⁝⁝⸃₍⁽΄˙̥΄ ⁾₎⸜Time for our Winter Picks!⁝⁝⸃₍⁽΄˙̥΄ ⁾₎⸜
Drawing by Fosh! Can you guess all the teams characters?
(ง’̀-‘́)ง Time for the Fall’16 list! (ง’̀-‘́)ง
A party for the boss!
Has this summer has been the worst season ever?!
In between blogging, we’re out there to catch ’em all
Yayyyyyyyyy! Time for a Metanorn party!
(」・ω・)」The short Summer’16 list is here! (/・ω・)/!
Wooooooooooo! It’s PARTY TIME!!!!
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