Movie Trailers: What’s Coming Up Soon?
Yay for unrelated pic XD! I thought that the pic was cool so I put it up, and I guess it can relate to what I’m about to mention later… Plus Ryotaro and Adachi from Persona 4 is love~ XD (who wouldn’t want a flick starring both of them? XD). Lol moving on, I wanna share three flicks that had caught my interest lately to give it a shot on the theaters. I’ve provided the trailers of them too ^^. On to what’s coming up in the silver screen, shall we?
New Banner: Utau Hoshina
New banner for the current batch!!! ^^ Yes, there are too many banners already XDDD but I don’t care.
New Banner: Eden of the East
Small blog update! I’ll keep this one fast… New banner features Eden of the East, since that show is also being featured in this blog. I just kept the design simple because I’m being really lazy right now XD… But I think the outcome was really cute. Similar brushes again just like the usual but can’t help it, lol.
Also, I did a major change on the Mio banner. I didn’t made it an animated one anymore since I really got annoyed on it’s choppiness XD. So that’s all~ hope you like the new banner ^^. [Lol remember though that you have to refresh or click the current banner to change it ^^]
New Banners: K-On! [Updated]
Don’t say you’re lazy, because you’re actually crazy!
Yep ^^. Not one but TWO new K-On banners!
How to make your blog more popular… [Desperate Edition]
Yeah, you!
Have an anime blog for months now or just starting a blog? Had tried everything from being a trap to making yourself look like a know-it-all but still not getting fair blog views? Already did all of what’s mentioned in Kairu’s post but still not working? Don’t lose hope just yet because there are still some ways to make your blog get those freaking views… So let me give you some EVIL tips to make your blog more popular, in a little bit desperate mode.