Anime’s Next Top Model [FINAL]: And The Winner Is…


This is the FINAL RESULTS of Anime’s Next Top Model! Who will be our very first winner? Will it be Chii or Enma Ai? Both wowed us all with their stunning photos and personalities. They have beaten out 8 other girls who strived hard to be in their places but they fail. Now that the competition is at end, we will now know who will be the winner! So who’s gonna be on top?

[:Who’s gonna win?:]

This is your last chance to vote!

Which one between Enma Ai and Chii will be the very first winner of Anime’s Next Top Model? THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO VOTE PEOPLE!!! The Grand Finale will be up soon! You can refer to the Anime’s Next Top Model page for an episode guide and it can help you on voting. Click on the girls’ names below to vote for them.




Thank you very much for participating Anime’s Next Top Model! The winner would be known on Sunday, October 05, 2008.

Anime’s Next Top Model [FINALE ~part 2]: The Portfolio Showdown!




This is the second round of Anime’s Next Top Model! We are all a step closer on knowing who will be our very first winner but before that, we should meet the judges for the last time! We all go back to their previous photoshoots and let’s all compare every photo of the girls! We are all accompanied by judges: Kallen, Rima, Yukari and Akira.


Anime’s Next Top Model 12 [FINALE]: Who’s Gonna Be On Top? ~part 1


It is the time for the FINAL 2’s Grand Showdown! Our final 2 girls, Chii and Enma Ai, gives all they got to prove themselves that they are deserving to win the very first title. Which girl would took the crown and the prizes? These two girls proved that they are the FIERCEST, the EDGIEST, and the MOST MODELESQUE of the bunch. Now it’s time for the showdown!


Anime’s Next Top Model: Final Deliberation

The competition will finally reach its conclusion soon! The fight gets more tougher and tougher than what we see on Kallen above! Who between Haruhi, Chii and Enma Ai will seal the deal on becoming the Top 2? It’s time for the deliberation!

[:Who’s gonna be on top?:]

Anime’s Next Top Model: Special Episode

Welcome to a special episode of Anime’s Next Top Model! Now that the final three will reduced down to our FINAL 2, we will all first take a break and see the wacky part of the competition! You will also see never-before-seen photos and actions of the girls! Last but not the least, we will be getting a first taste of the SECOND SEASON!

[:Who’s gonna be on top?:]

Anime’s Next Top Model: Deliberation for the Final Three


We are very close to our Grand Finale and our very first Anime’s Next Top Model will be crowned soon! Which one between CC, Chii, Enma Ai and Haruhi will be eliminated next and who will complete our FABULOUS FINAL THREE?

[:Who’s gonna be on top?:]

Anime’s Next Top Model 08: The Girls and The Gothic Lolita Fashion


The voting still continues as the Top 4 shows more of what they got! This time, it’s all about selling clothes as the girls do a photoshoot in LOLITA GOTHIC OUTFITS! Will Enma Ai turn from ‘edgy’ to ‘commercial’? Will Haruhi raise herself up a notch from the competition? Will CC show versatility? Or will Chii continue her winning streak? One thing is for sure, they did their utmost best in this photoshoot so check it out.

[:Who’s gonna be on top?:]

Anime’s Next Top Model: 4th Deliberation

It’s time for another girl to be eliminated. Who will follow the eliminations of Yuuki, Louise and Rena? Who will be our Top 6? Let’s find out. As what you can see on the photo above will be a new feature of Anime’s Next Top Model. Due to insistent public demand, Kallen is officially a judge!!! She’ll also be taking her own photos with the same theme and will be added to her own portfolio. Therefore the theme will also be Emo Photoshoot in Gray Scale.

[:Who’s gonna be on top?:]

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