Happy Birthday, Ness!

Last Birthday Party of the month! We are going to PARTY HARDDD~

Kyokai: Girls just wanna have some fun~ Yep, we do! But, Ness is a TRAP so you never know what s/he wants but being in the Metanorn family, it means, loads of fun and an all nighter PARTYYYYYYYYY~ Also, wishing Happy Birthday to fellow animangoers: Ruby (Meta-buddy<333), Orange-sama and Aftersh0k.

I swear, I had made up my mind in drawing Kenshin for you because that is what clicked to me while stalking your MAL but damn, Hibari won points in always being your DP, so here he is with his little birdy, presenting you with a cupcake! It’s your choice to eat whatever first. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, V– NESS!! Hope you have an awesome time and truckloads of surprises. Weekend party on skype, YEAH! <3

Hoshi: Sorry if I made Hibari look too mad |’D It’s been forever since I’ve drawn him…anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NESS! Though we haven’t really had long, deep conversations, I do hope you have a wonderful birthday and that all your birthday wishes come true~ Now let loose and PARTY! It’s your day! XD

Foshizzel: Happppppy Birtthhdaaayyy, NESS!! Wooooooooooo!! Well Ness in these short months that I have known you I always enjoy our chats together and the tag team reviews! Always a great time. Really happy to be apart of a team with you and all the others, have a great day! and eat some cake for all of us.

Hato-kun: Ness! Despite knowing the truth (or at least what I think is the truth, maybe I don’t know anything!) I and many others still refer to you as  Metanorn’s resident trap. I still don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I’m just taggin’ along anyway. Happy Birthday and congratulations on being however old you are! Man, our ages are really secret, aren’t they?

Hime: HAPPY B-DAY NESS~! I wish you an awesomepectacular birthday with hordes of cake, pressies and lovely things! *geifs cyber cake* If I sent a real one it would probably get squished ^^;

Overcooled: Ness, my birthday buddy, it is consoling to know that someone else is also growing older. XD Besides the morbid side of aging, birthdays are about cake, partying and FUN TIMES! So ignore the inching closer to death part and focus on balloons. They’re floaty and distracting. I would party it up with you but, alas, you are too far away. Which is a shame because bawww, partying with the awesome Ness sounds fun! Anyways, make the most of your special day you suave little trap, you.

Finally, Hoshi’s full sketch is revealed. Let’s PARTYYYYY~


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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65 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Ness!”

  1. Yvoon says:

    i was just reading the comments…..




  2. Yvoon says:

    i was just reading the comments….



    awwwww….=3=….so luckyyy~~

  3. Amutofan123 says:

    Happy birthday Ness! I hope it’s a good one. 🙂

  4. Junko says:

    Happy Birthday to you and everyone else 🙂

  5. Overcooled says:

    Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NESS~~~~~!!! Make the most of it~

    • Ness says:

      Thanks OC!! Yeah, I had a good day hanging with the DDDbros on skype and then went out for the night and enjoyed a good dinner and ok movie heheh~ :3

  6. wonton jr. says:

    Happy Birthday Ness!Hope you have a good time 🙂

  7. Vivi says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Bet you had an awesome time getting wasted and what not.

    Damn, all these awesome artists should get on pchat together someday and show us the results.

    • Ness says:

      Thanks Vivi and no, I didn’t get wasted but I did have an awesome time out hehehe.

  8. Dan-go says:

    HAPPY belated birthday, so sowwwy, i knew yesterday was your bday but i had no internet D: D: D: ness ilyyyyy

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