Japan’s Top 50 Singles [02/15/09]
Credits to OricionGoddess for the vid as well as putting in the song titles too ^^.
Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 10 – SPECIAL EPISODE
Welcome to a very very special episode of Anime’s Next Top Model cycle 2!!! Before the Final Four would ultimately become our FIERCE THREE of the season, I present to you a little VIP pass to get into a fun trip about what’s happening behind the screen, the plans, the fierceness, and the competition!
In this special episode, you’ll get to:
- See the Deleted episodes (hmm, can that contain explicit content that’s why they’re removed? 8D)
- Behind the screens of some episodes, and how I made the girls look fierce in every photo!
- Hmm… WHAT? The eliminated girls are coming back???
- A shoujo-only MOE tournament coming soon? ZOMG ME WANT!!!
So, let’s proceed! >>
Hetalia MAD Collection vol. 3
Me being a crazy-arsed Hetalia fangirl again at the wrong time… Well can’t help it. I’m in terrible depression so here’s some Hetalia to cheer everyone up!!! Warning for extreme cuteness/gayness/fabulousness/lolness though… And credits to their hell-mad-genius creators.
Epic Anime Kissing Scenes
Here I collected all of the most romantic, sweet, unique, and most lulz kissing scenes in all anime that I’ve watched. Happy Valentines Day everyone!
MAKE UP – Kana Nishino
It’s been a while since Chocolate Underground has ended, but I still have to take note of the catchy song at every end of the episode. It’s MAKE UP by Kana Nishino. Kana Nishino is one of the artists bubbling up on the JPop industry and we might know her for singing the best Soul Eater ED IMO, “Style”. So here’s her latest single out, “Make Up”.
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae OP: Tsukihana – Nana Kitade
Since we’ve been getting so much requests to put in the single for Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae OP in here, I finally put it up ^^. Enjoy!
Valentines Day is…
…all about making new freakin’ banners!!! Muwahahaha!!! F*ck our upcoming Prom! F*ck those lame-ass flowers/chocolates/cakes/cars/jewelry/mansions/teddy bears those guys give to us! Lol um… ok… I’ll take everything I said back! I’m actually exci… err not really excited, but feeling the Valentines mood right now so I made bannerz 4 y’all!!!!! (nah, I’m just bitter because I’m dreaming of Lavi to take me on the Prom, but instead I got this dog of mine 😛)