Vampire Knight Guilty: 08 – Onii-sama, may I drink your blood O_O?
Wow, I’m beyond speechless with this episode. Lots of blood-sucking, neck (and mouth) licking, snow (yep, it’s should be mentioned here), and an AWESOME fight scene between Shiki and Rima!!! Yuuki also had her hair long now! [LOADS of spoilers ahead!] Continue below for the image spam and summary as well :).
ToraDora!: 08 – More Swimming, More Do-kin’
Relationship take turns in a swimming event: with Ryuuji being the prize for the sake of their summer vacation!
ef ~a tale of melodies~ [07] – warumwarumreflection
Whoa, the main characters sure are really twisted in their own way. First, we have Yuuko, who inflicts mental and emotional torture to the guy who abandoned her since childhood. Next is Yuu, who seems to be a cold-hearted guy before, who’s now broken down and seems to be ready to kill anyone around. And Kuze, who really wants to live all along, even though how much he rejects the girl who loves him. Mizuki seems to be the most normal one, imo, she just needs love 🙂
Warning for warumwarumwarum photo spam (lots of pics btw…) Plus you’ll know why I’m having so much warumwarum today XD
Vampire Knight Guilty: 07 – The Thorny Kiss
Oh my, what happened to Shiki’s silver eyes?
Kan chats…
I must admit that this is definitely one of the better VK episodes ever since the first season. Lots of development and revelations! Also, I finally picked the series up again after finding out that it’s definitely getting better and we get to the point where I get to see more of Shiki and Rima, actually they’re the only reasons why I’m following this series XD… I’ll continue following this using raws 🙂 The post contains huge spoilers for those who are still catching up on the manga btw so please proceed with caution. [plus click on the pictures for larger resolutions]
Hetalia MAD Collection vol. 2
[Again, the videos are not mine so credits to the geniuses who created them. Watch them in HQ on Nico.]
ef ~a tale of melodies~ [06] – flection
Emotional and mental trainwreck depicted artistically… The best way to describe this episode, and ef basically… but I must admit that it’s spectacular. Please don’t read this if you want to get psychologically punished.
CLANNAD ~After Story~ – OP and ED
CLANNAD OP [Toki wo Kizamu Uta] and ED [Torch] by Lia. Toki wo Kizamu Uta (A Song to pass the time) is such a beautiful song. It’s one of my favorites this season. Torch was the lesser Dango Daikazoku but it’s overall fine.