Phantom Requiem: 01 – Pink is GARrr
Wow I just blogged Phantom’s first episode! It’s because of the pink car and the pink helicopter. Jealous. Nah just kidding. To be really honest, this had kept me (almost) to the edge of my seat ^^.
Sengoku Basara: 01 – Dance Like A Samurai
Medieval warfare, hardcore random Engrish, dancing samurai’s, burning feet, Sengoku Basara has a little bit of everything mentioned.
Asura Cryin’: 01 – What’s in your briefcase?
I’ll be writing first impression posts on the newest anime this season. And first up is Asura Cryin. So here we have a ghost girl, a briefcase… and mecha?
Kuroshitsuji: 24 [END] – The End of the Contract
I’m a sad, yet happy fangirl at the same time after watching the finale of Kuroshitsuji… Commentary and final impressions ahead!
Hetalia Axis Powers OP/ED Single – Marukaite Chikyuu
And here’s the OP/ED single for Hetalia Axis Powers!!! It also includes Italy’s song to Germany and the Chibitalia theme. The full version of Marukaite Chikyuu is so MOEEE!!! Of course they’re all sang by none other than Italy’s seiyuu himself, Namikawa Daisuke, which I declare, has the most MOE male seiyuu voice I ever heard. (Sorry Hiro Shimono, but Namikawa-san beat you on the singing part XP).
So download link below plus a short Hetalia group picture spam ^^!!!
Hetalia Axis Powers: 09
More US and UK love, as well as cute Chibitalia moments!!! And oooh, someone’s yandere~
Valkyria Chronicles Anime: Trailer
Hitoshi Sakimoto, who works on the original game’s musical score, will still be working as well on this adaptation. I think that’s some good news, for the music of Valkyria Chronicles is what I consider a masterpiece already. Also, it was said on an interview that the development of the story will be different than the game’s. I think it’s a good thing that they did not kept/copied the game’s development or else us fans will be bored if we will be able to see the exact same thing. So I’m very excited for the adaptation and I’m still hoping that it would be as amazing as the game.
Eureka Seven the Movie: Pocket Full of Rainbows [Trailer]
One of the most awesome anime ever having its own movie? This is gonna be bloody awesome. Just the trailer looks good already. Premieres April 25th on theaters… (in Japan ;_;) F*CKING BLU-RAY WHERE ALREADY?!