2 years, with love
So, in two years…
Mars completes an orbit around the sun.
A growing Banyan tree is repotted.
As per Moore’s law (Intel’s co-founder), number of transistors on a chip doubles.
A baby starts speaking actual words.
Half point to an Olympic game.
Supposed death of a normal aniblogger.
Aniblog Tourney.
Publish more than 400 posts.
Watch more than 300 anime.
Read more than 200 manga.
Is it quitting time for me then?! Like hell.
Seriously, I don’t like repeating trolls; not to mention, follow norm. I might go on a hiatus for a while but I would never retire from aniblogging unless something monumentally upsetting incident happened. Hopefully, I have enough karma for that to never occur as I’m a strong believer of ‘You reap what you sow’. Of course, it was difficult at the beginning when it was just me, blogging four shows per week but things settled down and I got some very talented team members to help me out. In a few months, we’ll be on our five years journey; Metanorn in itself has evolved a lot from the metatr0n that existed in some other time plane. There are rumours that an alternate reality exists and Metanorn Dungeons have a portal to it but hey, I’m here to talk about facts!
It’s been a cool trip and if you had been keeping up with the site, through the years, many changes have occurred and I can only hope for the better. We got too big for shared hosting, our site went down for almost a whole day and we had a lot of problems while shifting to new hosting(s). There were teething problems but there was always a solution. Will helped me out so much during this process, not to mention the continuous moral support that was ever present from the team members. We have literally become a large family and I’m just glad to use all the modern gadgets to stay jacked up connected.
I always keep an ear out for what the readers say and coming from a digital marketing background, I keep tabs on discussion and what the crowd wants. Of course, there are times that the crowd becomes quite demanding but we as a team definitely like to please our readers. And the reason you have been seeing lots of projects that are introduced over and above the usual episodic blogging. My favourites remain to be Met’Amour, Anime’s Next Top Model and MetaVerse but of course, there’s been so many series that I have blogged solo/tag-teaming that every post and project is special to me in its own way. Yep, nothing gets shelved here and we are always working on something.
Personally, my blogging style has evolved from the teeny-bopper feel it had in 2010. Though, it’s still hard to break on words when writing about something I’m passionate about. I mean, that Kara no Kyoukai post took me ages and I wrote a full character profile for the first impression of Fate/Zero. Not to mention a long post is lying around in drafts in anticipation to be released this weekend. However, except for long hauls like them, I would like to incorporate the 3Cs of communication in my writing style: Clear, Concise and Compelling (right term is correct but for aniblogging, this works). Hopefully, I’ll stick to it.
A wisdom I can give to the current anibloggers is not to make summaries long while writing episodics. Nobody much cares except for the highlights and people who read posts are the ones who are already watching the relevant series. Aniblogging is all about discussion and if you are just spending your time in jotting down what happened, don’t expect too many comments. Reel in your readers; give them something new to think about. Heck, even being biased works sometimes, be crazy with theories, make fun of the right stuff and don’t leave even one stone unturned in trying to observe all aspects of what went down. Editorials are great for discussion and well-written reviews/recommendation can get the discussion ball rolling as well. Bottom line, talk to your readers; not just write whatever comes to your mind.
Coming to my own bottom line, in marking these two years, I’ve prepared a treat for the readers of Metanorn. Writing something about Kara no Kyoukai could have been the easiest task but I wanted to challenge myself and did something personal and different. So, you will get three posts this week from yours truly. This is a token of my huge THANKS TO EVERYONE including my humongous aniblogging community including Metanorn Team, Sekijitsu/ DDD/ Daifuuku teams, awesome twitter pals, marvelous commenters on site/twitter/tumblr and even the lurkers to whom I can only say, “Come out, come, wherever you are!” My fandom enthusiasm has definitely escalated through the years and, it’s been a treat! I couldn’t have done it without the supporters so accept my humble arigatou for making it an amazing experience.
Special Post List:
1. 50 Things you didn’t know about me
3. Mahou Tsukai no Yoru Demo Review
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 144 comments
The drive and ambition it takes to run a ship as good as this one for two years is inspiring. I’ve really enjoyed my short time lurking about the blog. Best wishes in the coming months and years!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Coming from an old aniblogger like yourself, it warms my heart. Thanks, Rakuen! ^^
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
Whoa, two years! Congrats! I love what’s happened to Metanorn since you’ve been here. I hope there will be many more years to come. Seriously, don’t quit. Ever.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Hahaaa, I will try my best! Thanks, Amutofan, one of my oldest commentor, you! <3
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
Congrats Kyokai! 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Samantha! <3
POWUH: iLurker with 9 comments
Aww now I feel bad for never leaving comments even though I visit this website about three times a week, and have been for around a year now…
Thanks a lot to everyone for the great blogging. Looking forward to seeing the first impressions for next season!!
I love this blog <3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I’m so glad that you have finally delurked, Fallenblackroses! Thank you for following Metanorn and I hope you’ll be kept entertained. :3
POWUH: iLurker with 14 comments
Congrats on making it to the two year mark of blogging. I have been blogging for three years and haven’t been burned out yet, although it’s a lot of work. I wish you luck on your third year.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Arigatou ne, chikorita! Doing this for a long time definitely seems tedious but the old ones are the only ones who can actually get what I mean but I think we are in for the long ride and if you are having fun while doing it, the best thing ever. ^^
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Omedetou gozaimasu!
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon Metanorn or even when I started following this blog. I think I’ve been lurking for a while before the move to this url, but beyond that, it’s all a haze.
But I really enjoy this blog, it’s not just recap (RC, that’s you) but actually is fun to read! Metanorn is up there with Blog 好き and Kurogane’s that I follow on a regular basis. Some have come on and dropped off as time passes, but these three have stayed on my regular list.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Arigatou gozaimasu, akagami! You have just made my day by adding us to the aniblogging giants. We haven’t been here as long as them but I’m just glad that we are a place where people enjoy to visit and comment. Thank you for the awesome wishes. ^^
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 192 comments
Thank you for all the wonderful work you’ve done, it’s been a pleasure to be a regular reader of this site.
Thank you too for the inspiration and tips, Metanorn has inspired me to be an aniblogger/Japanophile blogger (I’m still deciding which I want to be).
And finally, thank you for sticking with it for the foreseeable future.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Ohh Dawww! Thank you, Yippy! It warms my heart that I’m making even more people interested in the fandom. I always say this needs more love and if my enthusiasm can influence even 1% of non-interested people, I’ll deem my job as done!
Thanks for the kind words. ^^
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
“Supposed death of a normal aniblogger.” Wait what!??! LOLS
Kyooooo~~~!!!!!!!!! x3
2 years huh… I felt much longer than 2 years that’s for sure 😛 But hey, I love every moment I spend at Metarnon from the time I stumbled across this site till now and the future to come and I don’t wish for time to go any faster than it is. ;D
Even so, time sure flies by so fast and I’ve just reached up 1st year with Renn, Elyon and Asch over at Sekijitsu ^^ But that’s not what I’ve come here to talk about~
It all happened with the email huh ;D Lurking around the site for K-On music then realizing some of the links weren’t working. I decided to send an email and that’s how it all started ^^ I knew how to put a picture up with OC’s help and from them on, I climbed the rankings; head on with Dan to become the Top commentor in Metanorn (yes, I decided to step down and let him take the lead but I might change my mind one day… huhuhuhuhuhu…..)
Ever since then, heaps of stuff had happened and it’s all through your dedication to keep Metanorn alive. I still and continue to look up to you Kyo and one day I will come to your company and all you’ll here on the speakers is “Someone named Tofu is here to see you… not sure why but this person said you’d know who he is” >;D LOLS Well… maybe not but it’d be funny if it happened ^^
I learnt heaps of stuff from you and everyone else on the Metanorn team and I’d like to congratulate and thank everyone but especially you sincerely for just…. for just being YOU! xD Well umm… I’m not that good with words so I think I’ll end it here ^^;
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Tofuuuuuuuuuuu! *noogie & glomps*
I still remember the time of you three/four-waying on our then newly developed chatbox. Man, those conversations were so fun and eye-openers! xD Which reminds me that BL and Mikado are kinda MIA for some time; not to mention dango’s been busy with studies. Hufff.
Every year counts in an aniblogger’s life so cheers for another year for you and keep at it with the SJ family! It’s loads of fun and the reason we do it. And if you do that in RL, I might die of laughter but I would still give you a bear hug on the reception. I have a goal that when I have saved enough money, I’ll go around the world and visit all the Meta peeps. Should be awesome fun! :3
And thank you very much for your following Metanorn and just being plain fun during our interaction. As I always say being upfront is awesome and it’s been great! Hope you like my three special posts, 2 in pending. XD
PS: You should read some anisphere stuff as RP, Scamp and I’m sure at least 2 more anibloggers have written about the life expectancy of an aniblogger being 2 years after which the burn out rate is the highest.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Ahahahaha right the chatbox was sooo much fun in the past with Dan, BL, Mikado and everyone else who was on it frequently ;D I’ll never and don’t ever plan to forget about it ^^
Thanks Kyo! Maybe one day, when we’re all grown up and independent (see as I’m still a bit too young to travel by myself :P), I’ll gather all the peps and we’ll come raid your workplace! Then we’ll kidnap you and go spend an awesome time at comiket!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Thus the plan for world domination has BEGUN!!!
I’m definitely looking forward to your next 2 posts and hell you can’t get rid of me~! NEVER!!! >;D
*Will definitely look up those amazing bloggers when I get the chance* ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
That would be the best vacation plan of this planet! And I hope your curiosity was satiated with the posts I presented. :3
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
well that is the shortest post i’ve seen in METANORN
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
You have seen nothin’ yet. :3
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 131 comments
It’s only been two years? What in the world have I been following all this time then? …Oh, right. Metanorn has been the only aniblog I ever truly followed daily. (though im mostly a lurker derp) It’s even up there on my Bookmarks with the other important daily visits like Facebook and MangaReader.
So yes, I love this site, and I love Kyokai for continuing to be the Boss Lady of this enterprise. Thank you for this, Kyokai – without Metanorn, I’d be struggling to follow the storylines of my favorite anime, as I’m usually too busy to watch them. Who wants to read dull Wikipedia recaps (that might not even be there) when I can enjoy the witticisms of the Metanorn staff? Plus this is the only site where I can read a comprehensive once-over on the new anime seasons. And all the awesome extras keep the blog fresh. In short, I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SITE.
In any case, I think you and your staff have done SPECTACULAR job. Congratulations on your second year, and I hope there’s more to come!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Hahaa! Ceyrai, Metanorn is soon to celebrate its four years but yeah, it’s been more than two years since I took over. :3
To tell you the truth, I’m loving the fact that many lurkers are delurking to leave comments here. In the end, my reason for running Metanorn was to provide a place where people can have fun and if that’s fulfilled, my objective here is done.
Thank you for making Metanorn one of your important haven sites to visit regularly and following the team so diligently. I don’t have a coherent response for the awesome compliments! Makes my day, every day! ^^
POWUH: iLurker with 9 comments
I got sooooo scared when I first saw the headings for this post, I thought you were saying good bye, Kyo! But, thank God you’re not.
Keep up the Godly work Kyo 😉
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
She won’t leave us, she will never leave us ^^ … because no matter what, she doesn’t have a choice ain’t that right Kyo? ^^ You ain’t gonna leave us now… are YA!? *yandere mode*
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
*standing behind Tofu*
Of course not! ne~ Kyokai-san ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
@Jak, I’ll be sticking around here for years to come hopefully. Thanks for the concern and wishes. <3
And OMG, Tofu and Nami! 0__0
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Vocaloid Fangirl with 363 comments
Kyo-sama!! I cannot express how much respect and love I have for you, boss lady. ♥ Continue to lead Metanorn onto more awesomeness and glory, we’ll always be behind you!~ <3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Miyu-tan~ ♥♥♥
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
Pffft. 2 years…… That’s nothing, compared to how long will Metanorn continue growing and evolving. And you won’t get away from us that easy, Kyokai-san, remember that :3
But even so, this milestone is amazing. Omedetto, Kyokai-san~ (^o^)
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Nami-chan~ <3 And yeah, I'm not going anywhere. :3
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] and now will know. Kyo 2Year Special 1/3 […]
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
Tenchou, congratulations!Man, two years! It was around the time when I actually stalked Metanorn too!
You’ve been such a fabulous boss not to mention my emotional relief (I sound so bad there here). I rabu you so much I’ll follow you no matter what <3
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you for the rabu-rabu yo, anaaga! Hopefully, I’ll be around even more years and hey, I’m always there for emotional support and you don’t ever have to feel bad about it! <333 (I rabu my team. :3)
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
congrats for the new achievement!
can’t visit this site as much as before but guess I should drop a comment to celebrate your new milestone xD
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, wiwi-tan, for dropping by! I know work has been keeping you busy but keep it loose and thank you!
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] day today until things went over the head and now I’m burning the midnight oil in preparing some special posts. Anyways, let’s get this review […]
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
[…] The more badass the better. Kyo Year II Special 2/3 […]
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
[…] Kyo’s Year II Special 3/3: Silence please everyone. It’s been a long time coming. […]
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
[…] Everyone who commented on my 2-year post, tweeple and Meta Team awesomeness (50Q […]