Team UP! We are hiring – Updated

Metanorn’s looking for fresh blood and it could be YOU~!

Updated on 20th Oct, 2010: Application’s are open again~ Check HERE.

Hey all! As you must have noticed already, the announcement for writers wanted at Metanorn has been up subliminally on our sidebar for the need of some new blood for the next season.

This post is all about our hunt for dedicated writers. First and foremost is our motto to HAVE FUN HERE AND ENJOY YOUR STAY! That is the first thing that kanzie told me when she enlisted me on the team and I have never looked back. We are the people who enjoy everything about the anime/manga fandom. So, yes we do have philosophical thoughts but we are a bunch of fangirls too because we love anime-dorama, seiyuus and everything surprising or exciting about the fandom.

Some criterion for what we are looking for in a writer:

  • Avid watcher/reader of anime/manga
  • Dedicated: Has more than an interest in writing and sharing thoughts because well, whatever it is the bottomline will remain to enjoy the process rather than taking it as a job
  • Some ground knowledge about ani-blogging and screen-capping (this is not mandatory as I can always provide a tutorial on our format)

What an ideal application should include?

  • An introduction about yourself, some info about how you came to love the fandom, your interest in writing, etc.
  • If you are already writing/ blogging, provide samples (where applicable).
  • A post example, take any episode of series that you are watching and write an episodic review of it. Add in screencaps to show relevance. You can send this by copy-pasting it in your email editor or even send MS Word document if you do not trust your email editor to keep the alignment, attachment, etc.
  • Answer these fandom related questions:
    • What kind of anime/manga you like?
    • What are you currently watching/reading?
    • From summer/fall shows, what looks interesting to you. Also for blogging what is your favourite genre and shows that you would like to cover?
    • If you get selected, what categories would you like to post for? Check out our categories tree for a reference. (E.g., Anime episodic, manga, quick-bits, etc.)

Deadline is pretty open right now (tentatively mid of November). Email your submissions to [email protected]. Would welcome guest bloggers too so whatever floats your boat. ^^

Bottomline is we are doing this self-motivated, just because we love the fandom so much. Though, there is definitely gratification when you find like-minded people and get response from the frequenting visitors. In short, a platform where you can share your anime love and thoughts with whacky people just like yourself! XD

So, we would look forward to your applications and in case of any further queries, comment here or email. Apply Away~!


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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96 Responses to “Team UP! We are hiring – Updated”

  1. BlackLagoon187 says:

    Dang I just checked Metanorn for the first time in a while, missed out on this event but it seems like you guys have it all under control.

    Looking forward to seeing new posts through the RSS feed >__<

    • Kyokai says:

      Welcome back! <3
      It's awesome to see all the regulars returning. Expect a good season from Metanorn and we'll look forward to your support of the new team. ^^;

  2. dae-kun says:

    DAMMIT. I’m really disappointed that I missed this. I hope that openings come up again some time soon.

    • Kyokai says:

      I don’t expect this to come up in this season at least but we’ll see when fall starts. Thank you for showing your interest. ^^;

  3. Mikoto says:

    Congrats on the new blood. 😛

    Didn’t apply because I didn’t think I can handle posting on two blogs at the same time. lol Hiatus bug always gets me for stupid reasons.

    • Kyokai says:

      LOL, thank you! They are still getting oriented though.

      Handling two blogs is a problem and when hiatus bug bites, no one can do anything. Mine is coming soon I think. x_X

  4. […] Team UP! We are hiring – Updated […]

  5. foshizzel says:

    Sureee! I will take another crack at this ;P yay new blood xD

  6. Tofu says:

    Opened again ey? kekeke… last time you guys wanted recruits i was still new to the whole metanorn site but now maybe i’ll give it a shot, see what happens 😛

    • Overcooled says:

      I mean. us. <_<

      • Tofu says:

        ROFL!!!! :XD:

        (after i apply my application form for METANORN…) 😛

        • Tofu says:

          Just sent my application *crosses fingers* ><! now for the silent but agonizing drum roll in my head till you guys announce who's getting in

  7. Elyon says:

    I think I might give this a try! I doubt I’ll get picked, but it sounds fun.

  8. sassy says:

    I’m such a lurker, but I think I will give it a shot ;D

  9. Tofu says:

    Personal question: do you assess us on how we write the application to see what our writing style is? If it is then i think i might as well submit another application (can i even do that? or will it decline the first application if i send a second one?) ehehehe… i might of left some stuff out kyokai ^^”

    • Kyokai says:

      Your introduction does affect your overall assessment. However, only application is not enough and an actual post sample is required, preferred in word document/pdf format. For a better impression you can add in relevant pictures in between as well.

      There’s no hard and fast rule of what you can add but if you think you left out something, you can always write back. That is all good. ^^

  10. Dan-go says:

    envyyyy, i so wish i could, my lifes too busy at the moment, but i’m gonna follow u forever, zuttoooooo ishhou ni, and who knows, in next year when i get out of high school i might try my luck, also TOFU GOOD LUCK, ganbatte, ily, you’ll get in for suuuure (also are you really ALL fangirls?…would a fan…guy be out of the question :yippy :P, i promise not to hit on anyone and act as uncreepy as possible…most of the time)

    • Kyokai says:

      Good luck for applying later, Dan. Hopefully we’ll be around even then. ^^

      Also, yes even the guys are a bunch of fangirls rather than fanboys (this term should not exist! XD). Exhibit A, Hato for moe, Masu for lolis and Flags for Type-MOON. So, be the way you are, we love you anyway. :3

    • Tofu says:

      Thanks for the encouragement Dan, I’ve realized something important from Kyokai and I’m gonna apply another application to METANORN, hopefully I’ll get in and also one more thing Dan, I’m a guy just so you know ;D but as Kyokai said “even the guys are a bunch of fangirls” I’m a fangirl ESPECIALLY over Mio Akiyama from K-ON! Kyaa~!! x3

      I’ll try my best in the application pick ^^

      • Dan-go says:

        moe moe kyun <3
        also tofu, i love how ure comments now have perfect grammar <3 AND KYOKAI METANORN WILL NEVAAA DIEEE :rage:

        • Tofu says:

          I have perfect grammar? Really? Thanks Dan (Since my last comment, I’ve been working on the post sample till now) ><" Now I know how hard it is, especially since at first the only way I could put pictures in were to print screen then crop then save then copy onto Word Document, took ages! It'd be awesome if you were to go in, let's aim to join Metanorn team together! Woo! xD

        • Dan-go says:

          hahaha, tofu, word of advice? right click (ctrl click if u have a mac) copy, paste, also u can crop inside microsoft word 😛 AND WE’D MAKE THE BESTEST DOUBLE TEAM :sad4 :rage: , now i’m all pumped for next year, really kyoukai if u dont let tofu in i may have to post an angry face…and then we all won’t be happy

  11. Tofu says:

    er… Dan… ^^” isn’t that a bit too much to ask Kyokai..? ahaha…aha..a… You can’t be certain my writing skills are good enough for Metanorn, I’d feel bad if I was to be in the team but only because I pleaded ><" Don't worry Dan, if I don't get in this year I'll get in with you next year, hows that sound? ^^ And thanks for the tip, I didn't know you can crop in WORD… 😛

    • Kyokai says:

      Lol, we’ll see boys, how things go. ^^

      • Tofu says:

        Kyokai, I accidentally sent two new application forms ><" just wanted to tell you (to tell the difference between the old and one new one) the new one has *LATEST* written at the start and end 😀

      • Dan-go says:

        You so don’t want to see my angry face, it is like the sawa chan in metal mode scary :15:

  12. Masu says:

    who get’s to decide? i wanna be a judge. PLEASE?!

  13. anaaga says:

    my whole plan is to apply when i enter college, but the urge to apply now is just TOO BIG 8D

    • Kyokai says:

      Lol! Why not give it a shot? :3

      • anaaga says:

        my life is too busy right now, since i’m graduating after 7 months 🙁 and i only DL low-quality anime(s), so i’ll have LQ screencaps 🙁 aaand, my grammar sucks. well, i think…
        aaaah u guys r tempting me *tremble in excitement*

  14. Natsume says:

    was just wondering if there is a specific deadline, or if it’s in general, mid november…

  15. […] our recruitment deadline and the process involved. On the basis of our sidebar announcement and updated post, we have been on the lookout for new blood to expand the site content. We believe in diversity and […]

  16. veeholic says:

    Eh, opened again?
    As a lurker, I wanna join~ :3
    So….. do we have to do episodic? No manga-only? Or editorial? (since I’m too lazy to download anime right now XP)

    • Kyokai says:

      Well, if your editorial skills are awesome, we will consider it but Anime episodic sample is needed as it makes up the 60% of our current content. So, that is why it is the main criteria. You can do an episodic on an old episode that you already have or a manga chapter review.

      • Tofu says:

        Kyokai, it’d be great if veeholic could cover the manga part for Metanorn since a lot of people are covering anime ^^ Veeholic would be a good arsenal to your team – that’s just my opinion, I’m not going against anyone here.

        I apologize in advance. Gomennasai!! ><"

        • Kyokai says:

          Aww, it’s all good Tofu-kun, that is the reason I told veeholic to send either an episodic or a manga chapter review. We sure do need manga reviewers. ^^

  17. Nadia says:

    Kyokai, can you help me? I’m working on my application and the last question that you listed in the ‘What an ideal application should include’ section asks me for what categories I would like to post for if I get selected, but I can’t open the category tree on the right side of the page…

    • Kyokai says:

      The categories are just after the announcement. If you can’t see them, in short, choose from the below:
      – anime (episodics, retro, review/recommendations)
      – manga (review/ recc/ chapter review)
      -, first look, etc.)
      – movies /ovas (reviews/ recc)
      – music (downloads, reccs, first look, etc.)
      – talk (opinion, editorial, top 10, lists, etc.)
      – events coverage, etc.

      • Dan-go says:

        Oh my god, we should SO HAVE A PERSON COVERING LIVE EVENTS, how cool would that be? anyreaders living in the awesome land that is Japan?

      • Ness says:

        In the Categories tab under Entertainment, I saw a J-Dorama section. Would you guys be taking dorama reviews as well?

        • Tofu says:

          We might in the future (stay tuned till 20th) new writers for Metanorn Ness xD and I’m guessing int he past Metanorn did cover J-Dorama since it’s there *thumbs up*

          Congrats on de-lurking ^^ Let’s all make Metanorn an even more lively place for anyone who enjoys anime-related discussions and posts yeah?

          • Ness says:

            Hahah I was asking in reference that I might app with a dorama review :p

            Yeah, I’ve been lurking for a few hehe. :3

          • Tofu says:

            I’m sure you can, Metanorn would welcome you with warm hearts and plus I’m sure they’d also want a variety of writers instead of a big load of writers who are just doing anime (as an example)

            Hoshi does manga xD

            You can always try Ness, you still have time till 20th November xD

  18. […] of time, but that is what really happened. Interestingly, the Evangelion picture I posted in the Team Up! portrayed three girls and two guys and that is exactly what we ended up selecting for the new […]

  19. […] our Application format is the shiznit, so I will not be changing much from […]

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