Bakemonogatari: 12

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7 Responses to “Bakemonogatari: 12”

  1. Metalsnakezero says:

    This was a great episode and look forward for the online stream.

  2. meteorhouse62 says:

    This episode is excellent. I couldn’t complain about the loss of Hanekawa because Senjougahar.. err I mean Hitagi, owns every girl in this show. I agree that the wait is all worth it after her long absence. Hitagi, you’re missed!

  3. fenixdown110 says:

    I LOLed at most of this episode. Seeing Araragi in an awkward position while being tempted out of his mind and verbally abused is just hilarious. :XD:

  4. Xiao says:

    Don’t you mean Koyomi is her (man) biatch and she won’t let anyone else have him? |D

    Anyways, I completely agree that this episode was…quite something on its own, even for the whole anime. I still wonder if/when will Hanekawa ever solve her issues with her family and lose the effects of the cat spirit possessing her but Hitagi was too sorely missed so that just took a backseat for now.

    The date was pretty much just awesome. Romantic but not over-the-top cheesy (if you can even call this cheesy cuz I don’t) and just straightforward and honest. Like Senjougahara herself. Lol

    I really like how they took this step forward in her relationship with Araragi as well. They haven’t known each other very long and he’s still very uneasy around her (for good reason, haha) but seeing Hitagi lay out everything before him and hearing him say there wasn’t a thing he didn’t love about her was just so sweet. & who could forget the handholding? D’awww… *fangirl moment* <D

    Other than that, even if this is only a closing for the TV broadcasting, I’m still very satisfied with how SHAFT executed the ending-esque credit roll (omgyes, the starry sky is green~). Can’t wait for the webcast streaming of the rest. ^^

  5. Ernest says:

    you are still going to be reviewing the online ones right?

  6. Vulcan says:

    Sono Hoshi Sora .. Beautiful!! with that Sweet couple there = Perfect!! lol =]

  7. shibis says:

    Senjougahara-san (Hitagi, not her dad!) is just too cute in this one. she trys’ so hard :love:

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