Bakemonogatari: 10

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6 Responses to “Bakemonogatari: 10”

  1. Xiao says:

    I want that OP song so badly. So cute!!! Nadeko~! Kana-san~! :aww:

    haha, well, despite her arc being so short, I still liked the story. Poor girl, though. Hate from jealousy shouldn’t be taken that far this is all your fault, Arararagi but guess it wouldn’t make for interesting plot otherwise.

    Other than the concern of Araragi’s good-intentioned nosiness, NO! Meme, don’t leave~! :huhu:

    And the snake fight…*sigh* Well, I expected a mile better at least. The stills got on my nerves so much and I wanted to smack some SHAFT employee even after the snake shot off. And I thought Araragi’s mouth not moving was my own computer’s fault for being slow. Not. -_-#

    Hope the DVDs will be fix this as well since I already plan on buying them.

    Anyways, can’t wait for Tsubasa’s arc. I don’t really remember if it’s been mentioned before but is Araragi aware of her oddity?
    Well, hope Hitagi comes back as well. Her not being in Nadeko’s arc is understandable but it’s only proper they bring her back for Tsubasa’s…just for the fact that they’re classmates. *don’t really care, just bring her back* 😛

  2. TJ says:

    So disappointing that they ran out of animation during the episode’s climax. The rest of episode was fine, but the end kind of ruined everything.

  3. Ernest says:

    what us this about a webcast and prequel i hear?

    nice review btw and i love the OP also.

  4. Yeah too bad about Nadeko not being much of a character.

    She does little else but round out the fetish set for the harem dynamic. Her back story is there to present and justify the “onii-chan” business and to play the role of “childhood friend” fetish. Otherwise, she doesn’t give anything the way Hachikuji and Kanbaru did.

  5. Rawr says:

    The op song was really HNNNNGH, but otherwise it was quite soothing, actually.

  6. LEED AP says:

    Thank you for a great post

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