Spice and Wolf II: 06 – Fixed

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5 Responses to “Spice and Wolf II: 06 – Fixed”

  1. Smithy says:

    It was a terrific episode and a great story arc. The previous episodes had me on the edge of my seat, with Horo seemingly moving away from Lawrence to Amarti.
    We all forgot what a wise trickster Horo can be, she of course saw through Amarti and Lawrence.

    They really wrote it out well, with terrific direction because as a viewer you get swept away into Lawrence’s view on things and get to feel his frantic running, the heart gripping fear of losing Horo who never seemed more distant in his eyes.
    Loved how you get swept away by the story.
    The entire plot of their evolving relationship and now definitely breaking into romantic territory as it’s undeniable these two are smitten about each other is already nicely accompanied by more deep pondering such as how they could really be together with Horo being a wolf deity.

    And there’s nothing as good as Horo and Lawrence’s dialogues, sparks fly. ^^
    Can’t wait for the rest of the series!

  2. meteorhouse62 says:

    Really really REALLY awesome episode. Horo making it all an act was pretty witty awesome for her to do but I must say that I almost got carried away with what happened on their fight I really thought it’s real.

    Gotta wonder as well what happened to Amarti after that. But who cares… :ohohoho:

  3. kanzeon says:

    Haha this episode is totally entertaining. Horo x Lawrence forever~ :4:

  4. RogOsk says:

    This arc was plain awesome.

  5. fye says:

    Agreed. This arc as a whole is definitely wonderful. I think this brought out the best of the two leads.

    This scene is cute. I can’t really avoid saying that I literally “WOOHOO!”-ed happy getting these two back together.

    Haha, me too. I even raised my fist up in the air! Woohoo!!!

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