Kannagi: 01 – Is this anime about showbiz?


One of the shows that caught my attention this Fall season was Kannagi. At first, I thought that this show would very much not be my type but it totally proved me wrong, well, for the first episode at least. I love love love the OP sequence, from the same director of Hare Hare Yukai and Motteke!Serafuku Yamamoto Yutaka, comes another soon-to-be anime dance hit, motto笘・ade ni ne! [More笘・orgeously]. The sequence shows Nagi in showbusiness, added with a cool concert dance number and comedic scenes. It was very entertaining and it easily got stuck on my head. I must say that it gains a spot on my Absolute Anime Openings and it’s one of the better ones this year.


The show starts in a flashback where the main protagonist of the story, Jin Mikuriya, plays with a spider. Then a long-haired shrine maiden appears and disappears out of the blue, along with the spider. Lol what a way to start the show… On to the present day, Jin sculpted out a statue out of a scared tree.


Later, he just saw that the statue is cracking up and a blue-haired girl comes out of it, Nagi. Nagi takes the form of a human because of the sculpture’s shape. Nagi is the sacred tree’s deity, the tree which is now cut and Jin was the one who carved something out of it, which is the sculpture. Somehow, the blue-haired girl on Jin’s childhood was actually Nagi, but Nagi doesn’t seem to remember anything about it.


Nagi became very frustrated amongst the insects surrounding the sacred shrine. She calls them impurities. When the insects somehow touches her skin, it becomes reddish or it looks like it had been wounded. Jin managaes to flick the creature off, which made Nagi say that he’s not a ‘normal’ human being.


While watching television, Nagi became inspired on a Mahou-Shoujo show, which made her get the idea of putting up her own wand to repel the insects from the shrine away. Lol, she WORKS those ‘Mahou-Shoujo” moves!


Eeeek! Why do they always show a lot of spiders in this show?!


Nagi was successful in driving out the impurities on the shrine but she still has no place to stay. Jin got dragged along now and let Nagi live in his house while they share chores and stuff. It also shows that Nagi was choosy when it terms to food, for she only favors fabulous ones. Jin now buys her clothes, blushes from her underwear, cooks her food and blushes on her underwear (did I just said that again?)…


Kan chats…

Lol I love Jin when he always blushes! It gets cuter and cuter evertime he blushes!






Well I guess this one’s not counted as blushing.. But he’s still funny as hell.

I guess I’ll continue blogging this series might as well. I haven’t read the manga so I’m very curious on how will the story go. I also feel like a vibe of Ah! My Goddess in this show but I don’t know if it’s just me though. I really like the idea of a “magical girl popping out of nowhere” as well as the “living on the same roof” thing. I find it very funny and cute. The ED theme was slow and unwinding. Seiyuu-speaking, Tomatsu Haruka did an excellent job in voicing Nagi. Hirono Hiro is one of my fave seiyuus from his work on ef and Tadashi on SA so I’m alright with him too. I’ll leave you now with this scene which suprised me to hell. I really can’t stop laughing at this scene so…








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7 Responses to “Kannagi: 01 – Is this anime about showbiz?”

  1. Kitsune says:

    I like your selection of screenshots for the post 🙂

    Yes, the song is quite good, I just don’t like that it promotes breaking speed limits while driving to teenagers 😛

    This anime is fun and I expect it to get even better because they put together a great production team that should deliver.

    While we do have live-with-goddess situation, it appears very different from Ah My Goddess to me. Both anime can be considered comedies, but Ah My Goddess has many more dramatic and romantic elements.

  2. […] kanzeon wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI find it very bfunny/b and cute. The ED theme was slow and unwinding. Seiyuu-speaking, Tomatsu Haruka did an excellent job in voicing Nagi. Hirono Hiro is one of my fave seiyuus from his work on ef and Tadashi on SA so I窶冦 alright with b…/b […]

  3. FuyuMaiden says:

    Ah, this anime…and that OP. It really kind of surprised me by being so good because it’s just another thing I didn’t even intend to watch.

    Jin really blushes so much and about the tiniest things too. Ah, cracks me up. I’m glad he has some little quirk because he seemed too normal otherwise!

  4. EvilDevil says:

    I think i have gone blind… and deaf…

  5. kanzeon says:

    @Kitsune: Lol, but I love the dance in the song ^_^. And besides from Ah! My Goddess, it also reminds me of Spice and Wolf and Mokke… That’s just me though…

    @FuyuMaiden: Yup :D. Without that he would blend in to the millions of other harem anime boys… Right now, I worry for him because of what will happen later on this show.

    @omisyth: Lol that ToraDora parrot XD… Only a beak is missing and they’ll look like twins ^_^

    @EvilDevil: Oops sorry ^_^ Next time I’ll put up a warning…

  6. Shin says:

    Jin sure has a nice smooth butt. Can’t wait for idol Nagi in the weeks to come!

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