Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei Herz! – 2weitte
This is just too good not to make my lead image!
Absolute Duo – 08
Tomoe can’t believe the things she see’s this episode! (Some of the pics are saucy!)
Awooooo Too! (link and clip have sound)
Beach Showdown Ace Pilot vs. Ninja Accountant Round One! Fight!
This is just too good not to make my lead image!
This is the episode that fans can get behind…
Tomoe can’t believe the things she see’s this episode! (Some of the pics are saucy!)
I feel the confusion too, Yura.
The search for Imouto continues and the To-Love-Ru Darkness OVA debuts
Phi Brain beach episode. THAT IS THE CAPTION. I’M DONE.
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