ANTM Cycle 11: Episode 11 – The Final Five
Episode 11 Photoshoot: Simplistic; Dramatic
The girls get photographed by Tyra Banks in two contrasting shoots but both are in black and white. The first one is with simple polaroids and the girls only pose naturally. The second one is an edgier, high-fashion shoot which requires fierce posing, with the girls having make-up. In my opinion, Tyra really photographs well and this cycle doesn’t disappoint with the photoshoot themes. This is one of my all-time favorites from the show.
ANTM Cycle 11: Episode 10
Episode 10: Planes, Trains and Slow Automobiles.
Photoshoot Theme: 17th Century Women on a Ship/ Pirates
ANTM Cycle 11: 07 – The Fiercee Awards
God! Their photoshoot ideas are getting umm… wtf-material every minute!! Kudos to Tyra for making up a LOL-worthy editorial photo shoot about Awards Night Snafus.
ANTM Cycle 11 Episode 05: Fierce Eyes
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! As America’s Next Top Model gave a shocker episode… Two girls had been eliminated this week.
ANTM Cycle 11 Episode 04: You’re Beautiful, Now Change.
Previously on ANTM cycle 11…
Omigod I saw fireworks!!! *BBBLLLLEEAARRRGGGHHH*
I’M NOT A RACIST! Back off [insert skin color] girl!
ANTM Cycle 11 Episode 04 part 1:
This episode is like, one of the most much-awaited episodes in every cycle… MAKEOVERS!!! Every ANTM cycle had some life-changing makeovers and some are drama-worthy. So here are the makeovers of the girls!!!
The Ladder of Top Model Success
I think this would be the very first NON-ANIME show that I’ll cover up on my blog so wish luck on me!
Note: I’m typing this while I’m watching the show so it’ll be a little incoherent and “OMG”-much so her it goes…. Episode 3 is up!!! The new OP credits was like, meh… I like Cycle 10’s better >_>… For speculations in the OP credits, the first girl shown will be the runner-up, like what the past cycles did and this time, Lauren Brie was shown first… The last girl was the girl who makes it far and this time it’s Clark, uh-oh…