Summer Anime Catalogue 2011
By Team Meta, posted under ANIME, Anime Season Catalogue, Announcements, Featured, First Look, HEADLINE
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Oh hi thar, Summer! You don’t leave my side for eight months but I still don’t like getting used to you. Boo, I like Winter moar~ The cool air is awesome and who likes to sweat anyways?! Weather aside, it’s the time to put up your feet and relax–for some lucky yous, it’s already vacation time, fun and frolicking. Time to hit the beach for me and get some picnics and bonfires going but before all that we have to look forward to what’s in store this season and I must say, I can’t wait for Natsume Yuujinchou! HNNNGGG. | |
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Summer should mean getting as much sunshine as possible, and yet I don’t even have the time to venture outdoors aside from in-between classes. Curse you, summer school! Ah well, I guess if I have enough time to help compile a massive catalogue for you guys I should be able to find time to get some fresh air. Here’s to hoping you don’t spend (all of) your summer as a hikkikomori. The summer anime looks decent though, so it might be harder than you think… | |
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Well, actually, it’s not summer. You guys are all wrong! You see, the correct season is ‘Winter’. yeah. That’s right. It’s winter. I’m hoping to watch a lot. I mean, I try to watch a lot, and end up failing in my studies, so maybe I might get a little bit of common sense and STUDY before I watch anime? Pffft. Like that will ever happen. But you know what would be awesome? If I got less work, and wrote more reviews for Metanorn. Yeah. That would be sweet. | |
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My summers tend to mostly consist of lazing around the house and sleeping for 12 hours a day… and watching anime! I’m supposed to be job hunting right now, but given that I missed so much during the spring season due to school, there’s a good chance I’m going to spend a long time catching up on series and watching as much stuff as I can in the summer season. Unfortunately, there aren’t many titles that pop out at me, but a whole lot of maybes that could turn this season into a good one. | |
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You know, normally I don’t particularly appreciate the summer because it is unnecessarily hot and humid and absolutely disgusting outside. I am a firm believer that this season is completely overrated and that air conditioning is a blessing among blessings. However, I can’t help but be excited right now seeing as I have been waiting for so long and slaving away in school and I am FINALLY done! Not only does summer mean NO SCHOOL but it also means more time for ANIME. YES! These summer titles also look pretty awesome but I’m picky, so who knows? | |
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Summer time already?! Time to stay indoors and live off that cool AC! As for the anime there looks to be a few hits and misses like always, but maybe something new will catch my attention this time WTB FREAKING MECHA ARGG…Anyway enjoy the list. | |
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It’s summer? Thank god I work in a mall, I don’t have to feel the 40+ degree Celsius heat the sun is going to give me. I have enough tan. WAIT, I am naturally tanned. Anyway, summer list looks pretty “meh” to me. I never have any expectations in any summer season anime list, since they never meet my expectations. And what’s worse, THERE’S NO YAOI D: But oh well, at least we’re going to have the hot Nura-kun and cute Natsume… | |
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Excuse me while I loathe in the fact that summer is here along with its dreadful, hell-ish heat that make me want to drown myself in a pool of ice water just to stop myself from literally baking in the So-Cal sun.. See how pessimistic I get during this season? I’ve been living in this heat every year since I was BORN, but that doesn’t mean I’m used to it. Anyways, there is one good thing about summer: FREE TIME. And lot’s of it. While people are busy outside, burning alive, I’m inside my cold hole of a room catching up on everything school wouldn’t let me finish, including anime. Will this summer season however stop me from catching up on older shows? We shall see~ | |
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Fuck the summer season. Fuck it hard and fast. YOU KNOW WHAT I’m with Hato, it is WINTER. Scotland doesn’t get the memo that it’s supposed to be warmer this time of year so screw it, I’m not even going to move my jumpers to the back of my wardrobe. *huddles in misery and wool ponchos* Oh, and the anime season usually sucks, too. At least there’s one show that can save me from purposefully dropping a toaster in my bath. Bring on Natsume’s well deserved 3rd season! | |
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My favorite season! Hot weather >>> cold weather! While the sun is shining bright on us, anime kinda dims down a bit in terms of quality imo, so I either like to chillax out of doors or take advantage of free time to cut into a sizable backlog of older shows waiting to be watched (like Occult Academy from last year). This season’s pretty jampacked and there looks to be a couple real good ones that I’m interested in this summah, so perhaps I’ll have more shows to watch than originally anticipated! | |
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I have a love/hate relationship with Summer. Love for the break from school and hate for having to work a lot more. The difference between liking work or school is that you can fall asleep in class but not at work! Anyways, I’m looking forward to a few summer animes but I’ll still be busy with school/work, so I am unsure of what I can take and what I’ll end up giving up. Oh please, I hope that there’s actually a summer this year instead of rain! If not, I demand a vacation! | |
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Ehhh… summer is alright I guess. Warm weather beats cold weather any day. As for anime, I see a few titles that interest me, but I’ll probably pick up more due to hype. I mostly spend summer watching older anime out of boredom (that’s how I found myself watching both seasons Strike Witches *shudders). Anyways, we’ll see how this year goes. | |
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Awesomely striking comments, girls and guys~ But of course, that is pretty Metanorn and we roll the way we like! Summer has total of 80+ titles, so definitely a LOT MORE than the previous year. The thing I love about Japan is the fact that how quickly they stood back up on their feet after the many unforeseen events that occurred. Here’s some more love to the awesome animu industry for continuing to be strong.This review has been on the burner for some time so you can easily see the work done. A special and delicious dish prepared just for our valuable readers/lurkers, so enjoy! Draft versions History (not counting the individual comments): Show ▼
Without any further ado, let’s go to our line-up. >>> ALRIGHT, TUTURUUUUUUU~ |
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POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
here in the philippines, summer is done.
now im back to school 🙁
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
it might limit my watch list but here it is:
blood c – though I havent really finished and unfamiliar with CLAMP(im lost at card capture sakura, dont know where I stopped) il give it a try. I loved blood+ btw. sayaXhaji ftw!
nekogami – something to give me some rest and relaxation. just mindless fun with comedy and randomness thrown around. nothing to think seriously.
Manyuu Hikenchou – im uncertain about this unlike with seikon no qwaser. will likely wait for Divine’s season preview before I drop it.
ITSUKA TENMA NO KURO USAGI – the preview got me. looks like some cool flashy action fights here. designs are alright for me.
yuru yuri – well DUH! its pretty obvious that this is in my list. will also replace a-channel. dont think I need to tell my reasons.
Kaito Tenshi Twin Angel – doesnt seem to be too bad. even though I loved madoka magica, I need some magical girls in my plate. kinda wished they were real twins though.
baka to test to shoukanjuu – absolutely loved last season and the OVAs. hilarious and quite entertaining, the characters are all lovable.
Morita-san wa Mukuchi – smell yuri over here. maybe a good one. her character is almost exactly like shiori of TWGOK just the character design and starring differs.
higurashi no naku koro ni kira – its higurashi, has yanderes and yuri in it. loved the previous seasons and their OVAs. hope to see more of rikaXsatoko.
Carnival Phantasm – I only know F/S night and KnK but will definitely see this. beast lair(that site link I gave to Krokai in the KnK post) has been able to make me know a bit about the other type-moon series.
kuttsukiboshi – this one feels to me a romance series that wont seem to cheesy and melodramatic. plus yuri of course.
Astarotte no Omocha! OVA – wish I could but havent seen the first season(yeah, I know its airing right now). initially avoided since I thought it would just be a harem but I heard it has great yuri parts.
maria holic alive – im already watching this season and it has still gotten hilarious at certain points. mariya is one of the best traps there. honestly dont care about the yuri being done by kanako’s imagination.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Wow! Your list is quite awesome amando!
Astarotte isn’t as bad as people claim to make it, but ya it’s not for everyone lolol..
Lots of specials, Ova’s and movies to watch out for.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
For a cut-down list…… that’s impressive @_@
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Hahaa! You should check out my MAL for fun. xD
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
I’ve seen THAT a loooooooooong time ago.
And I am NOT commenting about that. O_O
Excuse me.
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
pls return back my eaten comment.
and id probably drop and add more in my list. depending on how random curiosity judges the others in their season preview.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
d-u-n Done!
ATX is airing Manyuu Hikenchou, so hopefully they’ll release uncensored TV versions (and with that, in a crappy 960×720 resolution).
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
ah crap, forgot about some others:
nurarihyon no mago – glad that they changed the director. hopefully this one will be true to the manga or at least not alter the story. rikuoXtsurara ftw!
kore wa zombie ka desu – liked the previous season so definitely on.
sora no otoshimono – tomoki is one of the rarest and manliest main harem leads out there. gotta check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World – sounds interesting and hope she doesnt become a tsundere too quickly.
R-15 – main guy sounds to me like tomoki from SnO(above). but doesnt seem that interesting.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! – …. maybe ive been infected by moe too much now….
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
….. and im totally not helping myself with my watch list….
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
and this comment is for overcoming Xiao.
im now the top 5 commentor in metanorn.
/self gloating
good for you karakuri, you watched strike witches. my gravatar is minnaXmio from that series.
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
they were? i watched the series but never realized :3
congrats on top 5 😀
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
…and now your the next obstacle.
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
you dont have natsume on the list ;(
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Awesome list! Every season, it’s almost like. I will check out everything but of course, I drop some after 2-3 episodes. You definitely need Natsume on your list.
And congrats on reaching the top 5! Look at how the top 15 has changed. xD
POWUH: 400-499 with 410 comments
Good job guys. Thank you all very much for your hard works and comments.
Boo~~ to J.C Staff for sucking in this season.
Still trying to list out my list. Will be back tomorrow. (maybe)
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Thanks! Good work from everyone.
Lol yeah I noticed some lack of J.C. Staff ah well maybe they can get to work on Railgun season two? and Index3 Ahahahah or Shana?!
Yep just watch everything like me! Muhahah well…I will try.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you! :3 I hope JC perks up their quality. They have been failing recently. >.>
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
Initialy wanted to watch Ikkoku Meiro, but after watching the preview, I’m not so sure. Heads seem uncomfortable huge. :-/
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ahahah yeah they do look a bit big huh? I am calling that show Gosick2.0 It seems to be the same maybe less of a mystery? Not sure I will watch a few episodes.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
I can only hope that it’s not another gosick… >.>
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
why am i getting the feeling that 2011 is not the year of anime. is it just me thats thinking that
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
It might just be lacking the style of shows you enjoy, hopefully you can find something fun to watch 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Are you saying it because of quantity? Let it go by and then make up your mind, Summer, Fall and winter still to go around. ^^
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
HOLY CRAP?!! ALREADY?? Wow, time sure flew.
Okay, so…
Blood C… I’ve never watched the Blood+ anime, but.. CLAMP? I love CLAMP~ I blame Cardcaptor Sakura for my love of CLAMP. Eh.. I think I’ll pass on this though.
Kamisama Dolls. I remember checking out the first chapter of this and liking it. Plus, it’s Brains Base. I’m probably gonna watch.
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée shall be watched! By me! It’s because I heard of it from Xiao… and it looks really adorable. And… I like lolis… when they are cute… and not tsundere… and she doesn’t seem like a tsundere loli.
Will probably watch Dantalian no Shoka.
Wait… USAGI DROP IS GETTING AN ANIME???!!! SINCE WHEN??!!! I’m definitely watching this. From what I’ve read of the manga, I really like it so far, and… I love mushy shows. And Rin is so adorable~ >.<
I guess I'll watch NO.6.
HIGURASHIHIGURASHIHIGURASHIHIGURASHIHIGURASHIHIGURASHIHIGURASHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCHINGWATCHINGWATCHINGWATCHINGWATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one!!!!!!one!!!!! *looks at trailer* Wait… what the? Will probably still watch since, well, it's Higurashi, but… where is my blood and yandere lolis and giant cleavers and uncle-smashing and Satoko-stabbing and nail-ripping? Maybe they just gave us this extremely happy looking trailer to throw us off.
Ao no Exorcist. Yes.
Towa no Quon looks interesting.
Kokuriko Zaka Kara – it's Ghibli, of course I'm watching.
Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World – WATCHING! I love Alice in Wonderland. It's one of my favorite stories. Especially looking forward to bishie White Rabbit because… well… I just played the White Rabbit… in a school play…
Anyway, this is a great preview and I am quite excited for this summer!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I know the feeling, it felt like just yesterday I was watching HoTD and Durarara! With last summer.
Nice list Amutofan! I cant wait for some of these shows, yes Higurashi! So excited to see that one.
Thanks I think we are happy it came out well xD
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Time sure flies, yeah! It was Spring a few days back. Where did the time go, damn it?! 0.0
Your list looks quite interesting but why is there no Natsume? You gotta add that to your list. It’t too good to miss out. Kamiyan + Brains Base + Omoro + bishies. What else do you need? xD
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
I need the first two seasons. If I get time to watch those, I’ll probably pick it up. It looks good.
POWUH: iLurker with 18 comments
I read it from begining to end, took me almost 2 hours, But i had fun while doing so!
Ono Daisuke needs to be in more anime!!
Out of those 80+ titles you gave us, I am going to end watch 15, which will probably drop to 10 or less.
Right now spring seems better, but who knows, maybe Summer is going to suprise me!
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Wow, what a trooper! Thanks for surviving through the entire list!
15 is still a decent amount of shows to watch. When there are too many good shows, I don’t have enough time to watch them all D:
POWUH: iLurker with 18 comments
I had a good time reading it, specially the one with the 19 or so daughters OVA, every single comment made me laugh.
Right now I’m in summer vacation so I have free time, but in a month or so I won’t, so I am taking advantage and watching everything I missed from Spring season!
But the only two promising shows right now for me are Blood C and Kamisama Dolls, but that criteria is just from first impression.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Awesome! <3 I know it was quite long but glad you stuck around and read through it all. xD
If you got vacations, stock up on some classics and current running anime to get a balance. Brains Base will definitely have winners in Summer, they are sly! xD
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
I LOVE the new post design you came up with! *~* It’s so interesting! ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you! Ness really worked hard on the design and this time around, I really spent time on summaries to give you more. We might even have more detailed summaries the next time around. ^^
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
Wow, +100500 for Ness for those designs! And I’m sure looking forward to some fresh looks on Metanorn :3
POWUH: 500-599 and The Trapolicious Treasurer with 599 comments
Thanks much! I hit the road as soon as this post was out and went on a mini-vaca xD
Yep, more improvements to come. :3
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
Yup. You deserved it LOL
As always – anything you’ll offer~ ^O^
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 42 comments
Argh, my watch list was piling up already
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
It can never go empty. xD
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 42 comments
So basically, only two movies to look forward too? Three max I guess
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
What?! What happened with the series. Go, catch up on Natsume right now. xD
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 42 comments
Except for the first one, I think I’ll try the rest. Though I haven’t seen Hellsing yet, is it any good? Too many mixed reviews.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
The original Hellsing anime is actually pretty decent. Not amazing, but good. The manga is a lot better, but the anime is worth the time to watch, I’d say.
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
hellsing manga FTW
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Hellsing OVA > Hellsing anime. Though it’s quite decent still. Hellsing is the ultimate vampire shite. No glittering BS, just scary and EPIC characters. Gotta watch yeah.
I need to catch up on manga. Mikado, how is it compared with the series/OVA?
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
I keep looking at this post again and again *2PM song*
it’s just so beautiful
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
I agree 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Pwetty pwetty love~ :3
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 58 comments
I always love these season reviews that you guys do XD
I’m probably most looking forward to…
Blood C (mostly because I am obsessed with both Clamp and Blood+)
Kamisama Dolls (i shall fangirl, love and ship the evil guy to my hearts content and no one shall tell me otherwise!!)
No.6 (the one that sparks my interest the most this season)
also HEART NO KUNI NO ALICE!!! GAH they’ve only been teasing the idea of something for like 2 years now DX Don’t be deceived by the alice in wonderland part since the only thing that is somewhat similar is the first bit of the setup and some of the characters… *goes off to fangirl about blood and julius* XP
POWUH: 500-599 and The Trapolicious Treasurer with 599 comments
Thanks much :3
I’m checking out the same stuff that you are haha. But I’m still unsure about Heart no Kuni no Alice, if only it was a yaoi… hmmm Hahahhah
POWUH: iLurker with 10 comments
Wow, nice catalogue, so eye-catching. It makes me want to watch the entire summer anime. One anime that particularly caught my attention is Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, kind of reminds me of Gosick for some reason. Hopefully, it’d be more worthwhile.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you! ^^
I was actually quite captivated by Ikoku even when I didn’t like gosick much. I’m expecting more from this; we’ll see.
POWUH: 1100-1199 and Meta's Evil rice-flour Product with 1137 comments
more like carnival orgasm, love type mooooon
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
POWUH: iLurker with 19 comments
Great job on the list! I’m probably one of the only people looking forward to checking out Baby Princess, but since I like Sister Princess and this is similar and only one episode I figured I’d give it a shot. Other shows I plan to watch are:
Sacred Seven -It sounds like a show I would enjoy to some extent. I do like my mecha!
Blood C – It’s Clamp and though I wouldn’t say the are my favorite they do tend to do a good job.
Last Exile – I have to watch the first one first ^^;
Kamisama Dolls – Killer doll things and friend/secret lover drama? Hell yes!
Yuru Yuri – Surprisingly, I tend to be rather fond of slice-of-life anime and there’s yuri in this one to boot!
The IdolM@ster – I love me my harem shows!
Uta no Prince-sama – Maji Love 1000% – I’m actually really looking forward to this show! I came across a review for the otome game and since I can’t speak or read Japanese the anime will have to substitute for the game. Oh, my reverse harem~<3
Morita-san wa Mukuchi – Story of my life!
Natsume Yuujinchou San – I think this one was a given being one of my top 5 anime and all.
Dantalian no Shoka – I love the design of this one and the story sounds like it will be good, so I will certainly be watching this one. Actually, I think this one will end up being my favorite summer series, but you never know.
Kamisama no Memo-chou – I can't imagine this show being terrible based off the trailer and description and mystery's can be fun if they are done right.
NO.6 – I have high hopes for this one! I love the character design and I feel like this one will be leaving me on the edge of my seat.
VitaminX Addiction – Okay, this one is one the edge of I'm going to watch and I might watch (since most of the boys aren't that cute looking). As you already know I'm a harem and reverse harem fan and have stuck through some shows others probably would have never given a thought to such as Starry Sky and Blessing of the Campenella.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Special – I liked the series, so the special will be worth viewing for me.
Houkago no Pleiades – I liked the anime, so if I can find the movie I will watch it.
Kokuriko Zaka Kara – Though I thought Earthsea was only okay I will be watching this one.
Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World – My most anticipated anime movie for the summer. I'm hoping they have her get together with someone other than who she ended up with in the manga and maybe clear the ending up a bit for me.
Things I might try to follow:
Itsuka Tenma No Kuro Usagi – There's lolis and vampires everywhere! I'm a bit iffy of vampire shows, but I will give this one a chance.
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée – It looks cute, but I'm not sure how it is going to hold for me.
R-15 – Sounds like it could be entertaining!
Mawaru Penguindrum – It has penguins so it might be worth checking out.
Usagi Drop – It's possible that I will watch this, but it will most likely end up on the back-burner.
Yurumates – Sounds like it could be decent (and cute), but the trailer doesn't do much for it.
Carnival Phantasm – This will be worth at least checking out.
Kuttsukiboshi – Will probably end up on my 'to watch' list for awhile.
Astarotte no Omocha! OVA – When I finish the series I will most likely watch this.
Prince of Tennis: Another Story II – I never finished the series, but I my check out the OVA.
Towa no Quon – For movie series I usually like to wait until they are all released.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi – I will probably end up seeing this one eventually.
Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid – I have the series on hold right now, but when I finish it I will watch the film.
Naruto Shippuden Movie 5: Blood Prison – I don't really follow Naruto, however, this movie looks like it will be decent. They had a Naruto movie with time-travel?
Holy crap, I want to watch/try a lot! The summer season is looking good for me to bad Persona 4 wasn't in this season's line-up or I may have fainted from happiness.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you! And awesome comment! The more the better and it seems you enjoyed the review.
A very interesting list and definitely this Summer looks quite busy, of course nothing like Spring or Fall but it’s getting there with variety. Something for everyone, from harems, yuri to even vampires and mystery. Personally, I like supernatural theme so I’m quite content in getting many flavours.
And yeah, the fourth movie had time travel in it. It’s just sad that they really didn’t use the resultant elements to the max degree.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
My list:
Baka test 2
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee <– most excited for this
Mayo Chiki!
Usagi Drop
Dantalian no Shoka
Kamisama Dolls
Kami-sama no Memo-chou <– and this
morita-san wa mukuchi <– and this
Gonna watch quite a ton of OVAs too!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Ooh, welcome, first time commentor and from an old network too. XD
I’m really looking forward to Ikoku myself, I just hope I’m not too disappointed like *cough*gosick*cough*. Same goes for Kamisama Memo-chou because the original novels are quite entertaining, I can only hope the anime does justice to it.
So much to watch out for, Summers seems quite happening! ^^
POWUH: 1100-1199 and Meta's Evil rice-flour Product with 1137 comments
WHAAAAAT!?!??! another season to wait before kon movie 🙁 OH MY GOD REVIEW HEART NO KUNI NO ALICE!! give it a chance, its based off a manga, and the manga is absolutely hilarious! it’s mega non conventional. it has mafias and kingdoms and themeparks locked in war, and its AWESOME JUST TRY IT, alice and wonderland. and death. and blood. and funny romcom stuff. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW IT
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
I enjoyed that a lot!
But just wanted to point out a teeny-weeny mistake! Irino Miyu is male….
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Lol! Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed! 🙂