07-Ghost: 09 – BROHUG POWAA!



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12 Responses to “07-Ghost: 09 – BROHUG POWAA!”

  1. kirapika says:

    Yep, I agree. One word to describe this episode is AWESOME. ^^ While I was watching the raw, in the first half of the ep. my reaction was T.T :freeze2: :doomed: .

    It’s so sad to see those last moments between Teito and Mikage. While I was reading the manga I was weeping inside but the anime made me feel worse yet how they showed it was just so awesome. >.__<!! Omfg it’s so cute~ <33 :love:

    Your gifs were awesome, btw ;D

    kirapika’s last blog post..Pandora Hearts chapter 18: “..Her being like that seems so dazzling to me, but sometimes.. it also makes me feel bitter.. but she’s warm”

  2. Ashelea says:

    *glomps that gif pic*

    And I totally cried so much on that Brohug scene. I cried on the manga and I cried again T___T. Nuuu Mikage~~~~ 😥 I was totally all “WTF” when Aya-tan’s just control him T___T. Nuu if I could only glue back those wings T ^ T lol.
    And I agree that the animation on this episode is uh-maaaa-zing.

    And omg you are abusing your gif-maker for good! BURUPYAAA~ :kyaa2: !!! FREAKING FREAKING ADORABLE!!! I’m sooo tempted to steal those and make it my wallpaper but I’m too afraid to lose my head lol so no thankies XD. But omg *drools at Man x Dragon p0rn*. Rofl.

  3. mikan-sakura says:


    I really love how Mikhail is presented in the anime! I’m just plain glad to see him and his eyes colored and animated :3

    This episode is a total roller coaster. I’m totally BAWWWing so much when Mikage died and I wanna squish Aya-tan’s face.

    But like the second half comes, there’s all cuteness and craziness and Frau is really funny.


    PS – your gifs are awesome ^^. Especially the Burupya ones~ :omg:

  4. Auntie Heng says:

    :dun: :huhu: 😥 :dun: :huhu: 😥 :dun: :huhu: 😥


    thou i’ve seen this coming for weeks… i still need to mourn over it :rage: :rage:

    reincarnated mikage looks so much like a digimon!!!
    I WANT ONE TOO!!!!!

  5. cherelle says:

    I totally cried when I was still reading this part of the manga back then, then now that there’s the anime, I said to myself that I won’t cry when that scene comes. But now I’m crying so much. Agh! Mikage… 😥

  6. […] Read more from the original source: 07-Ghost: 09 – BROHUG POWAA! | METANORN […]

  7. Summary of thoughts of the episode:
    :kyaa2: :cute: :aww: :huhu: :dun: 😥 :cheer: :dun: :XD: T.T :love:

    blame mikage, burupya, teito, ayanami, frau, and of course the love of my life: MIKHAIL 😉

    Sapphire Pyro’s last blog post..07-Ghost – Episode 9

  8. kikami says:

    this is one of those animes that makes you sad and happy
    ep 9

  9. […] Read more here: METANORN » 07-Ghost: 09 – BROHUG POWAA! […]

  10. Amira says:

    I have an assumption after read the manga and watching the anime and wonder whether you guys agree with my statement. Verloren is looking for the chief-of-heaven’s daughter soul right because he loves her. (Eve is her name). What would you say if Teito/Tiashe is the recarnation of Eve… I mean, even Frau/Zehel said that Teito’s soul is beautiful without being tainted(rare). What would you say. 😉

  11. Amira says:

    I know that it would be a chaos… for sure.. Even, Teito is quite easily blushed if Frau said anything like ‘It is because you’re have a kind heart / curse does not save people’. I mean, if we look closely, Eve in the manga is similar with Teito’s face despite gender. Hahahaha…. I don’t mind if Frau and Teito become a couple.. Hahaha I bless both of you even if God’s not.

  12. Bernard says:

    I cannot give you a Burupya plushie, but here’s one I’m making for someone. XD


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