 Things to Love on K-On!: 06
Disappointing episode, but I’m still forced to make a list.
1: Skool Festival Time!
2: What the hell is Yui wearing?!
3: Prosthetics in anime
4: Is this really K-On! I’m watching or Higurashi?
5: Under duty
7: NO.
10: LOLI RITSU!!! (All hail Ritsu because she’s behind everything why Mio’s all being fanboyed now)
12: Yeah, she’s not nervous!
14: Tbh, it’s true. Ritsu’s the sunshine of this show.
15: Last tsun moments before they perform.
16: Are…
17: you…
18: READY…
20: It’s LIVE TIME!!!
21: Uhh wait… WHAT THE FUUCK is this?
27: Hippie.
28: Uhh, that’s it??… Did they lose some budget to animate them singing on the stage?
29: Encore! Encore!…
30: Mio haters would love to see this scene being repeated (but I’m too lazy to make a gif image out of this one XP)
31: This is why they made a wide screen version for this show. DAMN YOU, KYOANI!
32: Move over! There’s a new flag in Otakuism!
33: I wish I were in that audience…
34: Uhh, is it just me, or KyoAni’s really overdoing it with Mio being all tsundere and stuff? *gets throw by brick from Mio worshippers*
35: LOLI YUI AND IMOUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 81 comments
Lol, I should get up an watch this episode 😛 I see some additions here and there(KyoAni style XD)..
kirapika’s last blog post..Episodic Blogging is Crazy! XD
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
i’m still a dogma for mio even though I know kyo-ani flooding the whole internet with moe
nice’s last blog post..K-on! – School Festival – 06
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
yeah Kyoani is overusing Mio’s shyness, not thats too bad but i hope they slow it down a little or people will get tired of Mi-*gets hit by a boulder throw by the Mio worshippers*
i must mention a couple of things that are my opinion as your opinion will maybe be against mine:
1)stop the comparison to Haruhi Live-a-Live thing:
1.1) Haruhi has godlike powers so she can make anything awesome
1.2) Kyoani (i hope) wont try to repeat some things since they have(i hope) learn that repeat thing will always give different results and all people will bitch/compare to the original (Haruhi ED v/s Lucky Star OP… any questions?
2) lets view the song AND act from other point:
2.1) first show: yeah, its the girls first show, so what would you spect at a first time show? a crappy performance! so why show a crappy (or maybe normal) presentation first show when you can show something a little more “interesting” (might be weird but interesting), if you notice at the end the people give a normal applause so they know that wasnt breathtaking it was average/likeable (before ANYONE try to use again the comparison that Haruhis show was a “first time” for here please read point 1.1)
2.2) sucky song is sucky… but what can you expect being IS FIRST CHRONOLOGICAL SONG? my guessing is that in the last episode they will sing Don’t say Lazy as all people were expecting but for now lets leave it at that as a first song, remember that even the girls thougth the song (at least the lyrics) wasnt very good really
this comment is directed to any blog that makes a bad mention for not show the actual “show” so dont take it personal
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
Nicely said. I disagree with you a bit on later half of 2.2. Even after 13 episodes, I still think it’s not long enough for them to pull off something like that. Other than that, yes, I would give them an (normal) appplause for their efford. Good enough for their first time.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 99 comments
Agreed a bit. Especially on overusing Mio’s shyness, to impress the fan boys around.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 99 comments
Damnit, what the f* are those stripes? :ehh: Don’t tell me they’re panties >_> They’re just making this because There are too much K-on fan boys(especially to that Mio girl), hm?
K on give me such a disappointment in the episode too, they must stick to the gothic lolita fashion on the simple stage instead of the hippie cowgirls (or whatever the hell is that called). I hope they won’t do that crappy MTVs too much. Make that better, KyoAni!
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
“14: Tbh, it’s true. Ritsu’s the sunshine of this show.”
> Seconded… And Ritsu is definitely better than generic Mio.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 81 comments
I have to agree with that too.
Ritsu’s my fave XDkirapika’s last blog post..Fukushima Haruka’s Chocolate(Manga)