MetaFap: Fall ’14 – 10 [NSFW]

MetaFap F1410

Who let the dogs out?

OreTwintailnNarimasu – 10

Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu - 10 0636

At this rate, poor Aika’s gonna get all wrinkly at a young age. Which will be just another source of insecurity, making her even angrier and increasing her wrinkles even more… Thus goes the circle of life.

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Madan no Ou to Vanadis – 11

Madan no Ou to Vanadis - 11 2215 War Maidens

For all the hate directed at each other, they work together very well. Really should just fuck kiss and make up.

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Grisaia no Kajitsu – 10-11

Well doesn’t this suck?

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33 Responses to “MetaFap: Fall ’14 – 10 [NSFW]”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Spider Guildy likes traps. What a tangle web he weaves. Also I expect his Trump Card to be a Servant. I do feel that the show is running out of steam (not THAT kind of steam!) after they went all out in the beginning.

  2. BlackBriar says:

    Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu – 10: So now there’s a Guildy that’s into traps. Great… Then all we need is a Guildy that has an affinity for yuri! Come on! Come on! Come on! This is a must!

    To be honest, the series’ appeal is gradually waning so it’s good knowing it’s almost at the end of the rope and can save face by ending on a high note.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Grisaia no Kajitsu – 10-11: The previous episodes tried their hand at emotional depth in their arcs to grab me which mostly ended up a burned out attempt but these last two really struck a chord. Color me surprised. It was a lot to take in watching these girls who grew up in a sheltered lifestyle endure such harsh conditions. And for almost two weeks, no less. Even resorting to eating a recently deceased pet just to get what little food that was available.

    Seeing this made wonder just what kind of school system do they have in place. A planned field trip with no one arriving or returning on schedule. You’d think after at least two days without contact, there’d be an effort to issue a search and rescue mission. I don’t want to believe there are people that cold in not inquiring in the well-being of more than a dozen young girls who’ve gone missing.

    • Sumairii says:

      I think there is an ongoing search, as we saw that helicopter pass overhead. Most likely it’s just very difficult finding people in that area.

      • lvlln says:

        What confused the hell out of me is that the girls didn’t start a fire and keep it going continually. That’d be a good thing to do even before that helicopter appeared, and there’s little doubt a helicopter would’ve seen the smoke. Kazuki seems like a smart girl, so it seems really odd that this tactic for getting discovered never occurred to her.

        • Sumairii says:

          There were many ways they could have tried to attract the helicopter’s attention, and I’m also not sure why they didn’t try any of the effective ones. For starters, they should have been going for a visual cue like smoke as you said instead of audible ones. What makes them think a anyone in the helicopter can hear a bus horn?

          But anyway, I think we can only chalk this up to plot.

  4. Highway says:

    Grisaia: We also know that Amane’s the only survivor, because she said that before she started recounting the story, didn’t she? I’m expecting some big sacrifice from Kazuki to keep Amane alive so she can get rescued. I’m gonna say that’s where Amane’s affection for Yuuji comes from, rather than a promise made to Kazuki.

  5. belatkuro says:

    Ore, QUALITY ni Narimasu: What an ugly episode. I kept facepalming at the deformed figures that it took me quite a while to finish the episode. And to think this is airing on the same day as Shirobako, who stressed the importance of animation quality just a few weeks ago.
    At least we got a Hayami Show Guildy. One thing’s for sure is that they invite good seiyuus for the Guildys. Still waiting on that Wakamoto Guildy. Though that’s probably a tall order so I’ll settle for a Nakata Jouji Guildy.
    Seems Red developed some breasts there. More suffering for Aika then. Keep hearing some hype for this fem-Souji so let’s see if it delivers.

    • Sumairii says:

      Between the recycled animation and the unfinished/subpar new ones, I have to agree that Twintails is starting to go down a slippery slope. I’m not sure which of money and time they are short on, or perhaps both. But whatever the case, this consistent low quality in the more recent episodes worries me that it might continue all the way to the very end.

      • Highway says:

        Having read around after watching Shirobako, I think it’s pretty clear that the ‘run out of money’ thing is only a reason if they have to lay off all the animators. I would guess that the far more usual reason is lack of time, either because of excessive retakes on the key frames, or because of schedule compression due to changes or delays earlier in the process.

        Maybe you could make the argument that ‘time = money’, but that assumes you can just hire more workers, which doesn’t work in any field, despite some managers thinking that you can. There are always time-based critical paths that can’t be multi-threaded (we have joked that a VP in our company thinks that you can make a baby in one month if you put 9 women on it).

        • Sumairii says:

          we have joked that a VP in our company thinks that you can make a baby in one month if you put 9 women on it


        • BlackBriar says:

          we have joked that a VP in our company thinks that you can make a baby in one month if you put 9 women on it

          Quite a bizarre joke. That would be something, though.

  6. belatkuro says:

    Grisaia: This was much more uncomfortable in the VN, where it told the story for each day. And we’re already in Day 12 here. I almost gave up playing this because it just dragged on and on and the situation was pretty hard to swallow. It didn’t warrant taking up half of Amane’s route and it wasn’t worth the climax of this flashback(which anyone can guess already). That’s why I’m in the minority that didn’t like this route while others seems to regard this as the best one. Different strokes.

    As usual, they skipped some stuff in between. After that French kiss(the branch off to her route; alternative is ignoring her) and them hooking up somewhat, Yuuji and Amane did some boyfriend-girlfriend stuff first, including fucking like rabbits everywhere. Once Amane got deflowered, she was thirstier than ever for the Juicy Yuuji that she even crept in his room at 4am to wake him up with a BJ. During their time as a couple, she grew to love Yuuji instead of feeling responsible for him losing her sister. But she still felt that she didn’t deserve this happiness and felt guilty for hiding that she knew Kazuki. The flashback was told later after Yuuji overheard some girls in town whispering about how Amane was a cockroach and was still alive after this incident. She came out after he confronted her about that.

    One last thing, Kazuki is a massive brocon. She said she couldn’t resist kissing Yuuji on the mouth, with bonus tongue. Kazuki even mentioned that her mother told her to not do that outside, meaning it was okay in the house. Kazuki also took baths with him, educated him with the female anatomy and she played with his penis every once in a while. Funny part is, she wasn’t joking when she was saying this and said she was proud of how she raised Yuuji.

    • Highway says:

      I was thinking while watching these last two episodes “Is this a VN for masochists?” It doesn’t really seem like a fun thing to read. Especially if the did all the ero stuff before this.

      • Sumairii says:

        Yeah. I can understand why people might call Amane’s story the “best” one since it’s certainly the most extreme out of all the others, which makes it stick around more in your memory. But it’s still so uncomfortable to watch that I have a hard time believing anyone actually enjoyed it. And if they claim they genuinely did, then Highway already said what needs to be said.

  7. belatkuro says:

    Vanadis: You had one job Satelight. If you’re doing fanservice, then deliver it properly. What a waste of opportunity to see Regin’s back and Tigre wiping it thoroughly. We did get to see her front in the water’s reflection but that was still too weak.

    The meetup during childhood thing did come out so suddenly so I have no defense for that. It’s a way to move the plot I guess. Though Ellen did make a point. Regin has those Regins that she really would have had trouble hiding them as a male. Ellen even joked that Regin should have it chopped off.
    The show definitely did a poor job of building up the enemies that this confrontation feels too weak. They skipped the part where Ganelon actually planned the burning of that city with the excuse of madness for losing to Thenardier and his dragons. Ganelon kind of resembles Matou Zouken from F/SN and it’s a fair comparison really.
    That’s also all we’ll get for Valentina for now. One missing piece of info for her is that she’s ‘sickly’, emphasis since she’s just pretending. That’s why Sofya was surprised to see her in the castle since her territory is far even if she has the teleportation power. It can tire the user if one travels long distances and given that she’s ‘sickly’ and rarely ventures out of her territory. There’s a reason why she’s overseeing chess pieces of the characters in the ED.

    That’s around half of the volume already. They could actually pace the remaining content to fit the last episodes. Though don’t expect a second season. This is volume 5 out of 10 currently out and they already left out a valuable plot point in the last episode, even though they showed the guy who gave Thenardier those dragons. One would wonder where he got those dragons in the first place and where he got those special chains that can nullify a Vanadis’ special skill.

    Wouldn’t the one that bandaged Ellen be either Lim or Titta? I don’t think any men would even be allowed to get close to do that. I admit that it kinda looks weird even though it covers the same amount as her usual outfit.

    • Highway says:

      I thought they were going for that ‘bound’ look that you always get when the girl warrior tries to pass herself off as a guy. Except that there’s no way that Elen could manage that. Maybe Ludmila could…

      Vanadis continues to feel like it’s showing the boring parts and skipping the good parts. And even the ‘good’ parts it shows are not that good. That cold open was just so bad this week: A rote completely random boob grope of a character we’ve never seen with no reaction whatsoever. Just have it in there to have it in there.

    • lvlln says:

      Wouldn’t the one that bandaged Ellen be either Lim or Titta? I don’t think any men would even be allowed to get close to do that. I admit that it kinda looks weird even though it covers the same amount as her usual outfit.

      I prefer to think that they decided to play it safe by relying on an expert and made a medic have a very, very, VERY good day.

  8. JPNIgor says:

    Grisaia: Really, what messed this arc was the fact that we already know that Amane was the sole survivor of the incident. I can guess by what Kazami said, what she’s going to do. She’s probably going to sacrifice the whole camp for Amane alone. It would be awesome if we couldn’t predict it, but they made this job waaay too easy.

    Anyway, I can’t look at Kazami-sister and not think about Yumiko, who reminds me of Senjougahara, from Monogatari. But it’s probably just me thinking too much about Monogatari stuff.

    • lvlln says:

      Yumiko definitely give Hitagi vibes, and it’s not just the box cutter and hairstyle and Akio Watanabe. She’s very guarded, presenting a very hostile exterior so that no one can get close to her,much like Hitagi at the start of Bakemonogatari.

  9. JPNIgor says:

    Whining time about spammy being spammy. Someone, pls.

    • BlackBriar says:

      We all know about that kind of whining because we’ve been there. 😛

  10. BlackBriar says:

    Madan no Ou to Vanadis – 11: An interesting turn of events. I’d heard Regin would be important to the story the moment she was introduced but it never crossed my mind that she’d be royalty.

    Lackluster battle here but the Eleonora/Ludmila tag-team was a good watch. They’re more productive as a team than rivals.

  11. AllenAndArth says:

    Vanadis: OMG, a good battle!And excitement is over…Guys please, if you want to use fan-service do it right! i like the new girl…Milla still wins the best girl award

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