Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu – 14
“…it’s like the one time I took Haruhi’s powers…”, “eeeeehhhhhh”
Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu – 12
Civil Secret Crisis of Infinite House of Yuki Convergence Flashpoint Identity Wars?
…moving mountains…
This is the episode that fans can get behind…
“…it’s like the one time I took Haruhi’s powers…”, “eeeeehhhhhh”
Nagato-san goes back to her “roots”
Civil Secret Crisis of Infinite House of Yuki Convergence Flashpoint Identity Wars?
Let’s go deeeeper….
…whither Yuki-chan…
Yeah, just leave Koizumi behind….
Uh oh, we can see where this is going…
Lots of things can happen by mistake
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