ef ~a tale of melodies: 02 – read
Haha… Finally, I have some free time to finalize this post as well as to do something to update my blog (and thanks kirusuki for providing me screencaps ^_^). From now on, I’ll try to divide my summary into two parts: Yuu and Yuuko’s route and then Kuze and Mizuki’s. That’s because I find it can be confusing to combine both routes and put it altogether like what it was on the show. Now here it goes…
Yuu + Yuuko
Soul Eater Character Single – Death The Kid and The Thompson Sisters
The third character single of Soul Eater is finally uploaded! This time, it’s the uber-perfect Death the Kid (with the uber-hot Miyano Mamoru as his VA), along with the Thompson sisters, Liz and Patty. I really like the song, though Liz sounds out of place between Kid and Patty but I ignored that. It’s less hardcore than Mauve-Iro no Sympathy by Soul and Maka but still, Miyano Mamoru makes up for it!
Vampire Knight Guilty OP – Rondo
Full version of the song “RONDO” of Vampire Knight Guilty, sung by the twins ON/OFF. They also sang the first season’s OP.
Kuroshitsuji Ch08 – Finally, they made it happen…
This is not a doujinshi. It’s from the actual manga… ^_^ And OMG I love the fact that they made it happen!!!!!!
Kannagi: 02 – I have a split personality…
First of all, sorry for the HORRIBLE screencaps… I think it has something to do with the subs I downloaded. Next time, I would be downloading a different fansubber for this anime.
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae: 02 – Pain is Pleasure.
Actual OP: Tsukihana by Nana Kitade – Well, the animation is definitely better than what is shown on the first episode and I’m starting to get used to the song and I’m liking it, though the previous two are just better.
Episode 02: Caged Bird
ToraDora!: 02 – What are you going to do with a ball, some cookies and a pole?
Sorry for the super delayed post X/… But whoa! Things are really getting fast this episode. The first two episodes had like, covered 11 chapters of the manga… but I don’t have any major complaints at all.
Chaos;HEAd – 01
Lol… Sorry for the late post ^_^. Another mystery/psychological anime again this Fall but with a harem twist is Chaos;HEAd. Based from an ero-game adaptation by Nitro Plus, this one tackles the story of Takumi Nishijo’s delusions which slowly turns out being the reality.
[EDIT: I minimized the disturbing images so click them for full resolutions… If you dare.]