

With only three more episodes to go, it’s time to start saying adieu to the sexy, crazy, and brilliant characters of Ao no Exorcist, but being the fangirl-pleasing company that it is, A-1 brings us an Exorcist special with everyone’s favorite familiar, Kuro, as the star! Feeling a bit ignored by Rin, Kuro goes off to search for a new master, but is there anyone that can truly replace Rin? Along with Kuro, it seems all our favorite characters will be back with their brilliant voice actors, such as Nobuhiko Okamoto, Jun Fukuyama, and Ayahi Takagaki. It seems quite generic, like a regular ol’ extra episode they probably couldn’t fit in the series, but I’ll give this a try since I’ll most likely go through Exorcist withdrawal symptoms. |
I love me some Ao no Exorcist, so I’m watching this for sure. I love Rin and Yukio (although Bon is my favourite. He’s so studious~ Plus, dat accent…) and whatever crazy antics they get into. Kuro is adorable, so this will prove to be a nice piece of fluff to keep the fans happy.
Well since I love watching the anime series I suppose I can spend a few minutes watching a special! After all its like extra fun with the whole cast! Or this might be a beach themed episode because you know we need more Izumo and Shiemi bikini screen caps. Well I don’t think we will get that sadly it looks like we have a story with Kuro looking for a new master, poor Rin you didnt love your cat and now it hates you! Noooooooo!!
Obligatory. Also did you see the special about Yukio and his moles? Lmao, it was so random.
I hope Shiemi dies in this special. Because we all hate her. But wait! She was born on March 6th, same day as me. Oh dear. Ohhhh dear. Why would you do this to me…
So I dropped the anime but it wasn’t because I didn’t like the story. I just prefer keep up with the manga. However, I’ll be watching this cuz it looks like a lot of fun.
DAWWW, Kuro, come here you, I will adopt you! So, that I can kidnap Rin whenever he comes looking for you. Fufufufuuuu~ Also, yeah, as Hime said, you should definitely check this out.
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Hoshi ] [ Hime ] |

This show is slow and rather uneventful, and yet Yune has charmed me to watch the entire series. It’s not an amazing show by a long shot, but the simple differences between French and Japanese culture that each episode touches upon bring a smile to my face. Well, not really, my heart isn’t THAT easy to sway. I find Alice to be a bit of a bratty Japanophile, but as long as Yune is there to balance out her glass-shattering whine, it’s all good~ So, expect these short specials to bundle with the volumes of Blu-ray & DVD release.
Ah man, Ikoku Meiro no Croisee is one of the sweetest, most adorable shows I have ever watched. I am ready to watch this. Right now. COME TO ME YUNE~ YOU MOE WITTLE CUTIE YOU!
OMG people, why so cold towards Yune? She’s so cuteoooo! So, more cuteness from Yune is always good. Sign me up! Though I don’t like Alice much but oh well~
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Zabobinator ] |

This is a very hit or miss show. The first few episodes are almost always hilarious, with the subsequent episodes becoming far to specific for me to understand. While you don’t have to watch the previous seasons and could watch the episodes in any order, it’s the humour that simply flies over my head. I simply don’t know enough about Japanese culture, politics, or celebrities to get half of the jokes. Anyways, the entire show revolves around the daily life of a teacher named Zetsubou-sensei, a man who only sees the cynical side of life. He has various students who all have their own personality disorders such as being overly optimistic, a stalker, a hermit, or having a fetish for pulling tails. The list goes on. While I love the humour that’s based around each and every student, sometimes an entire half of an episode is spent rambling on a joke that I don’t find funny to begin with. It’s either the best show ever or just a time-waster. It’s all based on luck, or how the planets are aligned, or what you ate for breakfast, who knows. Long story short, yeah, I’ll see what’s going on with this Zetsubou-sensei special. ZETSUBOUSHIITTAAAA!
I love Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, but for the love of crap. Either LET IT DIE, or MAKE ANOTHER BLOODY SEASON OF IT. All of these specials are extremely aggravating and difficult to keep up with. That aside, yeah, you need to be pretty informed about contemporary Japan in order to understand what they’re talking about, but if you get them (or find kind subbers who explain things in subtext) this series is actually pretty funny. Though sometime you don’t need to know much in order for it to be entertaining. Truthfully, I actually just watch this for that megane yaoi girl who pairs gundam characters together, Marina Inoue’s OCD yandere character and Hiroshi Kamiya’s “ZESTUBOUSHITAAAAAAAA”. I mean, what’s more entertaining than watching Itoshiki trying to kill himself? NOTHING. That’s what.
LOL, marketing much? Special for ONLY those who buy ALL the Blu-ray or DVD?! xD I share Kara’s enthusiasm about this because what’s more entertaining enough than a suicidal teachers always trying to kill himself and wallowing in this sadness. Hiroshi Kamiya has done a brilliant job and I would definitely check this out just for that ZETSUBOUSHITAAAAAA!
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Karakuri ] |

These are short fairy tales that are humourously plotted around the Kimi ni Todoke cast.The Cinderella and Snow White specials are already out as linked in the trailer section, while the last one will release on 21st September (near my birthday too so it should be a good gift idea, hinthint /jk!) with the Blu-ray and DVD releases of both the seasons. The last bonus will be called “Mini-Todo Gekijō: Romeo to Juliet 3D” (Mini-Todo Theater: Romeo & Juliet 3D) and the limited first-pressing BD-Box of the entire anime series will also have an audio bonus extra called “Mini-Todo Gekijō: Romeo to Juliet, Sore Kara…” (Mini-Todo Theater: Romeo & Juliet, and Then…) for fans. Like the first two episodes went, I can bet Kurumi would try her best to make Sawako the evil party yet things would go completely the other way. Also, DEM IN CHIBI FORM, everyone looks SO CUTE & FLUFFY! As if they didn’t already but I can bet, it would be entertaining as always.
I’m sorry, but Kimi ni Todoke bores me to tears. The slow-paced romance, the fluffiness, the horrible jokes…Pass.
Where for out thou Kazehaya! Putting the KnT characters in fairy tales could be fun to watch, but the idea that they’ll be in chibi form is kinda cheap. Production I.G.’s work on the series is quite splendid imo, and I’d hate the idea of something as fun as seeing these characters reenact Shakesphere be done in a silly, overly cartoony format.
Still need to watch the whole anime. Oh man, I’m so behind. I think I haven’t caught up on this is because I feel like I don’t want to go through watching the whole shy love story. Unconfident people seem to annoy me<_<;.
Oh man, this is going to be told from Kurumi’s view? I am not disappointed with this. You know why? That measn more Aya Hirano. And more Aya Hirano is not a bad thing. I thought S2 moved pretty damn fast compared to the first (that was because everyone was so goddamn clueless in the first goddamn season), and IG thought “Huh, they really are stupid. Let’s make them normal” and cut it down by half It was a strange contrast, but it kinda worked. In any case, Aya!
YAY! I LOVE KAZEHAYA AND SAWAKO. THEY’RE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER. Fangirling aside, I love this anime so it’s on my to-watch list!
HELL YES. Even if this is told from Kurumi’s point of view, it’s still more KnT. Possibly blogging: Anaaga, Kyokai
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Kyokai ] [ anaaga ] |

Sad about Usagi Drop ending soon? Going to miss the adorable Rin and her fun antics with Daikichi? Don’t fear! With the release of the Usagi Drop Blu-rays and DVDs come mini original-story episodes for the bonus features! These 4 short episodes include episode 2.5, “Happa’s Aquarium”, episode 3.5 “Dear my Santa Claus”, episode 6.5 “Full Blossom in the Sky”, and finally episode 8.5 “The Road Home”. As to what specifically these special will be about is still unknown, but it leaves us with a cute, little surprise when they’re finally released and subbed. I have high hopes for these not only because it’s a touching, well-made series, but because of the adorable and sometimes funny extra scenes at the end of each episode. If they’ll be similar to that, then I can’t wait to bring some extra sweetness to my day.
Usagi Drop took me by surprise and became one of my favourite shows of the summer season, therefore I’m SO watching this. Rin is too sweet to ignore~
Loving the current series so yes watching these as well! Well hopefully they are nice fun episodes but I have a feeling they might be a mixture of emotional and happy. Hime: Kind of ashamed to say I dropped it…
Kind of ashamed to say I dropped it…
People at Metanorn say they think Usagi Drop is sad. Well, they have nothing on me. Every episode, without fail, has reduced me to tears. Like, literal, Maori tears. I don’t know how the hell it does it. Even when the episode is HAPPY, someone could see me watching the show AND I WOULD BE SOBBING AND SOBBING. I now believe the show is made using black-magic. That’s the only was it could affect me so.
I never expected Usagi Drop to be so good. I thought it would just be one of those overrated, saptastic stories that would induce intense eye rolling at the cheesiness of it all. Boy was I wrong! This show is quite possibly one of the sweetest things I have ever watched and has caused me to tear up every episode. It’s cute and simple and the art style is gorgeous. Thus, it’s only natural that I watch these specials. 😀
Oh god, I’m so in. I thought the anime will be boring as hell but I was wrong. I always wail in despair every time an episode ends. It’s just so great.
Cuteness overload! I love this series to pieces and Rin is just such an awesomely sweet and well brought up kid and don’t even get me started on Daikichi. This is made up of so much sweetness that it always leaves me wanting for more. So, yeah, specials, here I come.

This. This is awesome. In a nutshell, Hidamari Sketch is about a girl named Yuno, who wants to become an artist, going to artist high school with all of her art school friends. This is all while living in a building across from said art school with her friends. HAHAHAHA! I WISH art school was that laid back! While I admit that I didn’t find the comedy all that funny (though it was occasionally), it was still entertaining despite being slice of life. The other seasons of this show gave me the same kind of calming feeling that K-ON! did (possibly because of the moeness of all of the characters). Plus Miyuki Sawashiro plays a landlady again, instantly giving me Maria Holic flashbacks.While a 4th season has been announced, this is only a 2 episode special. So maybe this will lead in to the 4th season…? But seriously SHAFT, why the hell don’t you continue some of the other anime you left hanging instead of making 10 series/OVAs of the same couple of shows?
This is one of those anime I want to watch! Sadly, I don’t think I can catch up in time…Aww, this keeps happening to me. Too much anime, too little time.
I remember watching a few of the episodes really fun stuff but only for the D’awww and Moe type of characters but damn this series is still running?! Probably will check this out even thou I have not seen the other ones.
I hate to start from…the beginning…
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Nobody wants this Shaft recycling ] |

Sadly, this is one of those anime that hasn’t seen much limelight due to its unique plot line of a girl wanting to be a guy while vice versa for the guy wanting to be a girl. You don’t really find such a story and the manga is brilliant. The adaptation though not to letter was still not bad. This is actually the twelfth unaired episode releasing with the sixth Blu-ray/DVD so expect some closure.
I never even tried this, I just read Hato’s reviews on it out of curiosity. Meh, not gonna watch.
I only managed to sit through five episodes and lost interest really fast. Not that I have anything against gender issues just didn’t have any real interest in the characters’ lives or who they wanted to get with.
I absolutely loved Wandering Son, wished it had been a full 26 episodes.
Maybe I should finish the show first. I fell off it due to multiple circumstances and I really regret it, I need to go back and marathon it in one day, just to feel better.
Didn’t try, not planning to.
I need to finish watching the original SO BADLY. I loved this series. Or at least the 5 episodes I saw.

I love BakaTest, but only season one. This second season hasn’t really made me laugh. At all. I shall forever remain skeptical until someone with a similar sense of humour as me deems this special as funny. That’s right, I’m not watching this spin-off until YOU do. Then make sure to report back to me with your findings. You’ll probably have to watch at least season one first though. That, or go in knowing the basic premise: a high school in which you have a personal monster you can summon to fight battles. The strength of the summon depends on your current mark in that subject. If someone challenges you to a math fight, you’d better know how to do derivatives, bro. The main character, of course, is an idiot in Class F who manags to win the affections of a genius babe in Class A. Chaos ensues…with parodies!
You know what I have been doing lately? Watching season one! Well Funimation dub version! And I have to say oh wow I was not expecting to laugh as hard as I have! The scenes with Hideyoshi always manage to crack me up and the random BL moments? Ahahaha I seriously have died so many times due to laughing so hard. Also I do enjoy those avatar battles! It’s like a comedy version of YuGioh! Only with cute chibi avatars..
Second season has been a bit of a bust with a few exceptions. Hopefully they’ll inject enough humor into this OVA to make up for it.
Never got around this but I should check it out, being it hilarious and all that; though I’ll be wary of Cool’s warning.
// POSSIBLY BLOGGING: [ Nobody wants this spin-off! ] |
We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] this season is Sekijitsu, who have a great looking comprehensive review that includes air dates. Metanorn’s season review has been published, and as usual, they have a ton of information as well. So, with these great comprehensive reviews, […]
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 33 comments
Wow, this is such a well organized and put-together preview. I can feel the effort put into it. My kudos to you Kyokai and Fosh and the rest of your team!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
DAWW, thank you, Vucy~ It took many days and it’s definitely a team effort with everyone pitching in for their thoughts. Much appreciate it! ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Awww thanks! It took a while to come up with our own spin on the summaries but good stuff xD
High five team Meta!
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 67 comments
I am most excited for Mirai Nikki, with Persona 4 in second.
Other then that I will be watching Ika musume 2, Bakuman 2, and Chihayafuru (idk it just interests me.) AND HUNTER x HUNTER!!! haha…
Checking out: Guilty Crown, Un-Go (bishies XD), Ben-To
and OMG. So happy about the Specials for Kimi ni Todoke and Usagi drop! <3
but yay Metanorn team, I love the season preview post the most. makes me super excited for the new shows 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
LOL! Yandere love anyone? I hope asread does a good job with it and definitely looking forward to all the titles that you mentioned.
Aah, I remember you tweeting about it and here it is. Thank you for the wait! ^^ We take our time in collecting all the info because releasing reviews without complete information is just no good and does justice to the title being covered.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Hell ya to Mirai Nikki! I can’t wait to see that, but I have a feeling it will be soooo censored like BloodC And Deadman wonderland with so many shadows and great big beams of light….
Guilty Crown! Yes please! That looks so good, I will bet money it probably will be the hit of the fall season with all those great designs and music.
Why thank you! We put a lot of time into this 😀
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 67 comments
NOO that would be horrible if they had the beams of light..
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 339 comments
Seriously looking forward to some stuff here..
Show ▼
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Good list and LOL! You should match up with some old shows to balance out your current watch list. ^^
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 339 comments
Funnily enough I’m actually going to be watching the original Macross series along with this season. I think they might just be old enough XD
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
We can expect better from DEEN on Hatsukoi, but I’m keeping my expectations slightly above minimum.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Hells ya Junko! Guilty Crown for the winnnnnnnn and Fate/Zero,Working!! and Shana three! xD
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
*take a deep breath after reading the suuuuuuuper long review* lol
Just reading it takes almost one hour, can’t imagine how long the team has been working on this. Thank you so much for the hard work! <3
Aww, I'm so happy that there's lots of promising show this season. Currently interested in Guilty Crown, Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, Gundam AGE, Phi Brain, Un-Go, Persona 4, Mirai Nikki, Fate/Zero, Shakugan no Shana III, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2 and Hotarubi no Morie. That's quite a lot coming from me :))
Might cut down this list after watching first episode though :p
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you for the kind words! Everyone really worked hard in making this a reality. We have been preparing since last month. xD
Hahaa, we’ll see how much you end up seeing but definitely, there’s no shortage of good shows this season. ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
-hands you a paper bag- ;D
Thanks! Indeed it was a long process but worth the wait! Good work everyone course we always do our best for the readers.
Yep I am looking forward to Guilty Crown,Gundam Age,Horizon,Mirai Nikki, Fate/Zero and Shana three too! Lots of great anime soon! Fall is going to be a great one.
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
Hourou Mousuko (special): I finally got around to watching the series last week. I had to wait because my old computer had serious problems with video, and the very pale colors of the art style meant I could barely tell what was going on. The pale watercolor style looks great (now that I have a new computer), and is very appropriate. For a show that seems like it would be intense and angst, it actually isn’t. I mean, yeah the kid gets bullied and stuff, but actually it is much more subdued than one would expect. I think this gave it a sense of realism that I wasn’t expecting. I’ll check out the special, since I’m caught up.
Chihayafuru: Yeah! This is my prediction for best show of the season.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I agree on the intensity. They talk about some serious stuff quite mildly. No violence except for some bullying and bitching. Seen in a marathon, Hourou Musuko is much better than waiting for it every week.
And three cheers for Chihayafuru. This should be a total win!
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 338 comments
AWESOME SAUCE!!! I’ve been waiting soooo long for this!!! Picking next season’s watches is always a process. But I love all your reviews and the trailers really help. No one does it like Metanron. Here is too another rocking anime season.
Most looking forward too:
Fate/Zero, Gundam Age, Bakuman S2 and Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi 2. Watching a few others but those are the big kickers.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Kitty-chan! We love doing it for our readers. ^^
Also, a mecha fan? Say HI to Fosh and Jrow as these two fanboy it to the limit. xD
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Thanks so much! It’s like how Carly Simon sings it.
I have faith in F/Z being great and Hatsukoi should be more of season 1 goodness, and I’m interested to see what Age brings to the table.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 338 comments
I really just can’t wait to hear Takano go Huh?! again.
I think I might add Last Exile to the list, thou I haven’t see the first one.
Also Hi Fosh and Jrow =^_^= yay for mecha backed fun!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Oh yes you should try to watch some Last Exile! Really good stuff xD and -wave- YES! Finally a season of mecha! Wooooooooooo hooooooo!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ahahah thanks! 😀
Fate/Zero looks great! Can’t wait to see some more of Saber and Rin <3 Gundam Age might take a while to actually get into with those character designs, but I love gundam so I can look past that for now.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 88 comments
Soooo much info, amazing!! I think I might actually start recognizing VAs with your format XD
And OMG Sayanoara Zetsu Sensei, Hourou Mousuko, Usagi Drop, & Kimi ni Todoke specials! *_*
Anaaga’s reaction to Sekai-something something was cute haha
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I’m a VA fangirl through and through so it’ll be all my pleasure if you start recognizing them due to my reviews. XD
Too many titles to check out, yeah!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
hahah yep I am with you to Vivi one day I will have the names of all the actors memorized! Somehow….
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Whoa, this season is packed. It’s almost like summer again.
I saw the Guilty Crown trailer and even though I haven’t seen much of Code Geass, it reminds me of that with Index/Railgun parts.
I’m also in to check out Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle, Fate/Zero, Persona 4: The Animation, Maji de Watashi ni Shinasai, C3: Cube X.
As for Hunter x Hunter, I never saw the original version but it still looks interesting.
A third Shakugan no Shana? Damn!!! I haven’t even seen the first two. Time to catch up.
A Deadman Wonderland OVA. I might give this series a second opinion depending on how it plays out. The madness, blood and gore were on the mark but the main character has yet to prove himself. I mean, Ganta actually looks tougher in this picture and I’m itching to see Shiro and Minatsuki go wild again.
That Infinite Stratos OVA is next on the list along with that Ao no Exorcist special.
This season’s gonna be busy but gonna help us burn a the the way to winter season.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Oh hell yeah! I want to see everything! Well, almost~
Guilty Crown seems to be the top pick because of the star-studded staff. I mean, would you look at those names. Same goes for Fate/Zero, Un-Go, Persona, Phi Brain and Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon. I say something for everyone but yeah, a warning for Shana, it’s a typical tsundere girl going shut up all the time. Not sure if it has enough ‘plot’.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
In regards to Shana, I’ve never seen it, but from what I’ve read from steev and also other places is that Shana is kind of the basis for which most of today’s tsunderes are based off of. He’s actually excited about the series which surprised me a good bit.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I don’t really mind tsunderes. I survived Bakemonogatari’s Hitagi and Kore Wa Zombie’s Sera and Haruna. And they are as tsun as they come.
What I really want to see first is Guilty Crown but we gotta wait untill October. I should have known. The Hanazawa virus has even gotten this upcoming series. She’s really branching out. Then there’s Persona 4 and Fate/Zero. They look really wild.
And not to forget Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon with Jun Fukuyama in the cast. Hime and other Fukuyama fangirls are gonna be all over that. They should have another anime with big time VA. Ao no Exorcist was a breeding ground for three kinds of viruses: Jun Fukuyama, Nobuhiko Okamoto and the infectious Hanazawa virus.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yeah lots of great looking shows! So amazing to the line up with mecha for once.
True about guilty crown it does look a bit like a “Railgun/index” type of series which sounds great to me xD
POWUH: iLurker with 8 comments
First off, girls and guys of Metanorn you deserve a standing ovation for this season preview, every other blog should not bother to write one and just provide a link back to this. Seriously outstanding job. I am however worried about Kyokai, with all she’s got on her plate, one of these days her head is going to straight up explode! Of course that won’t stop her and we’re all going to have to chip in and buy her a yellow motorcycle helmet with built in nekomimi and those aren’t cheap you know!
I do have a bone to pick with you all though, before reading this I was fretting over having 12 shows in my want to watch list, now I have 22. And 8 OVA’s. On top of Fringe, Supernatural and Terra Nova in USA tvland! orz >.<
Again thank you for the fantastic work though, I'm so hyped to enjoy this amazing season with all of you!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Where should I even begin? I laughed like mad after reading this comment and thank you SO MUCH for your kind words and worrying about my head. LOL, Celty fits so well here. xD
Also, rest assured, I’ll be watching Fringe and Supernatural too along with all the above anime. It’s gonna be tough but reviews are there to check out and then sift the crop for better ones.
Let’s have an awesome season, YEAHHHH! xD
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
I know what ya mean with having so many shiny new shows to watch. I don’t have the US tv shows, but as a sports fan I have to find extra time to wiggle these shows around football games and whatnot.
Thanks so much! The first half of October will be crazy busy for us getting out first impressions and such.
POWUH: iLurker with 8 comments
Just to echo the comments above, thank you for such a complete season preview that’s beautiful-looking to boot! The amount of information here is extraordinary and the links to websites, information about people involved, etc. are extremely useful too. Awesome job!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Raph! Much appreciate it.
Also, I see you share the Yamada love, nyaa~ xD
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Thanks Raph! It was a lot of work and fun to finally get this done and out to everyone to read! Yeah thanks to Ness and Kyokai for working on the shiney graphics.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 24 comments
Just real quick.
You did a little mistake on page 9:
Sunrise and Production I.G. are not both doing Guilty Crown. Only I.G. and the one missing for Sunrise is Gundam AGE. You though nobody would notice eh?? XDD
You can count on this redly-suspiciously Gundam fanboy to correct you XDDD
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Why would I purposefully misquote. >>
Though good on ya, gundam fanboy.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Thanks TSRL! Are you excited for more Gundam!? I know I sure am muhahahah!
POWUH: 400-499 with 428 comments
All I have to say is wow, so many things to expect from the coming Fall, though I’m in agreement that Fate/Zero is at the top of the list. Returning cast as well as new members with the darker story in the background compared to the (relatively) lighthearted Fate/Stay-night. P4 though comes second but there are A LOT of new shows I have not heard of that I’m genuinely excited for…now I shall begin bouncing in my chair in glee…:)
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Fate/Zero, HELL YEAH! *Metafist* I have never been this excited about an anime before… Well, Nisemonogatari comes near enough but you catch my drift. xD
Persona 4 is making me crazy with their new PVs as the days go by. Not to mention so many shows to check out. It’s definitely going to be an eventful season, this one.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Vocaloid Fangirl with 363 comments
!!! Thank you so much for creating such a comprehensive (and pretty) season preview post 😀 I am in awe of (and eternally grateful to) the Metanorn Team (Y)
I am so excited for Fall with approximately 7 series I’m looking forward to catching 8D 8D
…The only thing is that I only can start watching after my End of Year Exams end on 10 October so I. HAVE. TO. RESIST. T T
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
That’s so awesome to see you write that! So glad you really enjoyed the preview.
Fall’s looking pretty good. I’m not sure what my personal count of shows is, but each season this year I’ve underestimated the number, so it might hover between 5-10.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
You are welcome! This was really a lot of work but amazing job team xD
Nice!! I have lost count on the series I will end up watching….probably a little of everything for me 😀
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 58 comments
wooot new season! Looks pretty decent too =D
Looking forward to Phi Brain; Kami no Puzzle, HunterxHunter, and kimi to boku… Also going to continue on with bakuman, working, shinryaku ika mumsume and sekai-ichi hatsukoi =P
once again, very nice work on the review-ness =)
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Very appropriate that you say review-“ness” since Ness did an amazing job with the design as is usually the case. 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yes! Lots of exciting things to watch soon!
I am interested in HunterxHunter! And Ika Musume <3 <3 I missed that series I need my comedy fix.
LOL Yepp so much review-ness!
POWUH: 500-599 and The Trapolicious Treasurer with 599 comments
And every time a review comes out, I disappear right after it’s publish for a vacation xD
Thanks! (even though I’m unsure if that review-ness was even meant for me) :3
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 31 comments
I went into this summary thinking the only shows worth my time were Working!!, Persona 4, Guilty Crown and Last Exile, yet now I’m more excited with Tamayura and Coppelion. I hope the later does actually air this season!).
Oh, and more Kimi ni Todoke means more Ayane = Win Win Win!!!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Nice! Yeah there are a few surprise shows out there I will probably try a little of everything <3
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
I’ve heard good things about Coppelion, from manga readers, but I’m not sure we’ll be seeing it this season.
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 75 comments
I’ve been Waiting for this post!
THANK YOU for creating a comprehensive season preview post for retarded people like me ♥
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ohhhhh we have been waiting to post it for a while, LOL Well we try to help our readers out.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
Oh god Kyokai I love Tales of Symphonia how could you say that ;___; But it’s releasing in the winter anime season, so it’s good that you didn’t put it in the list.
By the way, I looooveeee Tales of Symphonia. You know what this means *hint hint*
And that Natsume twins thingy? I thought it would be about bunch of girls, but it’s actually about bunch of guys. Has lots of yaoi pairing potentials. Will watch for the gheyness
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
What did I say?! =P
Tales of Symphonia is getting so many OVAs like every season, we can’t cover it every time. =P but you are always welcome to cover it. 😉
And about Kimi to Boku., I always thought it would be awesome if someone made the guys’ version of K-On! and look at this, our time is made. xD
POWUH: 400-499 with 406 comments
Love the new layout!
The only think I hate about fall is the lack of time I have for watching anime. D;
Definitely watching:
Show ▼
Fall is looking great so far!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I love the layout too! Very cool xD
Trueeeeee some can watch anime all day!
Nice list I can’t wait for Guilty Crown, Working!!, and Mirai Nikki those seem like really fun shows to watch this season. Fingers crossed for Mirai Nikki not to be censored to much due to all the BLOOD…
POWUH: 400-499 with 406 comments
I know! I loved the all that blood in the manga. I really hope that it is present in the anime adaption.
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much. Fall is the season for awesome anime. There’s like 6 animes airing on my birthday. CRAZYNESS I TELL YOU CRAZYNESS!
Im so happy that Bakuman is getting a 2nd season. The manga is so interesting. As well as all the other animes getting another season.
Detective Conan i love that show. All I need to do to catch up is watch more then 500 episode before october. Maybe I should just start watching the movies.
the animes are just so amazing I sooooo cant wait.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
You are welcome!!! Fall is looking amazing so many great looking shows, ooooh Happy early birthday! I know last year Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Came out on my bday too well a day before ahaha
WOW And I thought a series like One piece was huge xD
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
ahhh thank you
lol actually the ones that are airing on my birthday are a day early 2. I still say it’s my birthday kuz the subs come out a day later, hopfully. >_<
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Happy early birthday!
I want to get into Conan. I really do, but 600 episodes seems like a hell of a lot XD. Good luck with that!
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
ahhh thank you
Conan is really difficult to. I’m also reading the manga which is more easier… i think
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
Not that I hate it, and I HAD the manga. But since it’s not even done until NOW, I decided to stop. It’s making me broke
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
lmao I always wonder when it will end. it’s been on since around the time I was born. I haven’t hit 100 episodes and I’m on the 13th volume (and counting), but im not going to give up. i might just stick to the manga it’s faster.