07-Ghost: 06 – More Exotic Frau Food

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15 Responses to “07-Ghost: 06 – More Exotic Frau Food”

  1. mikan-sakura says:

    If ever 07-Ghost pulls off that monster of the week thing, I’m gonna rip heads apart. Come on Studio Deen, please make this one decent!

    Anyway, still nice episode ^^. Love the new format~

  2. […] See the original post here: 07-Ghost: 06 – More Exotic Frau Food | METANORN […]

  3. Auntie Heng says:

    seems like mikage has uke qualities too ~~


  4. Auntie Heng says:

    castor looks alot like kyouya from ouran

  5. Ashelea says:

    Nothnx at Frau meat in a stick >.>

    MIKHAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIILLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kyaa2:
    OMG the almost awakening scene was so awesome, too bad Frau kind of ruins it when he suddenly came but oh well, Teito’s transformation takes so long anyway, and I guess Frau came at the right time to rescue them ^^.

    Lol at Mikage acting as a damsel in distress as well =P.

    • kanzeon says:

      Yeah, still thanks to Frau’s awesomeness and we’ll get to see more of Mikhail later on anyway ^^. That scene was just a teaser :^_^:

  6. BOCHAN says:

    I find this episode is rather boring, but I won’t drop this

    because I want to see more of FRAU!!! :kyaa2: :kyaa2:

    yeah!!! i can’t ignore him :aww:

    • kanzeon says:

      I agree ^^. :kyaa: A huge part of me watching the anime adaptation is seein more of FRAUU!!!~~ Kyaa~

  7. kirapika says:

    Lol it looks to me as if without Frau, Mikage and Teito would be dead toast by now :XD: *go FRAU~ <33*

    Ughh, I hope they don’t go with the monster-of-the-week thing because that would totally be such a turn-off (not that I mind if I get to continue seeing Frau being awesome). It’s like Shugo Chara (fillers) and Jigoku Shoujo all over again with the total repetition of the routines. *sigh*

    kirapika’s last blog post..Yume Kira Dream Shoppe by MIZUTO Aqua

    • kanzeon says:

      Yep ^^. Frau’s so awesome isn’t he? <3 *melts*

      Yeah -__-... JS did the "customer/client of the week" and I hope this won't fall into being "victim of the week" now.

  8. lynn_may says:

    Kyaah! I love Frau so much. I don’t care if this episode is boring because at least we get to see how Fra rocks so much!!! <3 OMG I love him!!!

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