Bringing some excitement from STGCC!
We are bringing you some more convention excitement from Singapore!
Happy birthday, Sumairii!
Time for August’s first birthday and it’s our Mad Scientist, Sumairii!
Welcome to METANORN’s Winter Anime Catalogue of 2015!
Special interview with Rider’s seiyuu Yuu Asakawa at COSPAR 3!
Welcome to METANORN’s Fall Anime Catalogue of 2014!
Last updated on 27th September: for latest PV and seiyuu info.
Time for a special day for Kyokai!
An exciting convention, where I was lucky enough to walk away with the Nao Shirahane’s drawing of Eiri.
We are bringing you some more convention excitement from Singapore!
Time for August’s second birthday and it’s our Tech Guru, Will’s!
Here comes Indonesia’s biggest anime festival!
Time for August’s first birthday and it’s our Mad Scientist, Sumairii!
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