Hetalia MAD Collection vol. 3


Me being a crazy-arsed Hetalia fangirl again at the wrong time… Well can’t help it. I’m in terrible depression so here’s some Hetalia to cheer everyone up!!! Warning for extreme cuteness/gayness/fabulousness/lolness though… And credits to their hell-mad-genius creators.


Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae OP: Tsukihana – Nana Kitade


Since we’ve been getting so much requests to put in the single for Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae OP in here, I finally put it up ^^. Enjoy!

[:Download link and much more:]

Hetalia Axis Powers: 03 – Tomodachi~



Valentines Day is…


…all about making new freakin’ banners!!! Muwahahaha!!! F*ck our upcoming Prom! F*ck those lame-ass flowers/chocolates/cakes/cars/jewelry/mansions/teddy bears those guys give to us! Lol um… ok… I’ll take everything I said back! I’m actually exci… err not really excited, but feeling the Valentines mood right now so I made bannerz 4 y’all!!!!! (nah, I’m just bitter because I’m dreaming of Lavi to take me on the Prom, but instead I got this dog of mine 😛)


Hetalia Axis Powers: 02


Look Korea, see Italy as an example…


ToraDora OP2 – silky heart

[Update:] Here’s the 2nd OP for ToraDora

I think the timing for the OP was good. I can’t say that it is definitely better than Pre-Parade but I guess it can grew upon me. I think the song’s also as catchy as Vanilla Salt. The characters also seems to be more serious this time now though. I think it’s because of the character development happening now in the series.

2nd OP single for ToraDora, Silky Heart by Horie Yui. PV and download link below the jump.


ToraDora ED2 – Orange

[Update:] Here’s the 2nd ED for ToraDora

In my opinion, the ED was a letdown from the first one [Vanilla Salt]. I only liked the first parts with the instrumental. I think the chorus was catchy though, but still not as captivating as Vanilla Salt used to be. I can’t say I didn’t like it but I guess this one would be the typical ED where I’ll just fast-forward it.

2nd ToraDora ED “Orange” by Rie Kugimiya, Horie Yui and Kitamura Eri. Download below the jump.


Hetalia Axis Powers: 01


Let’s learn history while having good laughs shall we?


Kirepapa: 02 [END] – Single Daddies (Put A Ring On It)


Lol at the Beyonce song rip-off title XDD Second and final volume of Kirepapa!!!

[WARNING: BL/YAOI – Don’t continue if you don’t want to see guys banging the hell out of each other! Lol, I’m exaggerating XDD~]


ToraDora: 15 – Blondes Have More Fun…


LMAO I have no idea why I suddenly lost interest in episodic blogging during the past few weeks (yes, weeks). Sometimes, I enjoy making them, sometimes I’m so lazy/busy to do them. Anyway, we get to the point in the series where another character is taking such a development and he is the resident weird glasses guy Kitamura.

[:Read the rest of this entry:]