Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu ~Purezza – 01

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9 Responses to “Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu ~Purezza – 01”

  1. FuyuMaiden says:

    Aww…I’m almost disappointed there’s no steam. It’s ridiculously hilarious to note how the “steam” moves with the camera. XD Seriously whoever was responsible for it needs to get fired because they have no skilly.

    But what was the point of the steam if it was just like what KyoAni did with that hot springs episode of Fumoffu. The original animation just covered it up (perfectly might I add) anyway.

    Also…wee! Dancing chibi animation! <3

  2. DrJackall says:

    So good this is back!!!
    Shiina is already getting annoying, hope she realizes what you wrote soon XD
    Lol’d so much at Alice holding Dokuro-chan’s Excalibolg!

  3. meteorhouse62 says:

    :thumb: Nice to see this one back, I enjoyed the first season ^^.
    The OP is awesome, the ED is also very cute

  4. Seinime says:

    Loved the OP. Need to marathon this.

  5. Zella says:

    There’s an uncensored(or un-“steamed”) version?? Must check it out now :runs:

  6. Metalsnakezero says:

    That ED is too cute!

  7. warriorhope says:

    Yay someone made Haruka’s spaz into a gif~

  8. NobleX says:

    I was expecting to like this a bit more i guess…
    Lip syncing seems bad to me and characters/situations seem even more… awkward . Also, have “voice actor” jokes suddenly become funny? ❓ (Kampfer also had one or two)

    PS: The steam ruined this episode for me … So bad…

  9. LuluChan92 says:

    I definately love the new OP just like the 1st one!!! Yeah, the “goal”, lol!!!

    I like Alice-chan, she’s so freakin’ cute, and thank god she’s not annoying at all!

    Of course Nobunaga couldn’t be anywhere else when an anime event’s up… But his appearance like a deus machina and “Have fun, you two”… Sure he knows more than he appears to. Beware of Nobunaga-kun!!! Hahahaha!

    Shiina can get as much jealous as she wants, she’s only a sidelines character. Haruka, do your best and reach the “goal” XD.

    I cheer up for Yuuto and Haruka, they’re the main characters, after all, and they look so good together!!! I’m definately gonna watch this anime, but that was positive from the very beginning! See ya!

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