50 things you didn’t know about Hawt
I promise not to embarrass myself too much, but no guarantees.
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50 questions? Challenge accepted! (There goes my attempt at being mysterious and ambiguous …) Anyway, here’s a little peak at who I am outside of the blogging world, though I doubt I’m anywhere near as cool as Hoshi, OC, Miyu, Fosh, and Kyo. I hope you enjoy reading a little more about me, and don’t forget to check out the other scandalous questionnaires from the series. (I bet you really want to read them now if you haven’t already! fufufu) |
1. Who is your favorite male anime character?
Definitely Shouma Takakura! (As if you didn’t know by now from the picture and icon. xD) I love that he’s a dependable brother, will do anything for the people he loves, and is just hilarious in general. (Plus he’s partnered with Penguin #2, who is like the best penguin everrrrr.)
I’d say at a close second tie are Serpico, from Berserk, and Gareki, from Karneval.
2. Who is your favorite female character?
I don’t think it’s any secret that I’m a huge fan of Chihaya Kisaragi from The iDOLM@STER. She has an incredible singing voice and she’s passionate about her career as an idol, probably more-so than any of the other idols from the show. There’s just so much raw emotion behind her voice (credit of course to the awesome Asami Imai) and every time she sang in the show I was completely blown away. In a show full of high-pitched, upbeat, cheerfulness she stood out as that one girl who could capture everyone’s attention within seconds of singing. I’M A FANBOY OKAY. gosh/ Dx
Some of my favorites, if you’re interested, include Yakusoku (non-show-spoiling version), arcadia, and Aoi Toori.
3. What is your favorite anime soundtrack?
That’s hard to pick! Ummm, ermmm, uhhh … okay, it’s a tie between the Mawaru Penguindrum OST and the K-ON OST. They’re probably the two I’ve listened to the most on my iPod.
4. What is your favorite anime opening + animation?
I’m pretty much in love with Rinne no Lagrange’s opening “TRY Unite!” by Megumi Nakajima, all those colors and that addicting song, yeah. Close second would be “Uninstall” from Bokurano by Chiaki Ishikawa.
5. What is your favorite anime ending song + animation?
Star Driver’s first ED “Cross over” by 9nine was amazing. I guess the animation part wasn’t anything all that special compared to say an OP’s animation, but I love the song and I thought it fit the series very well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a video of the actual ED to share with you all!
Second place goes to Triple H and each of the Mawaru Penguindrum EDs they sang! :3 (I think they sang most of the EDs in the second half of the season …)
6. What is your favorite anime scene?
Okay after carefully thinking about it, my favorite would have to be the last couple minutes of episode 20 of The iDOLM@STER. You can’t really get the full effect of it unless you’ve seen the rest of the series, but basically it involved Chihaya (the one from before) finally breaking free of the things in her life that held her back and accepting that they can’t be changed, and it also shows how close all the idols had grown throughout their careers. The first time I watched it I was in tears, not Grave of the Fireflies or AnoHana type tears where you cry yourself to sleep after watching, but just happy tears.
This probably sounds super cliche, but one of my favorite scenes as a kid was the rain scene from My Neighbor Totoro when Totoro learns what an umbrella is and then jumps into the air and back to the ground and all the rain falls from the trees. I still love that movie.
The rest of my favorite scenes are mostly from comedies like Ichigo Mashimaro (this one for example) and Nichijou (pretty much EVERY scene), it’s hard to really pick a favorite out of everything I’ve seen since starting to watch anime!
7. If you could meet an anime character, who would it be?
Hibiki Tachibana, so I could cut her hair. FOR REALS NOW. Probably either Tsukimi or Okabe. I think either of them would make for a pretty interesting friend.
8. What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality?
OKAY. CAPS. I’m probably like a cross between Osaka and Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh. Sakaki because people who don’t know me think I’m sort of quiet and distant, and I’m usually by myself staring out a window or something, but like Sakaki I have another side to me which is like Osaka, incredibly clutzy, kind of airheaded, and occasionally weird.
9. What is your favorite thing about anime?
There are SO many different types of anime for everyone, whether you’re looking for something lighthearted or something intense and crazy, I just love being able to come home and watch an anime and make everything better. If I’m sad about something I can watch a comedy, if I just feel like relaxing there’s tons of slice of life/healing anime, and if I’m not in the mood to watch something I can go read some manga, or a book. I guess that’s my favorite thing about anime.
I also love that through anime I get to meet lots of new people online who feel the same way, and even write about it. ^^
10. What is your least favorite thing about anime?
Honestly sometimes my least favorite thing is the fandom. I don’t get why some fans feel entitled to criticize and mock other fans for stuff like cosplay or their interests in different genres. I think there’s a difference between not liking something and being tolerant of people who do, and not liking something and being an asshole about it. Meh.
I promise, no more ranting from Hawt!
11. Who is your favorite anime couple?
Ararararagi and Senjougahara, I loved watching them this season in Nisemonogatari, and they were great in Bakemonogatari too. One of my favorite episodes of any anime ever is the one with the car ride/star gazing scenes, everything about it just felt perfect, the way they interacted and the humor from the whole situation with Hitagi’s dad kept me laughing throughout.
12. Who is your favorite anime animal?
Poyopoyo, the adorable round cat. :3
13. What anime would make a good game?
I always thought that Shiki would make a pretty fun game if it could be as chaotic and horrifying as the anime. Something about small towns and horror just always gets me interested.
14. What game would make a good anime?
Rune Factory! (preferably Frontier or 3) It already has elements of anime in it since it’s pretty much one giant harem (or reverse harem in Tides of Destiny), plus the characters are great and I’m sure they could think up a suitable story that involves action and slice of life. /fanboying
Cookies for anyone who recognizes the original image this is based on. ><
15. What was the first anime you ever watched?
I can’t even remember which came first, probably episodes of Pokemon as a kid before school, I remember being in love with them. (I even had a Pikachu backpack and hundreds of the TCG cards!) I also watched episodes of Dragon Ball sometimes. The first anime I ever watched actually knowing it was Japanese animation was Totoro, and I loved it to death, so much so that I started searching around for more movies, and eventually shows, and now years later I’m here. ^^
16. Do you think you’ll ever stop watching anime?
No probably not, for however long I live I’m sure it’ll always be a part of my life. I’m sure down the line other things will become important, but I’m not the type of person to just ignore something that I’ve been interested in for so long.
17. What is your favorite genre of anime?
I’d say horror, but there are so little that I’ve actually seen, so I’ll go with psychological, fantasy, mecha, romance, comedy, slice of life, and music … Okay, that’s a lot! It’s hard to pick just one. xD
18. What is your least favorite genre of anime?
Sports, I’ve tried getting into to it before, but I’m just not that interested. -.-
19. Are you open about watching anime with people you know?
Yes … if only I knew someone around where I live who even knows what anime is! I tried introducing my brother to it, but either Claymore was too much for him, or he just doesn’t like anime at all.
20. Have you ever been to Japan?
Never, but I’d love to go at least once.
21. What anime was the biggest let down for you?
MM!. I was not a fan, I thought it looked nice though.
22. What anime was better than expected?
Oh plenty! One of the first though was Nana. When I first started learning about/watching anime I would pick a random series from a list and follow it through. (That’s how I came across amazing series like Ichigo Mashimaro and Bokurano.) The whole grunge-y, rock-n-roll drama wasn’t really my thing, but as soon as at the first episode ended I was hooked. Nana is by far the best serious romance anime I’ve ever seen and though it’s been a LONG time since I’ve watched it I still feel like I have a connection to the characters.
Another surprisingly awesome show was Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru, one of my favorite comedies that I initially thought would be terrible.
23. What is the best anime fight scene?
I’m really enjoying the fight between Strength and BRS right now in the new Black Rock Shooter anime, other then that I loved Sayaka vs Elsa Maria in Madoka Magica and Takuto vs Simone in Star Driver.
24. Who is your anime waifu?
I haven’t seen her in a while actually … AKARIN!~ Nope. I think she’s finally disappeared from existence. (╥﹏╥) Wait … Akari … who is she again?
25. What was your favorite video game as a child?
Harvest Moon and Pokemon! Even today I still love them both.
26. Most Embarrassing moment?
Everyday of my life is a most embarrassing moment. I’ve pretty much done everything … fallen down stairs at school, fallen up stairs at school, tripped and fell on my face in gym, spilled my teacher’s coffee, my Kim Possible (dun dun dunah) ringtone went off in class once, another time it was the Pokemon theme song (and people started singing along) … my friends have pretty much accepted the fact that at least five times a day I’ll do something embarrassing, but I always recover. Self-confidence ftw! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
27a. Can you drive?
Legally? Not by myself. I failed the driver’s test a lot before I even got my permit thing (stupid parallel parking!). I’m still working towards my license now. I’m one of those overly cautious drivers who drives like 5 miles under the speed limit though …
27b. Do you own a car?
I wish! I mostly ride my bike everywhere … it’s a little damaged at the moment, but I’m going to college soon anyway. ><
28. Are you mature?
Ehh … I would say sometimes. It depends! When I’m around people I’m close with I feel more comfortable being silly and outgoing, but towards people I don’t know very well I’m kind of shy and reserved. Online I also feel more free to be myself, which sometimes isn’t very mature. If you met me in person you’d realize how different my personality is online compared to in real life though, I guess I like being behind a keyboard rather than moving my mouth. xD
29. What year were you born?
1994! I’m 18, which feels weird.
30. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Kittens!!! I’m a cat person, when I get older I’ll probably be that crazy cat lady … except not a lady. Seriously though, I’d love to have a kitten and a puppy and watch them become friends, hopefully not mortal enemies. For now though I have an adorable corgi! His name is Colton, he doesn’t live with us anymore, but I get to see him every weekend and sometimes after school and as soon as I get my own place after college I would like to re-adopt him from my aunt. I try to see him as much as possible, I don’t want him to forget me. D:
31. Describe yourself physically.
Erm, I’m like 5’10-ish, sorta thin for my height. (I was short and “plump”, as my friends would say, in middle school and then puberty hit me like a bus!) I have short brown hair (usually put in some kind of faux hawk type thing, unless I feel lazy that day), blueish/greenish eyes, and a nose with a little bump in it. I’m kind of pale, I live right near the beach but I never tan or anything. xD
32. What would you name your first child?
By child do you mean kitten? Because his/her name will be Mittens and I will love Mittens with all my heart. °◡° But really, I never actually thought about that before. I like the name Autumn though, and Winter, and Summer … I guess I would name them after a season!
33. What is the worst injury you have ever had?
I’ve never had any serious injuries surprisingly, I’ve sprained stuff and damaged things before but never anything serious.
34. What is your worst habit?
Oh by far it’s procrastinating! I leave things off until the very last moment. I’ve tried not to let it carry over into my blogging habits though, and I’m trying to be more productive with school work and whatnot because I’ll be going to college soon and the last thing I want to be is a procrastinator. Even as I write this I’m procrastinating because there’s a Spanish project I don’t want to do. (;-_-)
I also have a habit of walking out of rooms and not closing the door behind me. It’s pretty rage inducing apparently.
35. Do you drink or smoke?
Nope, I kind of avoid alcohol and cigarettes. I don’t really mind when people drink or smoke, but with my health being not so great at the moment I have to avoid those kinds of things.
36. Do you have a tattoo?
I love the way tattoos look, especially ones with bright colors, but I don’t have one. I’d like to get small one when I’m older just to try it though.
37. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning, definitely. I struggle to stay awake anytime past 10. In the morning though I’m up as early as possible, I don’t like missing out on daylight!
38. Have you ever slept past midday?
I’ve tried, but I can’t do it. I kind of end up just laying there staring at the ceiling. -_-
39. Do you regret anything?
Of course, I think there’s at least one thing in every person’s life that they regret.
40. Can you count the number of friends you have on one hand?
If I count only my closest friends, then yes.
41. Do you wear glasses?
I prefer contacts because when I wear glasses I tend to get them dirty with my hands and stuff. They also fall off my face a lot, I crushed a pair once. Those poor glasses weren’t even owned for a full week. So yeah, contacts ftw!
42. Are you a picky eater?
I’m not able to eat meat or fish, or uncooked veggies, so I’m kind of limited in what I can make for myself. I really like rice, so most of the meals I cook are along the lines of fried rice. Other than the things I can’t eat though, I pretty much like everything else, especially chocolate-y foods and cultural food.
43. Would you die for someone?
Yes, I would. There are people in my life I would do anything for.
44. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Healing powers! I hate seeing people who are or get hurt.
45. Do you believe in the supernatural?
Yes I do! I don’t really think about it often or anything though, it’s just something I think is interesting.
46. Would you rather be rich or famous?
Rich, because I can be pretty lazy sometimes!
47. Have you ever committed a crime?
I J walked once when I was in New York, there were no cars though so it wasn’t really bad! Besides, is that even really a punishable crime? xD
48. Pirates or ninjas? Time Traveler or ghost?
Ninjas! Time Traveler! heh.
49. Does someone have a crush on you?
Nonono, I doubt that very much.
50. Are you in a relationship?
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Well that was fun! I didn’t realize they were going to get so personal. I had all weekend to do it so I hope I didn’t creep you all out with some of my unnecessarily long answers. (;-_-) Thanks for reading and I guess I’ll be seeing you around Meta! ;D |
Until next time!
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
#6: I see you’re into Studio Ghibli films. High five!!
#11: Araragi and Senjougahara do make a nice couple together. So long as Araragi doesn’t do something stupid to piss Senjougahara off.
#13: I’m with you on Shiki being a game. Gaining points by killing people and turning them while dropping the whole village into chaos really sounds fun.
If you somehow had the ability to manipulate an anime’s story, would you do it, which anime and in what way would you see fit? Would you put your favorite character or creature in a story where it doesn’t belong?