EVE no Jikan: 04 – The Right to Know
Another outstanding episode that’s really worth the wait . Eve no Jikan is just plain GENIUS.
Eden of the East: 04 – Dr. Selecao
Sorry, no promotional material I thought about doing today ;__;
35 Things to Love on K-On!: 05
Apologies for the delay, I need to recover from Mugi’s ‘Hnngh’-ness.
Special A: Chapter 99 [FINALE]
Nuuu~ It ended already T__T… [WARNING: Spoilers! This is the final chapter, duh~]
Pandora Hearts OP Single – Parallel Hearts
I thought that Pandora Hearts has one of the better OP’s this season song-wise. FictionJunction’s Parallel Hearts was really good and nice to listen to. The full single turns out to be better. I loved the violin parts and it’s just really cool. The second single, Hitomi no Chikara, is more sentimental and it’s another beautiful song as well, plus Yuuka’s voice is love~. PV and download link below the cut.
Hetalia Axis Powers: 14 – The World Market
Giving you the latest news happening in the World Market.
07-Ghost: 04 – This show is about boxers.
Warning again because I turn into this scary-crazy entity whenever I blog this show. BAAWWWWW~~~
Phantom Requiem: 04 – And The Oscar Goes To…
EIN, from her exceptional role on the film, The Doki-Doki Duo!!!