Spring Anime Catalogue 2012
By Team Meta, posted under ANIME, Anime Season Catalogue, Announcements, Featured, First Look, HEADLINE
Welcome to METANORN’s Spring Anime Catalogue of 2012!
Lots of exciting titles await you~
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Oh right, it’s supposed to be the SPRING season. There’s no such season here because it’s always summer, summer and more summers in South Asia. Except for some unannounced rain and power outages, I don’t much feel the change in weather. Anime wise, there are too many Action and Sci-fi series releasing! What’s up with that?! I don’t think even with the monumental amount of shows I check out every season, I can regularly watch all the Spring shows. Still, I’m ready for this loaded season and really looking forward to Fate/Zero finale, Sakamichi no Apollon, Uchuu Kyoudai, Tsuritama and Hyouka. | |
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Even though Winter is over, I don’t see any possibility for there to be a Spring where I live. Last year Spring got skipped and overtaken by the cold rain. Things aren’t looking too good this year too. But! I will be able to have summer early because I will be leaving the country for vacation in April. So exciting~! But anyways! Yeah Spring Anime!! I won’t be participating in this review but as you can tell, I left my mark on this catalogue. Working in the shadows of Metanorn has its perks. Unfortunately, I’ll be taking another hiatus this season but for sure I’ll be back in the summer. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be watching any anime. I have my eyes on a few, mainly the action ones and that one sports anime. As well, can’t wait to see the rest of Fate/Zero. | |
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The barren winter wasteland is melting away to reveal a vivid crop of spring shows! I must admit that the Winter season wasn’t very impressive, but Spring seems to be gunning to impress. I see a ton of shows that have caught my interest…how am I ever going to watch them all? HOW?! There’s a wide variety too, so everyone should be able to find at least something to tide them over. | |
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Of course I look forward to Spring: it’s the only time we have perfectly balanced weather here in SoCal! Spring never fails to let me down, both weather and anime-wise, so seeing interesting shows such as Sakamichi no Apollon, Tsuritama, and the return of Kimi to Boku have me extremely giddy for what’s to come. I just hope college actually gives me a stress-free break to enjoy the season…! | |
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Hooray winter is over and done with, but there are a few series from the winter anime season that I will miss. Thankfully Spring season is here to fill in the void left by some shows about magical OH MA SHOE…so what am I most excited for with this new season? Eureka Seven AO for my Mecha needs and a bit of undead fun with Kore wa zombie desu ka? of the Dead! However I usually enjoy trying out a wide variety of everything and I’ll be checking out a few I would normally pass on. | |
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I don’t really know how to evaluate the Winter season of anime, but I can tell you that I’m really glad to see this Spring crop of shows debut. Maybe some of you readers lost interest in the noitaminA block in ‘11, but it’s possible that the Spring ‘12 block will have you looking forward to those particular shows. If I could only watch one of these shows, it would easily be the last half of Fate/Zero. | |
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Is it Spring already? Wow time flies so fast, I never realized it’s already Spring. Maybe because all I can see is sun and rain, but I guess that’s okay… No it’s not. I want flowers everywhere on the street. I want to sit under a tree and look at the beauty of blooming flowers. I want-I want… Real Spring! *sob* This is not fair. I’m starting to loathe all you people who have all four seasons. Yes, I’m jealous. I- I can only see flowers in the anime. And damn it, it seems that this season’s anime list is FABULOUS. I’m so damn excited for so many anime, I don’t know whether I can watch all of them or not. But I have to. I WANT TO. Thank god I’m having a hikki life with no job and school. So yeah, all you people with four seasons can get yourself busy while I’ll be here watching anime all day long!…. Wow, my life sounds so sad right now. | |
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See, the sucky thing about Florida is that we never even have a legitimate winter season. It’s like Florida decided that “Oh. I don’t feel like being cold. I’ll give you guys a week or two of coldness but I’m going to rain and then get super hot and humid again.” I didn’t even get to bust out my awesome winter coat….Bah. At least I have the awesome shows this season to tide me over! And man, there are DEFINITELY titles that I’m excited about here! | |
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YES! Go away, cold weather and bring on the rain! The best season of the year is here! Of course, aside from being excited about the weather, there’s also anime to be excited about. Since winter seemed to be the season of yuri, sismance and lolis, I wonder what this season will claim itself as… It’s hard to tell just yet. | |
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Well, the wheels keep on turning, and as our Winter shows drop out one by one, it’s time for Spring to begin things anew. To be honest, I tend not to pay much attention to shows that are upcoming except for a few big names. I’ll generally watch the 1st episode of a decent number of shows, and pay attention to the reception of others to find out what I should watch. I can say, only thing that excites me now is Fate/Zero, but I’m sure that will change as the shows get released and impressions start rolling in. | |
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Winter, don’t leave me!!! (ノ`Д ́)ノ Ah well, there’s no stopping time! Spring is my favorite season of the year, the weather’s perfectly cool and the trees look so pretty, but I suppose none of that really matters when it comes to anime! This upcoming season looks to be shaping up quite nicely, there are plenty of shows to go around whatever your taste in genres might be, but what I’m looking forward to most is the noitamina block. I’ll have plenty of free time in these next few months, so I’m looking forward to diving into as many shows possible!v | |
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Yaaaaay, Spring has sprung! It’s when pretty Sakura trees are starting to blossom in Japan and romantic anime-like scenery is everywhere…Yeah, pretty much still Sun, Sun, Sun here in Singapore. (o´Д`) On the even brighter side, this season is bursting with awesome anime that are begging to be watched. Let’s welcome Spring with a BANG!~ (◎>U<◎) |
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To be frank, I’m really SORRY for this delayed reviewbut you can already see there were just too many titles and lots of delicious information to be shared. So, we have tried our best to cover at least 85% of it and hope to give you more than just a summary but first impression of spring shows that need checking out.
>> So, Let’s Get This Fabulousness Started~ |
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POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 209 comments
Nazo no Kanojo X will be a interesting anime on that it may change the idea of Hood being an complete ecchi studio. It getting some interesting people to make this plus a nice cast.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I was just skeptical with the studio but liked the manga so definitely checking this out.
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
Whoa, I see that Hoods doesn’t have a lot under their belt, and Mysterious Girlfriend X would be by far the least perverted thing they’ve ever done. The voice actor for Mikoto is also all new. Not that the manga was amazing, but it had a solid premise, so I’m looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yeah I plan on giving Nazo no Kanojo X a shot! I wasn’t to blown away by the plot, but who knows it might be interesting to see ;D
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
I find it hilarious that you guys put Medaka Box under romcom slice of life, never before have I seen such a misplacement of the manga’s true genre lol.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
It’s not misplacement but the presence of both Romance, Comedy and even school life that makes the RomCom Slice genre. There were just three titles part of Outcasts this time so to save pages, we put those three part of other categories like RomCom, SciFi and Mystery.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
I sort of agree with Spinarakk , I would classify Medaka Box as mainly action with comedy. It reminds me of Naruto – action/martial arts (with some comedy) shounen. I haven’t really seen any romance in the 100+ chapters I’ve been through. I would think it fits more under the “Action-packed Circuit” category.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yes!! Spring is here and body’s completely ready for it!! And there are so many shows to watch!!
Phi Brain Season 2: I’m pumped to for this to get started. I’m so sorry I thought of the first season as a joke and nearly dropped it and now, it’s become one of my favorites. Another thing, I’ve never seen a long running series getting a sequel so quickly. It’s baffling.
Kore wa Zombie desu ka: Of The Dead: The title still has me thinking of a parody of HoTD. Anyway, I’m currently being bombarded with nostalgia waiting for this and so looking forward to seeing Ayumu and the freeloading hot ladies again. But most of all, Yoko Hikasa being behind Seraphim’s voice again and verbally abusing Ayumu with variations of “Piece of Shit”. Seeing the trailer, Ayumu’s costume as a Maso Shoujo is different, more like the one he had when he faced the King of Night. Hahaha, Fosh, we finally get our wish of cross-dressing zombie, necromancer, magical girl and vampire ninja madness. It’s about time. And there’s an OVA?! I need to pace myself or I’ll die happy.
Jormungand: Looks like a decent action show and the animation’s top notch. I’ll give it a shot. The two characters on the poster look like albinos that remind me of Deadman Wonderland’s Shiro. The female looks like a powerfully confident lead and it’s the first time I’ve heard of a child soldier element in an anime. So it’s a 12 episode show because it’s going to take a break and resume in Fall. What’s with this sudden trend? They did it to Fate/Zero and Rinne no Lagrange.
Shining Hearts: It seems interesting and it has a role playing game feeling like the Final Fantasy or Golden Sun games.
Accel World: This might actually turn out to be fun. Remember the surprise success of Kore wa Zombie desu ka? This might pull off the same upset. A little cyber anime might be a change of pace. What has me a little discouraged is the main character but he’s voiced by Yuuki Kaji and the butterfly girl is insanely hot and seems wise so I’ll bear with it.
Eureka Seven AO: Another Eureka Seven? It’s a blast from the past. Thanks to Rinne no Lagrange and seeing a few episodes of the original series, I’m getting a little more into mecha. Bring it on.
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san : Interesting. I might watch it since Eri Kitamura is leading.
Fate/Zero 2: Finally!!! It’s time to see Caster bite the dust!! That wretch has lasted long enough!!! And Kyokai is blogging it again. I look forward to it, Kyo!!!
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: It has a nice eerie atmosphere around it with the town that is in ruins and probably deserted. I find myself drawn to this show. The girl who is supposedly a ghost seems more like a demon or Kogome from Inuyasha. Plus, maybe it’s just me but she looks like she has a lot of lust for the guy she’s with. I hope there’s a lot of horror in it and not just romance. I need something to fill the void that “Another” has left me with. More Eri Kitamura? Perfect!!
Hyouka: Another mystery anime? Count me in!!
Sankarea: Studio DEEN sure is getting into the zombie thing with Kore wa Zombie and this. It’s disturbing hearing the way the girl was brought back as a zombie. Since she’s undead and will probably still try to act human, I wonder if she’ll fight to resist consuming human flesh. Definitely on my list.
Nazo no Kanojo X: Girl carrying scissors around wherever she goes? Is she a distant relative of Senjougahara? This I gotta see. LOL. She’ll drive that guy up a wall.
Medaka Box: Sounds like Maji koi Shinasai but if Nisio is behind the story, it can’t be that bad. I’ll show leniency a give it a shot.
“Another” OVA: HELL YES!!!!
C³ OVA : The sweet things are always far away.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
You describe it well, how there are too many shows to check out! Spring is going to be a cincher for me but I’ll try to survive. I’m going to check out all the titles that you mentioned along with Tsuritama and Sakamichi no Apollon.
And thank you for looking forward! I really would have a ball with Fate/Zero this season. :3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I’m going to feel overloaded once things get started. I might risk having to get an external hard drive for all the episodes I’ll be downloading. Spring always seems to be the busiest season and I can only imagine the trouble the bloggers are going to have with all the incoming First Impressions. LOL. Prepare yourselves!!!
Yeah, I’ll be looking forward to it. You started blogging Fate/Zero so it’s only right that you finish the job even though they trolled us by pulling this season break stunt. That was such an anti-climatic cliffhanger.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I’m pretty sure, even if we want, we won’t be able to cover all the Spring shows. Ufotable trolled us with quality gimmick so they better be ready to deliver; which I’m sure they are. 7th April is just too far away! ><
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
I thought the same thing looking as Shining Hearts! At first glance it seemed like a typical fantasy harem type show, but then I read a little more into it and it does sound like it could be an entertaining watch. All I know is that I’m definitely giving it a shot! ^^
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I was reluctant to watch it at first but the trailer has given me a second opinion. I hope it turns out to be great even though there’s bearly any hype at all to it.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I’m going to watch it for Kamiyan. Let’s see if it has more engagement than just the seiyuu.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ahahah nice! I am glad you are prepared for this level of amazing <3
Phi Brain Season 2: First season really sets you up for something amazing and often I find myself laughing more than anything, but season two voice cast!? OH MY GOD That alone has me interested ahahaha and I hope something happens "plot" wise.
Kore wa Zombie desu ka: Of The Dead- You know what? I was thinking the same thing about the HoTD parody! Come on zombies and "of the dead" YES! I AM SO FREAKING READY! Oh how I have missed Kore wa zombie <3 <3 <3 and an OVA to go along with it.
Eureka Seven AO: HELL YES! I can not wait to see that second series just avoid that movie it wasn't very good for the first series...anyway YES to mecha!
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: I read like ten chapters of the manga and found it to be interesting, but I have no idea what to really expect going into a anime series so I will experience something new.
Sankarea: YES! YES AND YES! This might be the season of the zombie/ghost/supernatural stuff! That is another manga series I have kept up with so I can't wait to see it animated with music and voices.
OVAS FOR THE WIN @Another and C3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yeah, I’m pumped yet anxious. It’s like they just can’t come fast enough.
Phi Brain Season 2: The first season started out as a joke for me then suddenly became awesome because, c’mon, puzzles as a plot that would be holding a show together? I thought the same thing about Yu-Gi-Oh! and Ben-To and look how pleasantly wrong I was about those two. Since important elements like the armlet and the scrolls have been crushed, I can’t begin to imagine how thing are going to start out.
Kore wa Zombie desu ka: Of The Dead: The moment I heard we were getting more zombie fun, I was so out of it I swear I was beginning to foam at the mouth. What killed my patience was that it was announced since July last year and waited until now to start airing. I would have died of anticipation.
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: This looks like it’ll be an interesting ghost story though I’m not expecting it to surpass Shiki and Another in terms of horror because those two ruled without competition. It’s more like I’m hoping it’ll join its awesome ranks. Not to mention that it seems that the story will take place in an abandoned school. We need more creepy settings because it’s what helps sell the story.
Sankarea: Yes, I think you’re right about this season. First it was vampires, then mechs followed by all out yuri in the past winter season and now it looks like zombies/ghosts/supernatural stuff! are getting their turn. I wan’t to see how this will turn out. Should be a nice way to burn some time.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Damn! I can’t believe I left out Blood-C: The Last Dark. I’m so ashamed!! I deserve a slap to the back of my head. This makes one of the two vampire movies I’m waiting on: this and Kizumonogatari. Two that I must watch. Since we’re done with the slice of life element, there better lots of blood and gore (emphasis on the blood). I saw the latest trailer and I must say the sexy vampire heroine just got so much sexier that I might start to compare her with Underworld’s Selene. Not to mention that the visuals are lovely. I.G Production and CLAMP certainly got a bigger budget to do this one.
Not just Saya but an entire organization wants Fumito dead? Whoa, we knew the guy was underhanded scum but I didn’t think he’d be that bad. Then again, he had an entire town of people wiped out by giant bunnies for his amusement and to cover his trail. I still remember the graphic human blender. Ouch!!! I hope Saya finally gets her revenge.
POWUH: 400-499 and Manly Russians lover with 401 comments
When the hell is Saki 2 airing.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
8th April.
POWUH: 400-499 and Manly Russians lover with 401 comments
Wait. Holy crap. It’s actually happening. It was a joke but it’s actually there. OH MY GOSH.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Why are you excited about this?! 0.0
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
He likes seeing moe girls playing mahjong
POWUH: 400-499 and Manly Russians lover with 401 comments
I play competitive Mahjong. Why wasn’t this known.
POWUH: 400-499 with 406 comments
Oh right, its Spring.
Mm let’s see what I will be watching…
Show ▼
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yep Spring is here at last!
Phi Brain 2: YES! I AM WITH YOU xD
Tsuritaima: I can’t wait to watch fishing bros <3
Hyouka: I am watching and drooling over the moe character designs and fantastic background artwork oh man so good.
Nice choices.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
No one can handle the Naiyore Moe? Rlly? No Nyarlathroderp? You know, I said I was wanting to try my hand at this, if none of you go for it I might want to step up to the plate.
::checks his calendar:: Oh, it might be a tight fit…
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I might review the first episode of Naiyore! Expect to see a first impression floating around here after release xD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Wow, Yamato. OK, yes, this is old school, but it is something I have fond childhood memories of. I watched this back in the Spring of 1979. When it was syndicated, localized, dubbed (oh how we made fun of that dub) and called “Star Blazers” . I watched the recent live action film, and was under-impressed, so I actually have high hopes for this series. The PV’s look great, and got my old blood good and fired up.
Looking forward to:
Hyouka. Like many here, it has me at Kyoto Animation, and kept me there with that wonderful moeblob and her eyes.
Accel World. I actually interested to see how they pull of the main character, Cartman-kun?
As I mentioned above, Haiyore. I’m a Lovecraft fan from way back, a moe/kawaii/loli lover, and will always try out something quirky. The idea of “cosmic horror” unwanted girlfriend hit’s me in the middle of the ven diagram.
Appolon. Yeah, I can’t add anything more other than TANK!
Several other are of interest as well, so I will dip my toes in as time permits.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
The only person who’s going to watch Yamato ;_____;
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I will watch it with you, no worries. xD
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Also, who got my Nichibros reference on the seiyuu part?
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
I didn’t get the reference… The picture of all three Nichibros seiyuu is great though.
MYTOMOKAZU <3And yay I'm not alone for Yamato!
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 40 comments
You are not alone. Spread the word. The Space Opera is back. The one all the others were compared to.
Yamato returns.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
*Yamato brofist*
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I have never seen any Yamato…minus the one time I saw Strike Witches Season two! Yeah I know TERRIBLE FOSH SO TERRIBLE…but my dad was talking to me one day about Star Blazers I want to see that random live action movie.
Hyouka: YES! Even if the story turns out to be boring or lame I can say the artwork and character designs were fantastic and cute girls oh man that main girl…Hnnngggg…
Haiyore: Yeah I never saw the short “series” they ran, but it does have me interested and I saw lots of cute character designs like the twin tail redhead? And of course the main girl.
No Kore Wa zombie Skylion? 😀
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Yes, indeed Fosh, TERRIBLE.
“…my dad was talking to me..Star Blazers”. Great, now I do feel old. I mean, I’m a Dad, too. But, man, Fosh, be a bro. Don’t rub it in!
And I am with you on Hyouka. Moeblob’s eyes are moe.
I haven’t found the time for the first series of No Kore? (at least that is what the lack of 100 percent seeds be tellin’ me). But once that get’s fixed, I’ll be there.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
So much moe blob hhnnngggg <3
Ooooh nice! I had a lot of fun with season one of Kore wa zombie.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Young at heart, yes. This is what happens when a geek/nerd hits mid-life. Shiny new cars. Got it. HOT GF? Dumped her, man. Bring on the animu.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Ouch! Hang on Skylion!! There’s still a lot of youth left in you and this is from a guy who has just reached his 20’s so you’re in the clear!!
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I’ve always been a kid at heart. But my Dad says that at my age, I can afford to coast a little. But then, that’s only because the ride is doooooownhill.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
skylion, give kore wa zombie a chance. It’s pretty awesome!
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 131 comments
Jormungand – I LOVE strong female leads. They’re what keeps me from losing hope in the anime industry. Also the music – I love Taku Iwasaki’s work in Katanagatari (and a long time ago, on the Rurouni Kenshin OVA), plus OMG Nagi! Been a big fan of her ever since her collab with supercell. It looks like this is my biggest must-watch anime of the season.
Eureka Seven AO – YESSSS, this. The original series left a void in me, please let this one fill it. In any case, Ao looks like a descendant of Renton and Eureka (or could just be my shipping goggles) so that’s a plus for me. And it’s by BONES, dammit. This is going to be good. There are very few mecha anime that engage me, and Eureka Seven was one of them. I don’t think this is going to disappoint.
Hyouka – This seems interesting. I mean, I’m not much of a mystery fan – most anime labeled “mystery” don’t feel mysterious at all. But I love the art and most of the time you can’t go wrong with novel adaptations. Will try this.
Nazo no Kanojo X – AHAHAHA OMG. They finally decided to make an anime for this – what a pleasant surprise. It’s one of the very few ecchi series that doesn’t have a harem set-up so I actually liked this. Of course I dropped it a few volumes in but it was only because the art was jarring at times… but I can vouch for the story’s awesomeness. (Also, scissors-wielding was Mikoto’s schtick before it was Senjougahara’s. Heh.)
Kimi to Boku. 2 – I watched the first season and fell in love. That is all.
Not a bad crop, all in all. In any case, this is about the amount of anime my busy schedule can handle, so I’ll look forward to the aniblogs about the rest. Still disappointed that I still can’t see Durarara!! or Kuragehime Season 2 anywhere but I’ve come to expect that over the years… :/ Might check out the other series depending on how you guys will be blogging about them (and if I have the actual time, ahaha).
Thanks for the catalogue, Metanorn! Awesome as always!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Jormungand- I have to say that series looks and feels so much like Canaan and a bit of Black Lagoon thrown into a blender and mixed together! So hopefully the gun play keeps me interested because who can pass up stuff blowing up? And chicks with guns.
Eureka Seven AO: YESSS!! Another Eureka fan! You are scoring high points with me <3 Aye Bones and mecha themed anime are the perfect pairing for any anime.
Kimi to Boku 2: HOORAY! I really was quite surprised that I started to enjoy that first season, but I admit at first glance I was like meeehhh all dudes seems to not fit my usual "style" of anime choice. However things got good in the middle and I was hooked! I even got my brother to watch with me xD
Ahahaha a Durarara!! Season two announcement would cause us all to pass out from excitement.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 131 comments
YES. Chicks with guns. I’ve always loved the concept, I think ever since Gunslinger Girl. I actually want to be a chick with guns myself – one day I’ll take myself to a firing range for fun. 😛
Hohoho, I SCORE. Whoohoo! <3 __<
Also, I overlooked it but I didn't think Thermae Romae would ever get animated! I'm not much for its art but the manga was hilarious, so I might check this out as well. It 's definitely one of the weirdest manga out there, though – almost as weird as the new one with carp fish protagonists… okay I'll stop there.
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
I like girls with guns and child soldiers even more, but I feel like it’s such a common thing and so many have done it poorly. Would be great if Jormungand ends up anywhere near the quality of Gunslinger Girl, but I’m afraid it’ll end up more like Canaan or Noir…
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks for the compliment, Ceyrai! We try. :3
I would really love a second season of Durarara!!, Baccano! and Kuragehime right about now. I hope Omori finds time after finishing Natsume Shi recently. ><
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
So much sci-fi for the season!!! I think my main series is going to be Eureka Seven Ao, and maybe Zetman and Sankarea too. Can’t wait till they come out x3
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
OMG so much love for you! Eureka Seven AO and Sankarea are in my top five for best of the spring season.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
Jormungand looks pretty awesome! Also, White Fox! I’ll definitely check this out.
Zetman looks intense. o_o Eh, why not? I’ll add it to my list.
I think I’ll enjoy Accel World. A fat main character, huh? I didn’t think those existed!
Yeah, astronauts!!! Will be watching Uchuu Kyodai.
Tsuritaima looks so quirky and weird, which is probably a good thing. Plus noitaminA + automatic watch,
Also getting Another vibes from Tosogare Otome x Amnesia, which isn’t a bad thing. Will watch.
Hyouka also had me at Kyoto Animation. I generally love their works and hopefully I will enjoy this as well.
Sankarea sounds… interesting and I’ve heard good things about the manga, so I’ll at least check it out.
Ah, Nazo no x Kanojo… I read the first couple of chapters and it’s kind of weird, but whatever. It’s on my list.
Oh God, Sakamichi no Apollon. The anime I’m probably looking forward to the most. The premise sounds great.
Acchi Kocchi looks generic, sounds generic, and will probably be generic. But I don’t care! I’ll watch just because it looks effin adorable and there is a megane guy.
Gonna check out Natsurio Kiseki. Somehow, it reminds me of Tamayura, which I love to pieces.
Kimi to Boku 2… will watch once I finish the first season. I kind of lost interest about halfway through for some reason.
Shiro Kuma Cafe… All my favorite seiyuu are voicing cute animals? So watching.
Nisio Isin and Gainax? Count me in! Medaka Box is on my list.
Moe and guns. Honestly, I don’t really care about Upotte, but I want to see the transfer teacher. I don’t kow why, but a transfer teacher interests me more than girls with guns. A transfer teacher… huh.
I hadn’t heard of Kimi no Iru Machi untill now, and the premise didn’t exactly catch my attention, but the trailer is so pretty! It’s got nice art, I may wath it if I hear something good aobut it.
Moar Another!! Watching.
Errr, so is the Mirai Nikku special going to be all about Mur Mur? Because if so… then I might just skip it.
Kooooobaaaatooooooo!!! <33333
Momo e no Tegami looks amazing. I can't wait to see it.
Meh, I like watching movies, so I'll probably watch Nijiro Hotaru Eien no Natsu Yasumi.
Oh, that's a lot. ._. When am I going to find time to watch everything?
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Jormungand: Looks amazing and chicks with guns! YES PLEASE.
Tsuritaima: I am actually excited to see that mostly thanks to the cool art style and Gintoki voice! <3
Hyouka also had me at Kyoto Animation. < THIS 100% Kimi to Boku 2: I am ready to laugh my ass off and also shed manly tears...yes...manly freaking tears. Amazing list! Good luck!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Hey Fosh, moe girls with guns. You will find Upotte to your liking. 😉
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
The vocabulary nerd is hitting me here. A gun is a large weapon; think howitzer or a larger than 30 mm emplacement on a field or a battleship or larger sea going vessel. What these girls are is: weapons or side-arms. Personal weapon or self defense side arm to be really precise. This has been your only otaku warning.
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
Natsuiro Kiseki: funny thing about this series is that the 4 girls look like an older version of the 4 friends from Ichigo Mashimaro. From left to right in the picture above: Ana, Chika, Miu, and Matsuri. I might watch the first episode just to see if a Nobue character shows up.
Apollon: Well this is the real thing. I simply can’t wait. Not that there aren’t other shows of interest this season, but come on! This is gonna
rock!errr… swing!POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
I didn’t think of that! XD They do though, especially the Ana and Matsuri look-alikes, it’ll be even funnier if there personalities match up too.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Natsuiro Kiseki: I just saw the first pre-air episode! There are some fun characters and a few annoying bratty characters of course and I have high hopes for dramaaaaaa happening mid season.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Jazz hands y’all, JAZZ HANDS! xD
POWUH: 400-499 with 428 comments
Oh dear, so much new anime to watch and wait in anticipation! Ah, there goes my social life… 😛
Bring it on!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ahahah yep pretty much! Just until you weed out the ones you don’t enjoy of course.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Whatever I had, it’s ALL GONE NOW. Oh why Spring, WHYYYY.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I understand your pain. There goes whatever little extra time I have between school and work. But I say bring it on!! Shouldn’t be so bad once we all sort out the good shows from lame ones. The challenge is that it’s such a big list this time around.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 116 comments
I am looking forward to the special Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou episodes. Maybe I’ll get more part-time work (i.e. Magus-killing) just to buy the DVD/BD. Haha.
What I’ll be watching this Spring 2012 Anime Season:
1. Fate Zero Season II (I’ve been waiting three months for this! My wish will finally be granted)
2. Mysterious Girlfriend X (I want to see Urabe Mikoto’s “Panty Scissors” Finishing Move animated)
3. Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? OF THE DEAD (That is not a kick!)
4. Accel World (SUNRISE anime, ’nuff said)
5. Uchuu Kyodai (a.k.a. The Daily Lives of Space Bros?)
6. Queen’s Blade Rebellion (I watch it for the plot, promise XD)
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Same here we need more Nichibros in our lives.
Sweet list!
Kore wa zombie of the Dead?! I am so damn excited! WHERE ARE YOU EPISODES?
POWUH: iLurker with 9 comments
…excuse me…does anyone know when Ufotable will get around to making this?
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I would actually look forward to this rather than Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. >.>
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
I’m looking forward to seeing how these 2 die. Hopefully it will be suitably epic. I’ll be annoyed if Waver survives, because he seems too innocent and pure a character to live through to the end.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I know the answer but I won’t spoil. I can tell you one thing everyone knows though, Broskander is one awesome dude.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Looks and feels like a bad April fools joke xD
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
NUOOOOOOOOOOO But I want that ;____;
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
POWUH: iLurker with 8 comments
I am so excited for this Spring Season! Here are the shows that I’m planning to watch:
1. Eureka7 AO – I really hope that this one will be able to capture the magic of the original which I loved.
2. Hiiro no Kakera – I’m watching this because I’m curious to see what a shojou series is like. But, I don’t have much hope that this will be good.
3. Shining Hearts – Here’s another one I don’t have a lot of hope for. The premise looks completely generic and I’ve never been a fan of amnesia or emotionless girls. That said, I absolutely love fantasy stories, so I’m definitely going to give this one a try.
4. Jormungand – Grim action show with a strong female lead? Count me in! I’ve heard good things about the manga so I’m hoping that the anime will do just as well.
5. Ozuma – only six episodes, but from the first few episodes that have aired I’m already enjoying what it has to offer. Not fond of the leads currently, but the badass female captain is totally awesome.
6. Zetman – Another dark action show? Score! And it doesn’t look like this is going to be taking place in a highschool!
7. Fate/Zero – MY BODY IS LADY.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Eureka7 AO- Yep! I loved the original series and I have extremely high hopes for season two! Not to mention amazing music in season one.
Fate/Zero- I think every body is ready for that.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 116 comments
Guys and Gals on Metanorn, I’ve already watched Episode 1 of Uchuu Kyodai. It’s good. The animation style looks dated but the premise actually works! Made me think about my childhood when I was interested in Dinosaurs and becoming an Astronaut.
Fast Forward to the Present Day: I am taking BS Geology as my undergraduate course. From being interested in Space to being Earth-bound. Ironic, yes? XD
Daily Lives of Space Bros FTW! XD
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Daily Lives of Space Bros FTW!
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
NICE ~~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 243 comments
Argh! So much potential awesome! How am I going to make time? I’m half-hoping some of this turns out disappointing so I can drop ’em without regret.
Fate/zero second part: Hell yes! Time for more of the unmitigated brilliance that is Anime Alexander the Great!
Kids on the Slope: Words cannot express how excited I am. They just can’t.
Tsuritaima: I liked [C]. And fishing meets sci-fi with a possible light sprinkling of homolust looks like a winning formula to me.
Hyouka: KyoAni. Classical literature. Mysteries. Sign me up.
Ozuma: Looks interesting, and at six episodes doesn’t require much commitment. I need to get on this shit soon.
Zetman: Looks pretty badass.
Medaka Box: No idea how this’ll turn out. Will watch to find out.
Jormungand: Hadn’t heard of this until now but I hearted Steins;Gate and that lead looks like a boss, so…
Spacebros thingy: Maybe, maybe…
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia: Shows promise. But then that’s what I was thinking about Another at this point and look how that turned out.
Good Lord. And that doesn’t take into account any possible surprise hits.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I’m with ya. I don’t know how the hell I will manage TIME! Do I need a time turner or something?!
You have my top 5 picks on your list already and yeah:
I fail to describe my enthusiasm for this besides Fate/Zero, which I’ve been craving since last year! Too good a season, I’m going to have a very hard time. ><
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Just saw a pre-air of Natsuiro.
I forgot to mention that I was really looking forward to this, so I had some expectations. First, great pop music by sphere. Second, lovely character design. Third, a plot that didn’t try to hard, but would relax let the story unfold.
The OP is a bit lacking, none of the dynamism I expected based on past work (Hazy from Hanasaku being one of my all time best loved pieces), but the ED more than makes up for that.
Character design is well developed, but we see some doppleganging with the Index series (shared designer). I can comment on the quality of animation as this is a pre-air (boy, I got a bunch of fuzz).
We have a slice of life story. It doesn’t have to be ambitious. But it has to have it’s own unique hook. In Tamayura, we had the beginning of new friendships in a new place. Here, we are in a transition story. It looks like things are going to end before they begin. Then a wish comes true. Nice hook.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Geez, having a bad morning, too much stuff going on around me. The seiyuu.
Natsumi (Kotobuki Minako) is made of some of the dignity Tsumugi from K-ON, but with a bit more fire.
Saki (Takagaki Ayahi) has some elements of Mitsuba (Eldest from Mitsudomoe) with a big old dash of Chris from Symphogear. Will we see some tsundere histrionics? Oh, I think we will.
Yuka (Tomatsu Haruka) has almost none of her Princess Serenity, some of the goofiness in her Anaru (Ano Hana), but mostly the enthusiasm of Nagi from Kannagi.
Rinko. It’s Yui from K-ON, not being Yui at all. She plays it quiet, but with a dash of her head in another world.
Oh, and I must correct something from above “I can’t comment on the animation yet, as this is pre-air”. Just cut, copy and paste that…
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Good to know! I’ve really been looking forward to this and I’m glad to hear there’s great music too, that’s one of the aspects of the show I’m most looking forward to in the OP/ED, as well as a relaxing pace. From what you described the characters sound incredibly interesting. o.o
I’m tempted to watch the pre-air … but I feel like it’s probably better to wait for the better quality release. I’m torn! XD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Seeing that enjoyed the pre-air so much, with it’s very fuzzy quality, I would assume that the quality release would be much more enjoyable. I need the OP to grow on me a bit more.
Good to know you’ll be part of watching it, I’ve heard some negative comments about it already, most of it pretty silly and hater-ish.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
Does it have the same vibe with Tamayura? The plot execution ? How about the characters?
POWUH: 500-599 with 543 comments
Are you kidding? I live in SoCal as well, and it’s never balanced. Spring is the silliest season- summer is hot, winter is cold-ish, fall and spring are just random junk weather thrown together.
As for the anime, Jormungand doesn’t sound bad- the “strong female lead” is definitely pulling me in. I’m ready for a girl who can stand for herself. Not to mention the plot sounds pretty cool. The weapons aren’t really drawing me in, but if the plot is good enough I’ll ignore them.
Tsuritama sounds funny, but if there isn’t something promising in my eyes, I’ll probably drop it.
Hyouka sounds great! I don’t even know why! It’s sooo pretty, even in the trailer!
Shiro Kuma Café… I shall watch it, even if it is a little weird. Here I come, Penguin-san!!!! And look, Lelouch is the panda. It’s perfect.
Thermae Romae: well, looks like the mini-architect in me is ready for something like this! Can’t wait to see what this has in store….
And I guess that’s it for me. I get the feeling I’ll really end up only watching all of Hyouka and Shiro Kuma Café, since the other two are kind of only half-appealing to me, but oh well~ Lots of crazy things happen for me right around this time, so it’s probably best if I limit myself.
POWUH: 800-899 and Self-proclaimed Manga Queen with 874 comments
~Really? Maybe it depends on the city/town? Where I live it’s mostly 70 degrees with clear/semi-clouded skies in Spring with occasional rain fall. Fall is our silliest season as it randomly goes from ridiculously cold to ridiculously warm (I’m pretty sure we can agree summer is just always excruciatingly hot lol).
It seems the “strong female lead” thing is pulling everyone in for Jormungand, and Lelouch as the panda is just…just so WONDERFUL~.
POWUH: 500-599 with 543 comments
Yeah, perhaps it does depend on the city/town. I probably live in the most mild region, except for that one time when we had hail, thunder, and sun all in 20 minutes. I just know that spring means random weather, every day, from rain to sun, within the week. It might just be this spring though. But my general memories are basically: “Can I wear jeans? Yes, but then I’ll get hot… No, I’ll be too cold. Dang it, what am I supposed to do….???” Fall is shorts and jeans later; winter is jeans; summer is shorts and sweat lol.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Cold? SoCal is cold? I have a piece of East Coast snow weather I would like to sell to you. =P
I so want to move to Cali eventually because it has sun, hot, and beaches. Awesome combo.