Basquash!: 01 – Basketball and Mecha?

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7 Responses to “Basquash!: 01 – Basketball and Mecha?”

  1. 53RG10 says:

    I was streaming this and enjoying it, but MegaVideo scr*wed me for going over the 74 min limit…>_>

    But hey, it interested me [what I watched at least] and will give it another try…next time no streaming.

    53RG10’s last blog post..K-ON! – Last Resort to Save a Club

  2. kanzeon says:

    Animation looks fabulous… but OMG Hiro ShiMOEno???? You just dragged me in to try watching this show now!!! :kyaa2:

  3. fye says:

    I just watched it and the animations was really good. As expected of course from the maker of Macross Frontier.

  4. Omisyth says:

    BASQUASH OMGWTFBBQ :omg: :omg: :aww: T.T :cute: :nosebleeds: :runs:

    Omisyth’s last blog post..Final Thoughts on Ghost Hunt

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  6. Pjal says:

    i quite enjoy watching dunk mask mecha play basketball.. looking forward for the 2nd episode!

    the ED is also gooooood~~ :omg:

  7. Ashelea says:

    I just watched this one and I must say it’s so good! I HATE basketball and mecha but ironically, I love the first episode of this one XD.

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