Suzumiya Haruhi 2009: Endless Eight



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8 Responses to “Suzumiya Haruhi 2009: Endless Eight”

  1. Toonleap says:

    I thought it was a filler as well…jeez, I spoiled myself reading some blogs and seems next episode should save Kyoani lots of animation time…Hope next episode it will happen… :runs:

  2. Rin says:

    What!? :freeze2: There’s another subbed episode of Haruhi out? *goes to watch it*
    .-= Rin´s last blog ..Kitchen Princess Chapter 47 =-.

  3. cinderbird says:

    Lawl~ I always love how Haruhi trolls everyone. Next episode would be definitely fab.

  4. Anonymous says:

    People who said that this episode sucks are either retards or newfags to Haruhi. This episode is pure slice-of-life fun and for sure the part two of Endless Eight will be awesome.

    • jimi says:

      Yeah, It did suck and son did the next and the next and the next and the next and the neeeeeeexxxxxxttttt. Looks like you are the retard and newfag, eh??

  5. Ashelea says:

    I thought that the episode was perfectly fine… filler or not. But then, I’m quite shallow with what I’m watching and this episode has so much great moments of fun with the SOS Dan and I’m glad that Haruhi wants to make everybody’s summer happy. And I’m also happy with your screenshot of Haruhi and Kyon sleeping on the train trip :blush2:

  6. […] abhorrence of repetition? Which we have yet to see wrt the Endless part of this episode as noted by Metanorn, toonleap and Onibaku while Omni regrets spoiling […]

  7. Radiant says:

    Boy… these 3 episodes suck sooo bad… for those morons who haven’t read the books and call us who have actually read em retards the endless summer ep is the shortest of them all… its just a tiny history in one of the books… it takes only 47 pages out of over 180 in the 5th book… and they made 4 chapters(including the next one which im hopping is the conclusion) out of this??? WTF?? 😡 in the book all is solved on iteration 15,498… at this rate they’re gonna make 8769 (you’ll find out why soon enough… i hope) ep’s of the same shit….

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