Durarara!! – 02


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29 Responses to “Durarara!! – 02”

  1. Xiao says:

    Izaya pretty much OWNED this episode by just being his awesome twisted self. And I think his treatment toward filler girl was mild compared to how it will be towards his future victims. He’s such a mind rapist. But a SEXAY mind rapist. <3

    lol, I'd be dying if Seiji got another admirer with all these other incredibly hawter guys roaming around Ikebukuro. He's not material worth ogling over…and there's the family complexes, too. Oi…


    And “Trust Me” PV is so friggin’ hawt and the smex! KYAAA!!! YUYA-KUUUUUNN!!!!!! :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa:

  2. Eri says:

    Yesh! He owned the episode COMPLETELY just by existing! I totally wuv Izaya and his my personal TOP OF FAVORITES from now on and on and on and on… And yeah I wanna Shizu too! Also, a Shizu x Izaya battle Shizu x Izaya is enough XD would be AWESOME!!! Well, I guess that will happen but not for now…
    Mikado blushing? Errmm…WTF…yeah wanna! But not with Anri; where’s my yaoi XD Mwuhahahahahaha And more Celty as well! Seriously, dudette ROCKS! Of course, I’d wish she wasn’t so clumsy (remember how many times she got it in the 1st episode?) but I guess it can’t be helped; I would have been like that too if I was missing my head XD
    Finally I’d like to make some comments…
    What exactly did you mean with his “bang” finger OMG I’m such a pervert
    And secondly… “I think he doesn’t seem to be interested on girls” plz don’t give hopes Is my yaoi here yet? :O

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Just forget everything I said xD I expect you to blog the whole series I DO wanna .gifs of Izaya crushing phones (remember the PV?!?)

  3. Shi says:

    Kyaaaa— IZAYA-SAMA!! Raburaburabu~~ He is just fabulous character, I love his behavior ;w;
    I want to see my Shizu-chan nao~ >w< I bet he's as awesome as Izaya! And they both make an awesome OTP~~ Ahhhh why everything about this show is awesome?! <3333
    Okay, moving on to episode. I love the way of storytelling, it was a big surprise that it showed the story of some minor character. But because of her we got to see Celty’s personality(it seemed like, totally different from what it was in the 1st ep!) and Izaya of course <33
    Thank you for making these awesome .gifs, by the way! =v=

  4. Mikuru says:

    I love this episode! :oha:
    I love Shizuo! :cute:
    I love Durarara! :runs:

  5. Jamie says:

    I love Durarara! :aww:

  6. meteorhouse62 says:

    Awesomesauce ep!

    Surprising to see Celty (Shadown rider) having a soft heroic spot. And I agree, the story-telling is ahh-mazing!

    • meteorhouse62 says:

      oops. I meant shadow rider*

      and I must also add that Izaya’s awesome indeed.
      Looking forward to the next episode!

  7. CyberPixie says:

    izaya is fcuking awesome

  8. kuku311 says:

    This episode sure is full of Izaya and Izaya and Izaya :14:

    And did you see the pic love in the chalkboard?? Even the class approve MikadoxAnri :kyaa2:
    Can’t wait for the next episode :ohohoho:

  9. kewldude says:

    K Im a guy and I still like the way Izaya acts. That coolness should be had by all the other main chars in other anime 😀

    All the characters are interesting as hell XD and i totally agree with on all the other points as well heh

    Other than that, simply fabulous anime!!!!

    I LOVE IT! ^_^

  10. fenixdown110 says:

    I approve. Win in my book.

  11. LuluChan92 says:

    This show got instant approval from me from episode 1, but even if it didn’t, this episode is PURE WIN anyway!

    And, yeah, Izaya is LOVE!!!

  12. Tara says:

    Izaya = epically awesome kyaable character :kyaa2:
    I also can’t wait to see more of Shizu-chan ^^ Definitely the best series this season, and the ED PV was hawt!

  13. CyberPixie says:

    AAAAAAAAAA IZAYAAAAAAAAA :kyaa2: :kyaa2: :blush2:

  14. rain says:

    ahahah xD so many izaya fan girls!

    but man durarara is soo amazing X3333 best of winter 2010!

  15. anaaga says:

    *nosebleed* OMG IZAYA!! he looks so fuckin sexy! especially the jacket thing @ that gif
    izaya = win
    izaya & shizuo = my new OTP. i disapprove any other izaya OTP except with shizuo 8D

  16. hannah says:

    izaya… OMG you are amazing, i love you XO :nosebleeds:
    was really entertained by OnoD’s voice, who knew itsuki could get so rough? :love: XD
    anrixmikado, gosh so cute X3 :kyaa2:

  17. hannah says:

    can’t forget about you, either shinra! fukuyamajun makes you such an awesome/WIN character. :kyaa2: :love: :cute: :blush2:

  18. lazysamurai says:

    lol crazy fan-chicks! :kyaa: keep up the happiness :thumb:

    I just get the feeling Izaya really doesn’t care about anything at all except his personal and mysterious agenda.
    He creeps me out really.. i guess he reminds me a bit of my sometimes evil(?)-nature. :ohohoho:

    let’s hope the story stays interesting! sometimes they really know how to f*ck up animes..

  19. max says:

    Durarara!!! HD mkv torrent

  20. “IZAYA IS LOVE!”
    –> totally xD oh he’s so awesome, fangurls couldn’t get enough of him. Kyaaaa!

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