Happy Birthday Irenesharda!


Wooooooooooo! It’s PARTY TIME!!!!

winter15-fosh Happy Birthday to my Metanorn mecha buddy Irenesharda! I hope you have a fantastic day and I can’t wait to talk about more giant robots in the future!












winter15-ocHappy Birthday, Irene! Thanks for covering KnK with me, even if it didn’t turn out quite like we were hoping…It’s been fun! Anyways, I hope you have a great birthday! You deserve to be celebrated and showered with gifts 😀



We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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8 Responses to “Happy Birthday Irenesharda!”

  1. BlackBriar says:

    Good lord! Look at all the mechs! I could have sworn Fosh was getting older again. 😛

    Happy Birthday, resident Athenaeum Châtelaine. Another year older, another year wiser. Since it’s your big day and practically Summer already, don’t go too overboard with the festivities. Here’s a gift from me:


  2. IreneSharda says:

    Oh thank you so much you guys! You guys are so great. My family made sure I made a day out of it, especially since I wasn’t in town last year to celebrate it with them. And with my new job, I won’t be able to next year either.

    Thank you all of my senpai! You’ve made me feel so happy to be on Metanorn. 😀

  3. IreneSharda says:

    Oh and Fosh, the pics were absolutely great! IBO is the best!

  4. ProtoSovereign says:

    Happy Birthday, IreneSharda! Try not to get too angry at your students 😛

    • IreneSharda says:

      Thank You! Oh school is out for the summer, and thankfully I have taken a new job at a totally new school. So, I can’t get angry at them yet. 😛

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