
It’s time for Unlimited Birthday Works!~ Let’s celebrate the boss lady’s big day, happy birthday Kyokai!
Happy Birthday, Kyokai-sama!! I don’t know what we’d do if you weren’t here leading us all towards blogging enlightenment and victory (like in the aniblog tourney!). It’s like you were born to run Metanorn. Maybe you were! If I could give you a gift, I’d cook you a birthday feast…but you live too far away, so instead I will praise you endlessly for being awesome and gush over my favourite post of yours: the famous Kara no Kyoukai recommendation post. Not only is it well-written, but I can tell it is a product of your pure love for the series. It’s nice to see someone enjoy anime so thoroughly and want to share that with others. I’m sure you’ve gotten tons of people to watch the movies by now (myself being one of them) so good job! Reward yourself with cake! 😀
[ Recommendation: Kara no Kyoukai ]
Happy birthday to our benevolent dictator! I hope this year has been great for you. I don’t often get the chance, so let me thank you for allowing me to join the Metanorn team. It’s been a great year to be here as a fellow Type-Moon fan, seeing Witch on the Holy Night and the end of Fate/Zero released, both of which you covered very well. And it’s been wonderful to watch Tsukihime again with you, even if our schedules so often conspire against us. Can’t wait till we’re finished so we can come up with a post worthy of that show! 😉 Your leadership really makes Metanorn a special place, so keep up the good work. But today is your day, and I hope it is one of rest and relaxation.
[ Mahou Tsukai no Yoru Demo Review ]
Happy happy birthday Kyo! I know you’re busy and all (since we barely talk too now *sad face*) but make sure you do spend some time for yourself and your family/friends to celebrate your birthdayI have lots of Kyo’s articles that I like, but right now, my favorite is definitely Fate/Zero’s final post. It’s short but concise, and it explained the holes left in Fate/Zero’s last episode. And really, who wouldn’t like an article written with such love? I basically love all her F/Z posts because I know the amount of effort Kyo put when she wrote them. I want to be a diligent blogger who brings top-notch quality posts just like her!
[ Fate/Zero 25: A Difficult Goodbye [END] ]

HAAAAPPPYYY BIRRRTHDAAAY Kyokai!! Dayum we are getting old aren’t we? Just kidding! We area young at heart forever and ever so go out and have a party and eat lots of cake YO!!! Well…don’t party to hard because Metanorn will always need the bamf boss lady to lead the team. For your special birthday drawing I drew Kiritsugu duel wielding guns while standing in a odd pose! Anyway I hope you have a relaxing day! Take care Kyokai.Truth be told Kyokai’s Durarara!! Posts brought me to the wonderful world of Metanorn, but the rest is history and recently most of us went through the 50 things you didn’t know about me posts and I have to say they were so much fun because we got the chance to open up; however I think everyone learns something new about each other and Kyokai’s post was a lot of fun to read <3
[ 50 things you didn’t know about me ]
Happy Birthday Kyokai-san! First off, thanks for everything, boss-lady-sama of Metanorn. Second, it’s your birthday so you should enjoy your special day. Today, everything and anything should be for you. May your fondness for Type-Moon works never fade. More power and more Happy Birthdays to come! =)
[ Fate/Zero 25: A Difficult Goodbye [END] ]
Wah, happy birthday Kyokai! Unfortunately I was unable to draw you something, so I’ll send you all my love through words instead. It feels like just yesterday I was eagerly awaiting your Durarara!! posts, placed under your leadership (hahaha), and chatting about Kuragehime. You have been the best, most patient boss I’ve had, as well as one of the sweetest, most kickass persons I’ve met. I’m so sad that we haven’t been able to have a real chat or that I haven’t gotten to know you better. I do hope that one day we get to collab again since we were unable to with Natsuyuki Rendezvous! I sincerely wish you all the best on your birthday and the following years to come. Hopefully you get to party your heart out and have a blissful day. Again, happy birthday Kyokai~!!
[ Why Bromance is Forever? ]

Happy Birthday Ojouchan! Please don’t work that hard today. You deserve to sit at home and play Fate/Stay Night all day like a true aniblogger would on their birthday. Hopefully you have a lot of fun but remember don’t do anything I wouldn’t. Namely don’t get drunk and lost in the middle of the city only to find yourself sleeping next to a bum. That is no way to enjoy a birthday! Have a good one Bosslady!
[ Fate/Zero 18-19: What makes a Magus Killer? ]
Happy Birthday Kyo! Make today a great birthday. Have some cake, eat it with your hands, w/e. If you’re thinking of doing something low-key, I mean that’s cool and all, it just means your special day won’t be as special as it could be. And quite frankly, knowing you and the amount of work you put into Metanorn and real life, you deserve a really special day. Celebrate! Celebrate!
I chose F/Z 15-16 as a favorite because it’s the beginning mark of Metanorn’s current blogging style. The change was wanted and needed, and Kyokai laid a great foundation to convince me and eventually others to change how they wrote blogs for Metanorn. There are posts that I think are greater and more of Kyo’s personality shining through, it’s just for me this one is one of Metanorn’s most important posts.
[ Fate/Zero 15-16 ]
Otanjoubi omedetou Kyo~!! Wow another year gone by and where has the time gone to? Well I know that we’ve been busy with slaving away at work but you set your foot down girl and party hard. If we were to hang out, we’d totally have a girls day or night out. Sampling and all that fun stuff XD. Too bad there’s no clubs but there are bars right? But yeah, so what are your plans anyways? Family cooking and celebrating? Man I miss those times. :3 Well, may all your wishes come true and I know that we’ve given up on cake but at least have a slice this one day of the year~ ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪ Cheers~
[ 50 things you didn’t know about me ]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYO !!! ´▽` Oh wow, where do I even start. Ever since being recruited to Metanorn you’ve been nothing but helpful, generous, and above all, AWESOME! I’ve learned so much about blogging from your leadership and it’s been an incredibly fun experience, so thank you!~ I hope you have an amazing birthday and get to celebrate it however you wish! I chose your Bromance post as my favorite because of how funny and detailed it was to read, and I can’t wait to read more of your posts in the future. (Chihayafuru S2, wooooo~) Again, happy birthday! ●°u°●
[ Why Bromance is Forever? ]
Happy birthday to the best boss lady in the world!! I did draw you something, but I’ll probably have to just email it to you since school eats up so much of my time and I couldn’t finish. OTL A-anyways, I don’t know where Metanorn would be without you and your awesome banchou skills (hell, even your regular job sounds like you’re busy doing important things), but you deserve a break! Go forth and enjoy life!I’m extremely proud to blog on your website in the first place, but my favourite post of yours would definitely be the What Makes a Magus Killer one, which proved that you CAN write episodics and make them worth reading. All episodic blogs are the same my ass. You showed them all, Kyo~ *Cough* I miss tag teaming with you, but I guess I’ll just wait patiently and look forward to when Chihayafuru starts again (so Kara no Kyokai can reign supreme once more) xD.
[ Fate/Zero 18-19: What makes a Magus Killer? ]
Happy birthday kyo-sama! Thank you for being ever so patient and hardworking! You’re always there for us whether it’s for aniblog work or for personal stuff, and I know that we can alwaaaays rely on you as a friend and a nakama. Without you there wouldn’t have been Metanorn and the lovely team and community we have here today, so take today off and have an awesome partayyy filled with cake and bishies! To celebrate the occasion here is a cheesily written (and loosely translated) haiku:
たんじょうび tanjyobi (on each birthday
あいひとつずつ ai hitotsuzutsu (our love to you is
ふえていく fueteiku (growing over time
*hides in a hole* sorry if it’s bad; excuse my horrible jap skills ;w; Once again, tanjyoubi omedetou to the best boss lady in the wooorld! xD
[ Unlimited Aniblog Works ]

Blog together, celebrate together! Happy Birthday Kyo! ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪
We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day, and all sorts of wonderful things happen to you this year.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks JJB! ^^ This year started out pretty well with nice changes and lots of new beginnings. Hopefully, they will continue onwards!
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 75 comments
Happy Birthday Kyokai! Thanks for everything!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Carla and long time no see! ^^
POWUH: iLurker with 12 comments
Happy BDAY~! ^0^ May all you wishes come true!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Cely_belly! I wish that could be true but oh well, I can only hope for the best. ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you for the awesome wishes, lovely! <3
Ahahaahahaaa! Who knows?!
Though, I hope I turn into a world-take-over corporation. You didn’t hear it from me!Every time someone watches Kara no Kyoukai, a secret gadget in my dungeon counts it down. In all seriousness I’m just glad people got my enthusiasm for this franchise.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 20 comments
Happy birthday! I hope you’re enjoying your day. Party hard, eat cake and keep being awesome. ^_^
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Martin! Had too much partying but it was pretty fun! ^^
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
Happy Birthday, Kyo! 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Zabo! <333
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
Whoooo, happy birthday! 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Amutofan! <333
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 31 comments
Happy birthday Kyo. Hope you had a lovely day!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, fb! (I still have fun saying it like this with Steins;gate nostalgia). I definitely had a memorable day. ^^
POWUH: 500-599 with 543 comments
Happy birthday!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Gecko! ^^
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
Happy Birthday Kyokai!!!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Samantha! ^^
POWUH: 400-499 with 428 comments
Happy birthday Kyokai! O-tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu! Hope you enjoy an awesome day!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Arigatou ne, Reaper-san~ Had an awesome day indeed! ^^
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
Tanjoubi omedetou Kyokai sama. I wish for many more nya
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Moni chan and hopefully you’ll get many more years worth of nyaaaaaa~ :3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Okay Metanorn Team, get ready for a GIANT GROUP HUG because you guys really did make my day in oh so many ways! This post is one of my favourites on Metanorn because you all made it so precious (my precioussss~), along with the yummy Type-Moon goodness (you can never have enough of Fate/Zero!). Though, I have replied to some of your comments individually on this post but here goes the mass reply that might turn into an essay just because.
Cools~ Metanorn was literally a coincidence that happened at an opportune time. I’m just glad I was around to make it flourish with time. One of my most amibitious projects to-date! xD On the KnK front, eagerly awaiting that true Epilogue movie now. Thanks for choosing this post because well, it’s very close to my heart! ^^
Min~ Thank you for all the compliments and wishes! I had lots of fun on my birthday. On Meta side, I just try to keep this a happening and happy place for the team because hey, unless you have a good team effect, writing for such a site day in and out becomes difficult. I’m just glad I have TM fans within the team now (slow conversion rate but still ftw~). Let’s hope we get Mahoyo translation soon!
Ana-chan~, we definitely need to catch up the next time
we catch each other on IRC/skype because damn, it has been a while! Thanks for the wishes and liking my F/Z post. This was the series that really gave me A LOT to talk about, just when I wanted to talk less on my reviews. Though, it was fun and I’m still trying to be a better aniblogger. ^^
Foshy~ Oh man, we ARE getting OLD! But damn, we’ll be forever in the 20s club and 16 in heart because we are COOL that way~ :3 I had lots of fun with cake and partying on my special day but as I don’t drink, there was no ‘incidents’! I loved the Kiritsugu art, that command seal looks top notch with that swagger and cig on his lips! xD 50 things post was definitely a good one, just like the Interrogation one. ^^
Kerry~ Thank you for the wishes and I had lots of fun on my day. I’m not surprised you like my last F/Z post! xD
Hoshi~ No problemos! You have always drawn me something or the other. Time sure flies by without giving us a chance because we end up looking back more and wow, Metanorn has been growing old with time too. Our MSN chats were always fun, we should definitely catch up sometime on skype even if we can’t be online always at the same time! xD Natsuyuki was a hard nut to crack but hopefully, we’ll get time to tag on a future title. Thanks for all the wishes~
Sushi, Oh brown rice, I had an awesome fun party day without alcohol! Don’t park everyone in what you would end up doing! =P But thanks for the wishes ^^
Jrow~ I wanted to celebrate it low-key but no one let me as this was my first after going back home and everyone including my RL team and relative/fam wanted to celebrate it like I was 10… >>; And thank you for choosing this particular F/Z post as it did start that new blogging format that all of us are still experimenting with. We definitely need to plan our next podcast and catch up in the process! xD
Nessuu~ Thanks for the awesome wishes girl! Whenever we meet, we should definitely have a girls day out as I’m sure we’d end up enjoying a HELL LOT! As I told Jrow, I had no plans of partying but then my peeps didn’t let me so it was partying till night with fam/friends and it was good! ~(^__^)~
Hawt~ Oh YOU genius YOU! Thank you for beautifying this surprise so well! This reminds me that we haven’t done an official tag team post yet, which we should. I am glad, you had fun with Metanorn (I am still sticking around for the same reason!) and may there be many more years to come! :3
Kara~ aah, you make me blush! (Actually you all did) But we definitely have to bring back Kara no Kyokai again in Fall even if Chihayafuru is a bit delayed because it was awesome and good fodder for the TM fans out there. xD
Miyu-tan~ Aww girl, my Team is my PRECIOUUSSS so how can I not be there for them? In the end, I do this for the lovely team and our awesome readers who have multiplied with time so a friend in need is a friend indeed. :3 I loved your birthday haiku! Much love <3!
So yeah, thank you again for the awesome wishes. You guys made my day!
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
dang happy belated birthday kyokai!
wish you alllll the best and i will be rooting for metanorn in the shadows 😛
with lots of love <3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks for the wishes, Mikado! <333
I'm glad to see you back and with full force. Do join us sometime on our IRC channel and keep supporting us, woo~ ^^