Amagami SS – 05


I'm Hato, born and raised in glorious New Zealand and a self-proclaimed awesome person. I started writing here in July and I'm loving it so far! I'm Metanorn's go-to Moe Man (lol) and the games guru, so don't be shy to say hello!
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12 Responses to “Amagami SS – 05”

  1. Flags says:

    The cake is a lie.

  2. gwern says:

    > Does anyone else hold their pinky like that when they drink? It looks really weird!

    When you drink hot tea, you pretty much have to. If you stick as many fingers through the loop as you can, you will *burn* yourself.

    (Once, I foolishly picked up my travel mug fresh out of the microwave, and was walking down the hall back to my room. You know how when you touch something really hot, there can be like half a second where the sensation is still sinking in, and you suddenly think OH SHIT? That happened half way down. I was too far from either the kitchen or room to set it down, and dropping it wasn’t an option. So I dived for the floor and dropped the mug about half a foot above the ground. That compromise cost me a nasty red spot that last a few days, but at least I had my tea.)

    • Hato-kun says:

      I never usually have hot drinks in a mug. But not that you mention it, my hand usually never fits through loop. What is that thing called anyway, and handle?

      xD I can imagine someone just diving to the floor in slow motion with tea going everywhere. I shouldn’t be laughing, but I am :3

    • anaaga says:

      uh, i hold my pinky like that when i drink something with a cup like that. i even type while holding my pinky like that…

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hato-kun, Kyokai. Kyokai said: Introducing the sexhaired, Kaoru. Review of Amagami SS 5th episode by Hato-kun: […]

  4. Kyokai says:

    I definitely like Kaoru better than Haruka. Let’s see how another of this superfast arc goes.

  5. LuluChan92 says:

    Hey, wassup! Amagami seems to be quite alright, but to be honest I’m not in the mood of watching any anime now, so it’ll have to wait untill I decide to end my vacation/hiatus…

    And Hato-kun, I also hold out my pinky like that when I’m drinking, is that a problem?!!! XD

    Anyway, see ya!

    • Hato-kun says:

      Yo! Remember, Lulu! Anime soothes the souls and cleanses the mind! It’s good for you! ^^

      It seems a lot of people do drink like that. I feel ashamed now! I apologize, everyone! >///<

  6. vang665 says:

    Junichi is the man. teasing on his best girl friend and then staring at another girl’s butt when she runs off. he acts more realistic than most harem leads. do you really think half of all anime harem leads would have even followed the girl after she runs off?

  7. Gantoris says:

    oh.. ME! ME! I do that pinky thing! I know its lame and all, sticking out of nowhere, but! I got used to doing that without me realizing it. Its like…. your drinking from a water bottle and right infront of your eyes you see a pinky sticking out of your hand grabbing the bottle. And you go “WTH am i doing?” seriously, its unglam and weird, plz don’t learn it and regret! May looks awesome in anime, but it isn’t in real LIFE!

    PS: Don’t even try it, it will grow on you even doing a few times.

  8. nagi says:

    i do that pinky thing too! *raises hands* 😉

    oh, first of all, welcome to metanorn Hato-kun! :omg:

    Amagami SS is a new taste of anime for me because this is the first time that i’ve seen a plot that resets for every 4 episodes. i mean, that’s so short right? so i’m hesitant at first to watch this because i know every arc would be rushed but it seems that they’re doing a good job! 😀

    one thing though, the kissing fetish scenes are kinda.. err.. disturbing. back of the nee, navel, then? what’s next? the armpit? XD

    though i have to agree with most of the people here that Kaoru’s arc is better than Haruka’s. looking forward to more of this anime! 😀

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