ANTM Cycle 11: Episode 10
Episode 10: Planes, Trains and Slow Automobiles.
Photoshoot Theme: 17th Century Women on a Ship/ Pirates
1: MCKEY – What I like about this photo is her mile-long legs and the outfit. Nothing more than that. Analeigh was so robbed for the first call-out. Anyway overall, this week’s photoshoot seems like nothing did extraordinary. I was really expecting some impressive photos but I guess Tyra chose the weak ones on every girls’ films -_-…
2: ANALEIGH – Lol Analeigh is being the queen of second call-outs! But this time, I guess she’s robbed. This photo is just stunning. She looks so elegant and graceful but something about the face is off, I’m just not sure to point it out… Btw, during her photoshoot, I have seen some BETTER poses of her other than this. Is it just me or this is sabotage… Anyway, I’m rooting her for the win! Go Analeigh!
3: MARJORIE – Same ‘ol Hunchback of Notre Dame pose… Nothing much to say but Marjorie is beginning to bore me because she almost looked the same in every photo in her portfolio -_-… But she looks cute together with Analeigh!!! OMG I love to see a yuri couple brew up in the competition!!! Ana-rie ftw!!!
4: SAMANTHA – I’m having a love-hate relationship with this girl. This week, I LOOOVE HER! Actually, this is my favorite photo of the week! OMG she is just a FIERCE fashion pirate! She wore the shiny fabric without looking fat and I love that broken ankle!
5: ELINA – OMG she’s got Angelina Jolie screaming in her! Stunning but I agree that her hands are stiff. She should’ve done better though… And I love the fact that her ugly mop on her head is straightening up! Girl is using some iron!
ELIMINATED: SHEENA – I love this girl’s personality but I guess it’s time for her to go. I love the face but her pose is just meh… I almost thought that she would be the first Asian winner but oh well… Btw, the final 5 are the whitest final 5 I’ve ever seen in ANTM history!!! We have 2 blondes, 2 europeans and a white girl! Also, all of them had strong portfolios so I guess they all deserved the spot.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] [:METANORN:] put an intriguing blog post on ANTM Cycle 11: Episode 10Here’s a quick overview […]
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 34 comments
Woo Hoo! my 2 favorites are still in! I lost cable about 3 weeks ago so I was totally lost but McKey and Marjorie are still in it to win it so I am so happy!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 158 comments
I love the first pic 😀
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
I love Sheena and I was sad that she left. Anyway, episode 11 is up. I’m looking forward for your post on that one 🙂 .
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
@thepoop: Glad to know that your favorites are still in the running ^_^.
@Kairu Ishimaru: Because of the legs?
@sph1nx: I’m currently working on that episode but I need to cover some anime first before I spam AnimeNano with three so-not-about-anime consecutive posts XD.
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
Lol I guess that this episode is a shocker. I really thought that Sheena would the winner but I guess Tyra finally had some brains and eliminated her. She’s the weakest of the Top 6.