Metanorn Readers’ Choice Awards 2013 Nomination Call
Update: Deepest apologies from the organizers because we could not finish the polls on time and it became too late for actual launch.
Comic Fiesta 2013 – Panels Coverage
Comic Fiesta 2013 Panels Highlight
Winter Anime Catalogue 2014
Welcome to METANORN’s Winter Anime Catalogue of 2014!
Interview your favourite fandom celebrities
We are attending Comic Fiesta this year as well and we have an advance treat for you to be involved in special interviews!
10 Million Views and Counting
We are still flaunting organized chaos and take fangirling seriously. A humble THANK YOU to our community is in order.
Happy Birthday, Miyu!
Time for this month’s only birthday; of our very own loli, Miyu’s!
Fall Anime Catalogue 2013
Welcome to METANORN’s Fall Anime Catalogue of 2013!
Happy Birthday, Will!
It’s time for another Birthday party and this time, for our Geek Extraordinaire: Will’s!
Happy Birthday, Sumairii!
Today is a special day for Sumairii!
Happy Birthday, Jrow!
Time for another Birthday party and this time it’s Jrow’s!