Seitokai Yakuindomo – 10


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8 Responses to “Seitokai Yakuindomo – 10”

  1. oplover says:

    Nice one tsuda-kun! Now you got two girl!! :aww:

    • Ryuuko says:

      Lol I didn’t mind him having two girls either! I’m usually annoyed at guys like that but Tsuda is cool enough to have them both ;p

  2. BlackLagoon187 says:

    Ahaha Definitely fan of the Mutsumi x Tsuda moment (I could hear K-ON’s “Pure Pure Heart’ playing in my mind :P)

    I loved the end as well Shino x Tsuda xD

    The maid outfit strangely resembles Maria’s maid outfit in Hayate no Gotoku O.o
    I double checked lmao

    Ughhh K-On ending is killing me. Last chapter should be out this month… :'[ I need my Yui, Mio, Azu-nyan, Ritsu, Mugi fix

    • Ryuuko says:

      Isn’t it weird how no one has a preferred pairing with Tsuda? I think it might be because Mutsumi (and Kotomi for that matter) both look like they can “grow up” to be Shino. Shino-heirs! o.o

      I got really depressed when the first K-ON ended and I didn’t know they would make S2 lol. So I told myself I wouldn’t freak out about it this time around >.<;; Don't know if I'll succeed. In any-case I might just anime-stalk the seiyuu :runs:

  3. gwern says:

    Is it just me or is that maid outfit rather like _Mahoromatic_?

    • Ryuuko says:

      Holy crap I haven’t seen Mahoromatic in ages.. I didn’t even make the connection lol. But yeah I guess you’re right!

  4. Wildfire says:

    shinoxtsuda 4evaaaaaar

    love syd. its a good break from the usual serious animes. and definitely makes up for k-ons lack of content -_-

    • Ryuuko says:

      I definitely know what you mean about K-ON’s lack of content but idk… they comfort me just by being there! But soon they won’t be there ;_; … hold on didn’t I say I wasn’t gonna be sad anymore D:

      Well at least there’s a few comedies, quite a few actually coming out for Fall that look like they’re going to be entertaining! Here’s hoping anyway lol.

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