YAY! I’m so happy to hear you’re in love with DRRR! as much as anyone who’s smart is! Haha! XD
Aww man, why can’t we just give the OP the award right now and save the trouble? <3
Mikado’s awkwardness is just too adorable though I can’t wait to see how he’ll look badass and all. Expect some major squealfest from moi. :kyaa:
And Kida-kun! Kida-kun, Kida-kun, Kida-kun! :cute:
Aww, too true, Mamo-kun has been missed so much but I'm glad he's back. And it's nice seeing him play lighter-hearted characters than heavy-angst ones he's been doing before his wedding and baby. Yay for that! *supports Mamo-kun to the fullest* :cheer:
Uwah, the seiyuu cast for this series is just too awesome for words. I can't wait to hear all of them after the characters interact more. That should be interesting.
Hehe, Spice and Wolf and Durarara!!'s novels have the same publishers as well. xD
You're quite right. At least awesome headless dudette is implied to be a woman judging on her name. Also, she's not exactly flat-chested. XD;
Poor girl with the scar seems very traumatized. *wonders if she'll die soon* …*gasp!* :freeze2:
And SRSLY! I want those singles NAO!!! because waiting is not smexy at all! *pulls a Shizuo and throws fridge up into the air* :rage:
Anyways, can’t wait to see Anri and Shinra~ <3
Hmm, yes, I think this one got a safe budget so consistency should be fine as long as DVD sales are good. :thumb:
I've got nothing more to add to all the rest of the awesome stuff you already said (cuz to describe this show other than AWESOME! is…not as awesome) so I'll just end it here.
Oh wait, one small correction: This show probably IS the Winter season. Hopefully. 😀
All characters in Durarara!! are made of win~
Ryuugamine is so cute~ i love his (;´Д`) expression in the chat xD
and Kida is love of course with his charismatic charm <3
I liked the otakus and Simon, they seem nice~
Lol @ Shizuo and flying fridges/people/whatever, that's definetly something new xD I love him and Izaya already, even though they were barely mentioned this episode.
That girl with scar..the skin on her head looked like it had different color from the body, ""orz. But maybe I'm imagining things?
DRRR!! really is THE show of the season with great OP/ED, looking forward to spend 6 months watching it! :3
Love the episode!The shifting between Mikado,the headless rider and the online chat were very fresh!Btw,anybody else notice the giant tv showing Baccano in the background? ^^
Lol! Sorry but I’m not into long posts today so I’ll keep this short 🙁
The first episode was just AMAZING!!! And I think that the headless dudette is a girl too because … I think she has breasts :ohohoho:
I love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT! I like the characters so far. Kida is definitely my favorite. The OP and ED are amazing! This show is love! Can’t wait for more!
so im not the only one who saw the baccano cameo in the background of the city right?
it was totally jaccuzi and nice, around like 6 minutes and 30 seconds in.
but totally loving this series. can’t wait for episode 2!
Do you mind if you reupload the opening viedo again cause at one part of it, the picture wont move and when it started moving, some of the picture is skipped.
OMG I DIDNT EXPECT PEOPLE LOVES DURARARA! as much AS I DO . wholy crap this is a good anime so far.Ecepecally the headless Girl. thats amazing. LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERES IN THIS ANIME ALREADY, :love: : ) this is the first too.!~ :thumb:
Really really great episode! I absolutely love the atmosphere and the way everything is presented.I love the lights and busy feel just like you. The headless girl is absolutely interesting. The main character isn’t as lame as I thought he would be 😛 actually , he isn’t lame at all. Im looking forward to how he develops. The Girl, that has yet to appear is cute n interesting as well. he couple shown in the OP and ED is really cute too. Looks like this is gonna be a great experience. ^_^
Such a great beginning to what looks like, an amazing series. Agreed, love the OP, and the ED song is excellent as well. Such color throughout the city, great start!
POWUH: iLurker with 17 comments
Loving Durarara!! What confused me the most were the chat sessions.
And I’m all for the headless black rider being a girl. That would be her even more epic~~
Can’t wait for more~
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 371 comments
YAY! I’m so happy to hear you’re in love with DRRR! as much as anyone who’s smart is! Haha! XD
Aww man, why can’t we just give the OP the award right now and save the trouble? <3
Mikado’s awkwardness is just too adorable though I can’t wait to see how he’ll look badass and all. Expect some major squealfest from moi. :kyaa:
And Kida-kun! Kida-kun, Kida-kun, Kida-kun! :cute:
Aww, too true, Mamo-kun has been missed so much but I'm glad he's back. And it's nice seeing him play lighter-hearted characters than heavy-angst ones he's been doing before his wedding and baby. Yay for that! *supports Mamo-kun to the fullest* :cheer:
Uwah, the seiyuu cast for this series is just too awesome for words. I can't wait to hear all of them after the characters interact more. That should be interesting.
Hehe, Spice and Wolf and Durarara!!'s novels have the same publishers as well. xD
You're quite right. At least awesome headless dudette is implied to be a woman judging on her name. Also, she's not exactly flat-chested. XD;
Poor girl with the scar seems very traumatized. *wonders if she'll die soon* …*gasp!* :freeze2:
And SRSLY! I want those singles NAO!!! because waiting is not smexy at all! *pulls a Shizuo and throws fridge up into the air* :rage:
Anyways, can’t wait to see Anri and Shinra~ <3
Hmm, yes, I think this one got a safe budget so consistency should be fine as long as DVD sales are good. :thumb:
I've got nothing more to add to all the rest of the awesome stuff you already said (cuz to describe this show other than AWESOME! is…not as awesome) so I'll just end it here.
Oh wait, one small correction: This show probably IS the Winter season. Hopefully. 😀
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 101 comments
Ever stop to think that the traumatized girl with the neck scar IS the headless bike rider? 😉
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 31 comments
All characters in Durarara!! are made of win~
Ryuugamine is so cute~ i love his (;´Д`) expression in the chat xD
and Kida is love of course with his charismatic charm <3
I liked the otakus and Simon, they seem nice~
Lol @ Shizuo and flying fridges/people/whatever, that's definetly something new xD I love him and Izaya already, even though they were barely mentioned this episode.
That girl with scar..the skin on her head looked like it had different color from the body, ""orz. But maybe I'm imagining things?
DRRR!! really is THE show of the season with great OP/ED, looking forward to spend 6 months watching it! :3
POWUH: iLurker with 16 comments
I think the headless rider is a girl. There were hints of hills on its chest~ I wish they showed Shizuo and Orihara though~
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Love the episode!The shifting between Mikado,the headless rider and the online chat were very fresh!Btw,anybody else notice the giant tv showing Baccano in the background? ^^
POWUH: Metanorn Regular and Infamous Nekomata with 91 comments
Lol! Sorry but I’m not into long posts today so I’ll keep this short 🙁
The first episode was just AMAZING!!! And I think that the headless dudette is a girl too because … I think she has breasts :ohohoho:
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
Bbs, the rider really is a girl. 😉
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
I love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT! I like the characters so far. Kida is definitely my favorite. The OP and ED are amazing! This show is love! Can’t wait for more!
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
so im not the only one who saw the baccano cameo in the background of the city right?
it was totally jaccuzi and nice, around like 6 minutes and 30 seconds in.
but totally loving this series. can’t wait for episode 2!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and NPC #1 with 164 comments
Miria and Isaac also had a cameo on a billboard.
POWUH: iLurker with 16 comments
i loved the first episode :cute:
i cant wait for the other episode! :oha:
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
I want more episode with more Izaya Dx
I think I saw a Baccano reference in this episode http://metanorn.kokidokom.net/wp-includes/images/smilies/onion33.gif
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 209 comments
A very solid start and looking forward for more. Also OP and ED are awesome.
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Do you mind if you reupload the opening viedo again cause at one part of it, the picture wont move and when it started moving, some of the picture is skipped.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 94 comments
Oh I’m so not surprised you also loved this series~
YES!!! KIDA’S JOKES ARE LAME BUT THAT’S INDEED PART OF HIS CHARM xD He also reminded me of Tamaki xD Miyano’s really perfect~
POWUH: iLurker with 6 comments
If you read the novels (or even tried to read the manga), it’s already a spoiler who the headless rider is…
And yeah, I can’t wait for JUN-JUN!!!!!!
OMG, I love Mamoru Miyano’s voice —-
I prefer the novels over the manga
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
OMG I DIDNT EXPECT PEOPLE LOVES DURARARA! as much AS I DO . wholy crap this is a good anime so far.Ecepecally the headless Girl. thats amazing. LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERES IN THIS ANIME ALREADY, :love: : ) this is the first too.!~ :thumb:
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 26 comments
Really really great episode! I absolutely love the atmosphere and the way everything is presented.I love the lights and busy feel just like you. The headless girl is absolutely interesting. The main character isn’t as lame as I thought he would be 😛 actually , he isn’t lame at all. Im looking forward to how he develops. The Girl, that has yet to appear is cute n interesting as well. he couple shown in the OP and ED is really cute too. Looks like this is gonna be a great experience. ^_^
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Episode 1 HD + Subbed by gg Fansubs
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Such a great beginning to what looks like, an amazing series. Agreed, love the OP, and the ED song is excellent as well. Such color throughout the city, great start!